No huge progress in WoW but I’ve been chipping away at the two 8.2 factions to unlock flying. Paladin is at 8.1k/12k in Nazjatar and Rogue is at 8.2k/12k in Mechagon.
Also did a Heroic Warfront with my guild before they were raiding yesterday. Was fun to play with them (instead of only talking) for a change and I also got a nice 430 Helm, but overall… it was like an easy and annoying raid boss. Not a fan.
- Worgen Druid now had 75 Mining/117 Herbalism thanks to flying some circles near Stormwind (prep for Darkmoon Faire quests next month) – also why are there so many more Herbalism nodes?
- Dwarf Shaman finished WoD and is 100 now
- Finished the Gnomeregan rep grind on the Gnome Rogue and the Ironforge rep grind on the Dwarf Paladin (Shadow Labyrinth + Hellfire Peninsula dungeons ftw) – now just 20 levels to go for the Rogue…
- Unlocked my 2nd Heritage Armor: Ironforge