Problems with the WoW token

xxxxxxx: so, when are you coming back to wow again?
Armagon: next expansion for sure. maybe if the token comes to europe
yyyyyyy: uhh… Started this week

And so I had a quick look, it’s at 40902 Gold atm, quite on the costly side. seems to be an easy way to look at it.
My problem now is the UI ingame. I can log in my sub-20 chars, as I wrote in my last post and when I click on a high-level character, a popup appears that lets me buy 30 days of game time for xxx Gold. And that this gold will be evenly deducted from the characters on this account.
Now my problem is that I don’t have a clue how much gold I own on any realm or in general. I could have 200k, I could have just a few hundred Gold more then the buyout price and I could have not enough and it’s buggy and shows the popup anyway. I just tried 3 realms and get the same popup on any of them, I am *pretty sure* I have enough gold on two of those realms, and absolutely sure I don’t have enough on the third – that’s why I find this confusing.
As I don’t want to buy a token right now I didn’t try clicking on it – who knows if there’s a confirmation window and/or how many steps I need to go through to actually activate it, but why o why couldn’t they put the amount of gold on this realm on the char select screen?

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