Doing WoW things at max level

With the launch around 2 weeks ago I managed to slowly (or not so slowly) leveling 3 characters to 80 now: Fury Warrior, Assassination Rogue, and Elemental Shaman. Started with a Demonology Warlock at 71.

We’re not starting to raid this week, but only in about 10 days, and we seem to have around 15 people interested, that’s good. We decided to go with “570+ iLvl for Normal” which should be easily doable even for the people just starting to level now. We’ve done a couple Heroics via dungeon finder and in guild, most are too easy, some bosses have really odd mechanics. Let’s see how M0 will work out.

I’m done with all the Sojourner quest achievements, the exploration ones, many rares, all the flying glyphs and it’s been oddly quick to progress this far,

And I’m undecided between Assassination and Fury.

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