The Daily Routine

I brought this on myself but currently there’s GW2 to log in for the daily login reward, then there’s EVE with all the accounts which grant a daily login award after 13:00, SWTOR (which doesn’t remember the password and needs the 2FA code) after 13:00, then I can do a few dailies and World Quests and progress the story a bit in WoW, and then I haven’t started with FFXIV.

On logging in my 3-4 retainers are waiting with their finished 18h Venture, there’s Expert Roulette for a few days to cap my highest-tier tomestones, the MSQ is too good on EXP to not queue up with a non-max level job (but at least I can browse or chat during the cutscenes), then sometimes I feel like doing the other roulettes, Trial or Level or even 50/60/70/80 (but not PvP). Then I still have some Beast Tribes to do. Pixies are really quick for good EXP on a 7x char, I started Qitari recently and want to finish Namazu – and don’t forget to check Grand Company turnins for some quick wins.

And that’s without the weeklies. Wondrous Tails, the 4 wings of Aspho on normal (especially the 4th one, but they are kinda quick), then Custom Deliveries as long as my DoH jobs are not at max level (missing Goldsmith and Leatherworker atm, both at 83ish) and maybe I even forgot something. Oh right, the Fashion thing and Cactpot. I totally gave up on Mini Cactpot, by the way.

On the other hand I feel like I’m progressing at a nice pace – all of the jobs I wanted at 90 are at 90, gear is shared inside a role (which is awesome) and I feel like I could skip most daily things if I lacked the time, which isn’t the case at the moment.

I guess it makes sense to not play too many MMOs when just one can absolutely fill your daily gaming time even if there’s plenty of it.

Speaking of WoW, I must have missed the reason why we went to Zereth Mortis, or it’s not such a cool thing that I forgot already. The zone is… ok I guess? I am completely happy to focus on just one character (which I already did in 9.1) and ignore the gear threadmill for now. I’m still at 240-241 iLvl and Sepulcher will drop 252 on normal. I am not running M+ but I’ll see that I get the World Boss done every week. Also maybe the Cypher will provide an upgrade or two, when I spent enough research.

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It’s a weird month. Lost Ark launched and I wanted to take a look. Today SWTOR’s new expansion Legacy of the Sith launched and I actually patched, logged in, and tried out the new character creation. We got a date for WoW’s 9.2 patch and I’m unsure if I want to get back and raid.

All this and I’m kinda busy with FFXIV. We seem to have added a 2nd (short) raid day without me really noticing and hardly anyone needs any drops from P1S anymore on their main class. We made some good progress on P2S already and maybe Sunday we’ll succeed… at least my EVE sub lapses in a few days, so I’d technically be free to pay for a 2nd MMO again (with my self-imposed limit of a maximum of 2 concurrent subs).

The question is if I want to. Maybe I’ll manage to find out if I can get by on my Preferred SWTOR account and have a meaningful peek without having to sub right now, then give WoW a chance for a single month, and then see how I feel about either of them…

Bad timing, this month is too busy.

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MMOs that lived and died

Paeroka linked to an interesting post of 25 MMOs that came and went since WoW went live and the overlap to what I played or even know a little about is a lot smaller than I expected.

  • The Matrix Online – I was interested in the franchise, but it launched around the time I was still playing Ragnarok and had just started with WoW. Bad timing
  • Pirates of the Caribbean Online – I can’t imagine I missed this so it’s much more likely that I dismissed it, because like The Matrix, the original film in this series is one of my favorite movies of all time.
  • Hello Kitty Online – I tried it for a day because someone said it wasn’t as bad as it sounded. I think it was a little boring, if I remember correctly.
  • Darkfall – I only knew about this game because Syncaine wrote about it a lot
  • Everquest Landmark & Next – I tried EQ2 for a day and didn’t really like it, then I tried WoW and did like it. End of the story.
  • Tabula Rasa – Another one of those “sounds interesting, but I’m busy with other stuff”. Incidentally, “Blue Turns to Grey”, the final track is one of my favorite MMO pieces:

And now the ones I actually played:

  • Warhammer: Age of Reckoning – I was pretty excited for this one and the Collector’s Edition box still sits where I can see it. Sadly the game didn’t hold me for very long. It just wasn’t as good as WoW, no one I knew played it and it had some problems with endgame as I heard. I think I started reading Syp‘s blog posts back on his old Warhammer blog, so that’s a good 10 years.
  • WildStar – I wrote quite a bit about this game on this blog, maybe not enough. It was awesome at the start, it was fun in the middle… but in the end the raiding didn’t seem fun and even the 5mans weren’t my thing, They did a lot of things very right but apparently also enough things not right enough.
  • Marvel Heroes – now this is the game I played the most on this list, by a long stretch even. Sure I did take breaks, but I spent ~1500 hours between late December 2014 and summer 2017 in this game, played 56 heroes in this game and even did a cosmic prestige once. I blame Green Armadillo for this one.

PS: Naithin recommended the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin to finally have OpenGraph blurbs and pictures so I’ve been dying to get a new post up for the last few days. Let’s see if this works 😛

PPS: And I just noticed again how long I’ve been following some bloggers, so three cheers for the people who also have kept blogging for 10 years 🙂

PPPS: Everwake and Rakuno also posted on the topic

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Starting with Marvel Heroes

In a state of general interest, specific boredom a few days ago and having read Green Armadillo’s posts on the topic I started with Marvel Heroes under the premise that it seems to be close to Diablo in game play and I always liked Diablo-style games.
So first of all, you play as a Marvel hero you might or might not know, there’s no partial character look customization (only paid full costume options afaik) and it’s Free 2 Play with IAPs.
When starting you nowadays get 11 Heroes you can play to level 10, then are allowed to uncap one of those, i.e. be allowed to play them to Level 60, the current level cap.
Right now these starting heroes are: Hawkeye, Black Widow, Storm, Cyclops, Rocket Raccoon, Human Torch, Punisher, Colossus, Black Panther, Luke Cage and Captain America
There’s also a daily login bonus and on your 2nd day you get enough in game currency to buy 1 (or 2, if everything is 50% off for the holidays) additional Heroes. I decided to invest 10$ to get 3 more Heroes, so here’s my lineup now:

  • Human Torch, uncapped for free (currently level 14)
  • Storm, from a random hero item for 175 Splinters (currently level 7ish)
  • Ghost Rider, my second random for 175 Splinters (yay)
  • Gambit, bought for 450G (= 4.5$)
  • Hawkeye, bought for 225G (currently level 11)
  • Scarlet Witch, bought for 225G

Heroes I’d like to have but wasn’t willing to pay money now (and really, 6 characters makes this roughly as many classes as Diablo 3 had, so should be about the same replayability factor, if only for alting/classes): Captain America, Colossus, Deadpool, Iron Man, Nightcrawler, Punisher, Rogue
The other 30 (43 – 6 – 7) didn’t look hugely interesting to me right now, but we’ll see how long I’ll play and if there are more sales offers.
A major drawback seems to be the bank space, which of course can be bought for real money, but as countless MMOs have taught me, stuff you get in the first half of the game is hardly worth keeping around, so I don’t see any problems for now. And unlike the 50% off of Heroes for this holiday sale I’m not pressed to buy that now, I’ll play more than 10h first.
That said, I had a lot of fun in those 10h and it seems to be one of those “play for a quick 30min” games more than a “omg, I spent 5h now” for me, so I’d say I’m happy I gave them a few bucks and think got a good worth in return. I’m usually not that easily pulled in by sales, I only own those Humble Bundles with games I really wanted (although I looked at nearly all of them on time) and I’m not even sure I got any game on Steam this time (besides Hammerwatch, which also plays like Diablo, and is also totally awesome, but it might have been a week before the holiday sale).
Oh, and Marvel Heroes Items Base seems to be very good.

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Trust me, I am an Engineer

With my WoW subscription gone and no more rested XP on my Medic, I was keen on finally trying out an Engineer.
So here he is, again a randomized character as a base that was moderately tweaked. I really love the purple armor.
In other news, I checked all my housing plots and added the “cheap starter edition” of well-rested buffs, which is:

  • Medium Comfort: Red Rug, 50s
  • Medium Lighting: Aurin Hoogle Lamp, 50s
  • Large Ambience: Charming Bar, 5g
  • Large Aroma: Wooden Wall Planter, 1g 50s
  • Large Pride: Chua Bookcase (Tall), 4g

That’s 11g 50s for 3 Large and 2 Medium buffs, directly from your vendor.

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