Back to WoW

Yeah that was a little weird. When we knew the new patch with the new raid was coming I posted in our guild Discord and asked about the raid start, got no answer, so I stayed unsubscribed. Then on Sunday, 1h before the raid someone noticed I wasn’t signed up and by chance I saw it half an hour later, while busy with dinner. And then I actually managed to finish dinner, subscribe, patch up, get my addons in order and hit the instance portal on the minute and wasn’t even the last person.

Anyway, week one we managed to get 7/8 normal and then the second week we got to 7/8 on the first day and then killed Gallywix and also the first boss on Heroic on Tuesday. I’m the lowest item level player in the raid, so I guess I should get a bit of gear. Had a vacation day today though so I managed to run some Delves and get some pieces, now I’m maybe only the second lowest item level.

I briefly wrote about Timewalking in December, I had gotten a couple chars to max level, and my Horde Hunter to 74, Horde Monk to 76ish, Horde DK to 75 and Horde Priest to 71 – I played the Monk for a bit, so she’s 80 now as well. That makes 15 max level chars (no Evoker, 2 Warriors, 2 Paladins, 2 Monks)

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One hundred seventy million

Last post in November.

Skill category             Points     No. of skills
Spaceship Command         53,247,373  71 *
Gunnery                   26,270,043  54 *
Missiles                  17,171,531  26 *
Drones                    14,084,257  24 *
Navigation                11,235,607  13 *
Engineering                7,970,708  15 *
Shields                    6,446,588  12 *
Fleet Support              5,643,516  15 *
Armor                      5,257,098  12 *
Electronic Systems         5,035,494  15 *
Subsystems                 4,096,000  16
Targeting                  3,840,000   8
Neural Enhancement         1,913,570   7
Scanning                   1,899,374   7
Science                    1,824,280  19 *
Rigging                    1,237,885  10 *
Trade                      1,066,275   8
Resource Processing          976,960  10
Social                       434,510   6
Planet Management            394,040   4
Production                   276,743   4
Structure Management         141,515   7 *
Corporation Management           250   1

Skills at Level 5:   178
Skills at Level 4:   127
Skills at Level 3:    24
Skills at Level 2:     4
Skills at Level 1:    31
Skills at Level 0:     5

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Not feeling it

Not sure what it is with FFXIV and me not really vibing for long stretches. This time it lasted for 4 days + 1 month but I find myself just grinding away at duty roulette and checking boxes, having some amount of fun but not really. I have about 36h more to decide if I should unsub again, but I’m leaning towards it. I’ve done zero “endgame” content and I’m not missing it one bit. With me checking in and out of the game it feels like grinding gear (even if it’s fast) is pointless. Maybe I just suck at being a normal casual player. Either I go raid and give 100% or I’m so ultra casual that I level stuff and do (easy) achievements and not even do the raid at max level.

But I guess it’s better to pull the plug now and just… come back when I feel like it, even if it’s in 2 weeks or 2 months and not when the next big patch hits.

Also WoW’s 11.1 patch should have launched this week and I guess we’ll be raiding again, not that I’m particularly enthusiastic about that, but I’m looking forward to playing with my guild and seeing the new content, at least.

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That fresh car smell

I’ve been playing FFXIV since February 2019 now – and 95% was spent on a single character, my Miqo’te. At some point (probably 2022) I got nosy and started a Lalafell on Cerberus (same DC) and played him for a bit, Level 30 Summoner/Scholar and Level 30 Warrior, but have not really played him since.

Some time ago they changed how characters and realms work though, so with the cheaper subscription I can now have several characters on my main realm – so I deleted a Level 1 Viera I had made (and never logged in) at some point and remade her on my main realm (the Save Character thing is so handy!) and played a bit, in like 3 sessions. Pugilist to Level ~8, then Pugilist to Level ~14, and today Gladiator from 1-16 and Pugilist to 16.

All in all just like 2 hours, I think – but it just feels like a completely different game at those low levels.

I mean, most MMOs work like this that you start out as a complete noob, have mobs around you that aren’t even aggressive, you get a level up every couple minutes… and yet it feels even more different in FFXIV. I think it’s because if you get some bonus XP (even before the 30% XP earring), and so some quests, you really need to pay attention to not completely overlevel everything – much more than in WoW. I’m talking “do 1 quest, kill 5 mobs, new level” at Level 14, not at Level 2.

And on the other hand once you’re past 50 (or even after your earring expired at 70 or 80, as I don’t have the 90 one)… all I do is trying to minmax my leveling time – like 5 random duties here, three good dailies there, hand in some stuff for Crafting and Gathering (usually 2-3 per day, whatever is cheap) – and then the weekly chores like Deliveries and Wondrous Tails. But it feels pointless to go out in the world and just do all zone quests, you need to like 50 of them for a level (at least it feels that way) – even if you include FATEs.

Yeah, sometimes it’s nice to just start a new WoW character and also rush through levels, but I think the band is much narrower. It’s the same game, just quicker. You would still either chain run dungeons, or in my case blast through zones questing and doing World Quests.

I don’t know, it’s kinda weird. On the one hand it feels close enough and yet completely different, on the other hand it feels a little pointless, as I’m happy with my main, but I have no jobs under 50 left.

I think I’m just glad I don’t even like the looks of most FFXIV races, so I’m not even tempted to have many alts, or meaningful alts at all. I just wish I could do more things in one 4h block and less “I could spend 2h every day”, but I guess that’s the way it is if you don’t enjoy doing all the things that give good XP.

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Magic the Gathering and Final Fantasy

Today I learned that there will be a Final Fantasy Expansion/Set/Promo/Crossover for Magic The Gathering and I noticed I’d never written about it here.

I learned about Magic: The Gathering in 1995 I think, when some people at school played it. I don’t know the exact date but I know that the Homelands expansion was fresh and 4th edition (1995) was current.

Our local game shop often had Fallen Empires (1994) boosters as well, and there was a German version of Chronicles (called Renaissance) (both 1995) – at least as far as I can tell. Oh, and Ice Age was also released in 1995, wow.
Then we got Alliances and Mirage in 1996 and Visions and 5th Edition in 1997, also Portal, Weatherlight and Tempest. When 1998 with Exodus, Portal Second Age and Urza’s Saga rolled around I was already not playing as much anymore, or maybe still playing from time to time but not buying any new cards.

The 1999 releases Urza’s Legacy, Urza’s Destiny, Mercadian Masques still sound familiar, but I don’t really remember this Classic Sixth Edition and Portal: Three Kingdoms.

Apparently I came back for a bit for 8th Edition (2003) because I have some cards and I remember the name Mirrodin. Then I’m drawing a complete blank except that I heard about Ravnica, but without context.

It’s fascinating that it’s been around for 32 years now, over 3/4 of the time I’m alive – and yet I only really participated in the first 25% of its lifespan.

Money is much less of a problem now than back when I was 12 or 15 – but just buying them to look at them is also not my jam, although I was very tempted when I saw the Neon Kamigawa set sin 2022/2023 – and now the Final Fantasy stuff. Maybe I should have a look when this stuff is available locally and buy 2 Commander decks, for old times sake. Or maybe not.

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Slow progress in FFXIV

While I wouldn’t say I’ve been really productive ingame, and I’m still a bit wary tanking and healing right now, but I least I managed to make some progress in regards to levels.

Paladin hit 100 yesterday, Machinist some time this week – Dragoon has slowly crept up from 56ish.

I suppose my next goals would be Reaper to 100 (once I grasp this rotation again) and Sage to 90, and dragging Dragoon further along as well.

I’ve been diligently doing the Pelu daily quests, and also working on Moogles, and Sylphs if I have 3 spare for the day. Weekly deliveries are also back and I’m close to hitting 100 on Carpenter – so I can meld the Dawntrail materia, not really pushing the rest, except for Miner.

One thing I’m completely skipping is grabbing endgame tomestones, although I’m at least 695 iLvl on one job now, so I could.

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Plans for February

So a few things happened. I was gone for a weekend and my guild (finally) killed Queen for a second time, so that’s the official raid break now until the next patch – great.

I just resubbed to FFXIV, two days later than planned, but basically the same plan. Not sure what I will do, but I’m planning to pace myself and just do what I feel like doing, no pressure on leveling this or that.

Didn’t do a lot in EVE the last week, but I’ve not done nothing either. I’ll try keeping a Mercenary Den next week, that might be interesting. Or annoying. Or boring. We’ll see.

And I kinda decided to not get Diablo IV – Vessel of Hatred in the sale because I’m just not feeling it right now. Probably/maybe next time a sale comes around or I *really* want to play, but then I can still play without the expansion for an evening or two.

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Free FFXIV time has ended

With some elbow grease I managed to get Summoner (and thus Scholar) to 100 last night and make a little progress with the Pelu and Moogles, and Dragoon is 58. I’ll be away for the weekend so I didn’t instantly resub, but I plan to next Monday – why waste like 5 days?

Not so sure about goals. There’s the 3 tank jobs at 90, the 3 healer jobs at 90/90/80 and then all the dps. Ranged at 90/90 and yeah ok, the casters at 70 and yeah, the melee are a mess at 3*50, 58, 90. Also not focusing on the gathering/crafting jobs this time, I’ll see if I can wait out the 7.3 patch with the Allied Society that focuses on that (or maybe even 7.2 and 7.3 – like in Endwalker, where I had them all at 90 before that already). Also MSQ to catch up and the Allied Raid I haven’t unlocked… I think. I’m just not in the mood to grind endgame gear, the gear treadmill is not as bad as with WoW, but I don’t enjoy farming gear that is old next patch. Much better to complete all the missing Poetics gear sets, because I love the concept of e.g. getting one Level 80 healer gear set and then I can use it on 4 jobs for 10 levels. Perfect.

I’m not hyper enthusiastic about the game at the moment but it’s good fun and I hope I can put in a WoW break of about a month after tonight’s raid. I’ve been playing constantly since the expansion came out in… August? Although only been raidlogging for the last month or so.

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Free game time for FFXIV

FFXIV has another 4 days of free game time and I checked back in. Apparently there was a 7.1 patch I’d missed and the new Alliance Raid is in. As those seem mostly for gear catch up and I’m not really interested in that… nah.

But I did some of the usual duty finder roulette dance and SMN/SCH is 95 (up from 92 or so) and I got 2 levels in Mining and 2 on Dragoon. It’s decent fun this weekend. If you did lose track, there’s quite a bit to catch up though. I mean, I have 8 jobs at 90 that I didn’t touch when Dawntrail launched and then the lower ones, and have not even unlocked the two new ones at 80.

Ah well, with WoW winding down, maybe a month of not only playing EVE would be something?

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