Gaming plans for 2013

So, having just vented that I don’t enjoy WoW as much as i used to, what’s next?
For now I’m not cancelling my sub, just lowering play time. I’ve patched LotRO again this week and made 2 levels on my Hobbit Bard, now level 22. It’s a little weird, as usual, especially as I use a different keyboard for now, but quite fun. Need to read some guide again, though. (Yes, I’m that kind of person. Too lazy to try out all the stuff myself, too incompetent to just figure it out quickly and too competitive to not bother.)
There’s one title I’ve been anticipating a lot for a while now, WildStar, and one that I’m at least looking forward to, although not being sold entirely yet, Starbound.
And I plan on keep on ignoring these titles in the near future despite having them installed: Runes of Magic, SW:TOR and DDO.
Besides that I’m still searching for the one Roguelike I love (haven’t found it yet) and maybe I’ll finish my own game in a few years. We’ll see.

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