Midtown Madness

Apparently yesterday there was an event called Monday Midtown Madness (or any combination of the three) which resulted in me playing for roughly 6h straight, something I hadn’t done in a while, in any game. It was just the right amount of carrot on a stick it seems.
Go to Midtown, wait a while, kill 2-5 event bosses, loot, have no bagspace, go donating to level up your vendor, wait up to 3 minutes or how long you needed to check all the gear that dropped from the loot chests or cards, repeat.
Yep, that escalated quickly. I got from 35 to over 42 with no additional XP than the events, a whole new set of equip, about 15 Uniques and 6 Uru-Forged and still 20 loot chests in the bank that I will postpone opening until I run out of bank space again (they always drop loot of your level, that’s why it makes sense to keep them).
Oh, and I got one of these now:
(generated by this page and of course Green Armadillo pointed me to it)
I think this was the first post written in wordpress.com’s new editor, not sure I like it, but it seems to work well enough. I have no clue what “Featured Image” does, I nearly didn’t find “Add Media” and I don’t see how the final url will look, that’s especially bad.

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