New season! While 19 was pretty awesome and a lot of fun, 20 wasn’t off to a good start. I read a few posts (Icy Veins etc) what’s good to play this time around, because I don’t feel especially skilled or hardcore with most specs, so I’ll happily take “easy mode”. I had fun playing Witch Doctor in the past, so Witch Doctor it was.
As usual I got boosted to 70 pretty quickly, but felt a little weaker than usual, even with my 4 piece set bonus, but despite that I just managed my GR 20 solo (with 7:30 to spare and no death) but only because I got some massive upgrades in the last Rift I did before this. 7h 40mins, Paragon 127, 6 piece set bonus acquired. Let’s see what’s next, so far this spec doesn’t look very much fun, but I’ll try to not be overly pessimistic.