Raiding Nerub-ar Palace Week 1

We did get 13 people together after all for the first raid last Sunday, although our Priest had a power outage right after invites (power outages are kinda rare here in Germany).

So we did manage to kill the first 5 bosses without a lot of resistance (one wipe on boss 3 and 5) but had to switch one person to healing for the first fight (our Priest rejoined when power came back after the first one).

On Tuesday we had 13 again, killed the sixth boss on the second pull and then wiped 14 times on the seventh boss, oof. Apparently Dragonflight raids were easier, or we were missing some key players.

Oh, and I decided to go with Assassination and it kinda worked out (got my 4pc Tier Set last night as well) but my damage doesn’t feel great. Some of it surely is lack of practice but especially on that last fight with 2 bosses and adds I wished for my Fury Warrior, I bet I could have done a lot more there.

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