Completed: Pony Island

I saw the trailer for Pony Island quite some time ago. It looked quite interesting, but not enough to instantly buy it. Thanks to the Winter Sale it was cheap enough that I got it. (Yes, I do feel a little bad for buying things only on sale, but looking at my games buying history of the last years.. I wouldn’t have bought it, really. So this is kind of the only way the creators get some money. :/)
I just “finished” it after 2.6 hours (12/20 achievements) and I could’ve probably shaved off 5 minutes by sucking less at jumping ๐Ÿ˜› I’ll probably continue looking for the missing nooks and crannies, but the game told me I beat it, hence this post ๐Ÿ™‚
TLDR: It’s awesome. And quirky. And weird. ย Go buy and play it.

Completed: Pony Island