Trust me, I am an Engineer
With my WoW subscription gone and no more rested XP on my Medic, I was keen on finally trying out an Engineer.
So here he is, again a randomized character as a base that was moderately tweaked. I really love the purple armor.
In other news, I checked all my housing plots and added the “cheap starter edition” of well-rested buffs, which is:
- Medium Comfort: Red Rug, 50s
- Medium Lighting: Aurin Hoogle Lamp, 50s
- Large Ambience: Charming Bar, 5g
- Large Aroma: Wooden Wall Planter, 1g 50s
- Large Pride: Chua Bookcase (Tall), 4g
That’s 11g 50s for 3 Large and 2 Medium buffs, directly from your vendor.
Trust me, I am an Engineer