Goodbye MMO Fallout

It’s kind of rare (I think) that blogs have dedicated “Goodbye” posts, most linger on without updates (guilty as charged) only to be removed from RSS readers after years of inactivity.

In line with the more professional tone of the website, I nearly missed the announcement that MMO Fallout is shutting down. Why did I miss it? It’s one of those blogs I don’t check very often – I’ve been reading it regularly for years, but only checking what happened in a burst once or twice a month. I also might have mentioned that I mostly read MMO blogs where I follow the authors – no matter what they’re playing at the time – more than a single game. Connor was an exception insofar (as hinted above) as there wasn’t much “Let me tell you a story what happened ingame last night” but writing about topics I *usually* don’t really care much about (lawsuits, financials, Runescape :P), but MMOFallout was always interesting, so thanks for that!

Hat tip to Wilhelm where I read about it (as I often do) because in the summer months when I don’t commute by public transport, my MMO blog reading goes down significantly compared to the winter.

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