So many Heroes

This weekend it was Marvel Heroes again for the most part – how surprising.
First of all, the roster got another upgrade: Thor via 175 Eternity Splinters, then Daredevil via Black Friday Sale (325G) and lucked out on Silver Surfer via BOGO from Daredevil. \o/
First Magik got to 60 and I’ve been running some Cosmic Terminals already, then finished Doctor Strange and finally brought Silver Surfer from 1 to 60 today. He’s really fun to play, and my first Movement Hero (if you don’t count Nova…)
Captain Marvel, Hulk, Star-Lord and Thing are the only non-Level 1 Heroes that are missing Power points because they were levelled without Story Mode, so that’s something to do once I’m out of non-maxed Heroes. All the others sit at 166 (or 169 with the Limbo quest done) points.
For how much money I spent.. 16 EUR for 2100G in August and November, 980G left – I can really live with that amount of money.
After the STASH changes, I’m sitting at 8 General tabs and 23 Hero tabs – and still running out of space all the time. Curse you, Gazillion 😛

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