Time for an update on Marvel Heroes I guess:
BOGO happened and this time I gave in. You might notice that there’s 4 new characters on the roster, which brings me to 21 Heroes, 17x Level 60.
I bought X-23 (and got Wolverine from my Random Hero Box) then Black Widow (and got Doctor Strange). First I levelled Black Widow, as she had recently had a review and she was pretty fun to play. After that I started with Winter Soldier (finally, he was my 13th Hero) but then wanted to try X-23 as I had heard good things. Yes, it was fun š
I also started with Wolverine and actually did more story mode to get some moreĀ achievements, but after chapter 1 already decided that this is kind of moot and dusted off Miss Marvel (who can fly) to find all the events and hidden rooms. I haven’t written about achievements yet, but they are fun – so far. I especially like the whacky ones, like Hawkeye’s “Kill 1000 Ninjas with Melee Powers” – which I do by entering the Hand Tower on Normal and killing everything with Ronin Lunge. Should be done in 10-11 runs. Then again there’s this other achievement to kill 1000 Ninjas with a certain Any Hero-Unique equipped, so I’ll probably put that in at the same time, as I only have a third done.
Hawkeye got prestiged twice more after having found the fun with him again (and honestly, the purple name suits his current costume a lot better then white or green…) on Midtown Monday. Captain is blue, which looks good – but Human Torch could use 2 more to be orange, maybe this is not the smartest idea:
Scarlet Witch 5x for red, Hulk 1x for green, Ghost Rider 4x for orange, Deadpool 5x for red, Iron Man 5x for red, Nightcrawler 2x for blue, Wolverine 5+++x for cosmic yellow….
I bought 2 more Hero Stashes I think, so down to 1530G now. I’m also at over 250 Eternal Splinters again, so will probably randomize 1-2 more once I hit 350.
Like Wilhelm, I don’t like the new editor at all, and this is the first post I fully wrote in it. Let’s see if I at least manage to get all the important settings right.