
Reaching goals when you had given up already

When I summarized my BfA journey in this post I a) wrote “too late” when I meant “too soon” and b) was pessimistic about reaching my goal. Also I kind of didn’t reach it because Level 120 was gone, but now I actually finished it by having at least one character per class, per faction – at Level 50, in BfA, before Shadowlands launched. (Although it feels a little bit like cheating because leveling is so much faster now.)

My Worgen Shadow Priest flew through Level 31 to 40 in MoP, then 40 to 50 in BfA. So that’s 27 characters at Level 50, 4 Rogues, 3 Warriors, 2 of each other class.

So now only the minor goal of all the allied races is unachievable, because it’s only 2 days left.

Oh, and I bought Shadowlands and cleared out the quest log on my new main, a female Night Elf Fury Warrior. Fury doesn’t seem great at the moment but I didn’t want to go Rogue again, especially on the Alliance side, without my main and I like Warriors. Also my guild’s composition checks out nicely like this, and I have an offspec that’s not DPS.

For the first time in forever I made the resolve to focus on my main and my main only. I will allow myself to casually level another toon if I lose the drive to play, but I probably won’t have enough time anyway – but I will not race to the top, I will not gear an alt, or start a third alt. For the immediate future that is, I guess until we have started raiding.

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Five Games?

Naithin’s blog posts about the Five Game Challenge keep popping up in my reader and I think it’s an interesting thing to talk about from my point of view.

Put yourself into the hypothetical situation of being made to choose just five games to last you an entire year of gaming (and post what they are!)

The implied meaning is “wow, that sounds hard, just 5 games in a whole year”, but for me that sounds pretty normal.

Looking at my 2019 Year in Review post, I mentioned both versions of WoW, FFXIV, SW:TOR, EVE, and Borderlands 3. And one sort of mobile game I could’ve ignored, that’s not really more than five.

And in 2020 I’m not even sure I got to five. There’s EVE, there’s SW:TOR and then WoW. Then I bought and played Stellaris, but not enough to have it on a must-play list, even though I liked it a lot. Then there’s Forgotten Anne which lasted for a few hours and I also played 7 Wonders. So if I disregard some puzzle games there’s only a few MMOs left and maybe one large (AAA?) game…
2018 even had me between 15 and 20 games, that number sounds high though.

Well, people are different 🙂

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Pre-expansion WoW

While I wrote that I’m not so keen on playing right now in my last WoW post, I actually logged in because I was curious how fast leveling goes.

Then I promptly forgot to look into the mail and made a few levels without the 16% experience buff, doh. So my Mechagnome Warlock is now 42, up from 37 and my Worgen Priest (where I didn’t forget the xp buff) went from 31 to 34 with a single random dungeon + 2 quests. Gameplay is unexciting, I don’t feel too weak or too overpowered, roughly the same as before. Warlock was in Gorgrond, Priest in Townlong Steppes.

Having all the talents reset was a little annoying, as usual, but I went with the left-side default route as it’s just casual leveling and I’m absolutely not in the mood to look up builds right now. We’ll see if I actually manage to push those 2 to 50 and at least claim moral victory of my goal.

Addon compatibility is surprisingly good, just my favourite experience addon is defunct and a few others, but nothing important. While I had planned to go for a reset again when the expansion hits (which means just unit frames + bars + chat addon and maybe a top bar) maybe I’ll just slim down my list instead of actually starting fresh…

There was a quite annoying bug that plagued quite a few people in guild two nights ago, where you couldn’t switch characters and sometimes had to alt-f4, culminating in “successfully logged off a toon but everything is black and no characters visible”, but it might have solved itself again…

My general plans for Shadowlands are still:

  • cancel SWTOR – DONE
  • buy Shadowlands – TODO
  • level my Night Elf Warrior as Fury
  • raid with my Alliance guild

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An update regarding World War Bee

In this post Redbeard had asked how EVE’s World War Bee was going, given that Wilhelm obviously was reporting from the Imperium side and Mailvaltar hadn’t posted about EVE since August either. And because I kinda didn’t pay attention I only saw the comment a few days ago, sorry – so maybe I should actually write something.

I’m still not a huge fan of the war, I don’t like the goons but I don’t subscribe to purging them from the game. No problem in dunking them, though. But that kind of limits my encouragement to take part in as many stratops as possible, more so because I prefer small to medium gangs over big ones over 50 or even 100 ships. Unfortunately with the blue donut there are not really a lot of random fights to find unless we go to Delve. And while we’ve been trying to get a few small gang roams in BRAVE in the last 2 months, a few people have left to join some of the dedicated small gang PvP groups and I can absolutely understand them; if that is what brings them enjoyment the most, they won’t find that in a Null bloc in the current meta.

The YZ9-F6 keepstar, originally called Bubblon 5

Anyway, we seem to be progressing quite fine, it’s a bit of a meme now that we needed 5 Keepstars until one survived. I think I only joined the 5th battle which didn’t see any real action. I liked the time in Querious but it always felt a little dead once we had anchored the P-ZMZV keepstar, didn’t really get any fights when I tried to roam solo. Delve is now a little better but I still seem to not find any fights that are engageable with a solo Cruiser. It’s either 3v1 or nothing.

My main is in Delve now in our staging keepstar (and has been in the 3 main ones before this one), but all my alts live in Catch and I’m actively playing them. My highest-SP alt is good enough to fly anything up to Cruisers, so that’s the way to go for all pings in Catch and Impass and I don’t mind burning a jump clone. With the 3+3 MCT deal I’m training up some roles on some alts, would be a lot easier if I was better at long-time planning instead of chasing new ideas every 2-3 months… Also apparently it’s hard to stay on topic for the war if you don’t find it that exciting.

My losses since the war started weren’t actually that bad, the expensive stuff in proper fleets, the Navy Cruisers in small gang roams, but as it’s mostly Querious/Delve… part of the war I guess. But I’m leaving out my losses in our Catch Standing fleet or if we chase away Wormholers in Impass, otherwise it would be a pure tally of what I flew when playing EVE – and I think that would be misrepresenting that I don’t spend all my time in the war.

  • Eagle – 1
  • Muninn – 1
  • Jackdaw – 1
  • Osprey Navy Issue – 2
  • Omen Navy Issue – 1
  • Crow – 1
  • Hound – 1
  • Cormorant – 1
  • Coercer – 1
  • Talwar – 1

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I don’t think it’s too late to summarize BfA goals

Edit: the post’s title should’ve been “I don’t think it’s too early to summarize BfA goals” but I messed up.

Another month has passed without a post but I’ve simply not had a lot of stuff I want to talk about or that I deemed worthy of writing down, but this is a post I’d postponed for a while.
I’ve not played WoW for a while now, first waiting for the date of the expansion then to notice it being delayed and in day-to-day life actually being busy enough with EVE and SWTOR.

So, the level squish patch happened, and while this isn’t the real end of the expansion I think I can truthfully claim that I failed my goal because I ran out of steam this autumn.

One max-level character per class, per faction.

There are 12 classes and 2 factions, so that would be 24 Level 120 characters. OK, actually it would be 24 Level 50 characters, as the expansion has not yet happened. So where do I stand?

Death Knight5050
Demon Hunter5050
Rogue50 + 5050 +50
Warrior50 + 5050
End of expansion tally of characters in BfA

So while every class is a check and the number 24 is a check, Alliance Warlock and Priest were in their 80s, now 30s, and I don’t know if I will finish this before the expansion lands.

The other goal of leveling the Allied Races doesn’t look any better:

  • Mag’har Orc: 50 – check
  • Zandalari Troll: 45 – check
  • Nightborne: 27
  • Highmountain Tauren: 26
  • Vulpera: 13
  • Dark Iron Dwarf: 50 – check
  • Kul Tiran: 50 – check
  • Mechagnome: 37
  • Void Elf: 28
  • Lightforged Draenei: 0

I don’t think it’s too late to summarize BfA goals Read More »

One more class story done

No post for a month, no SWTOR post for 6 weeks.

Today I finally cleaned out my Legacy Cargohold and distributed gear to the toons with missing 306 sets. A few items missing here and there, 1-2 are only at 305, but the rest of the dozen is at 306 and I’m just missing a few set pieces.

Also just finished the original class mission on my Sniper, didn’t hate playing her from Level 30 on as at the start. She’s 54 now and so I unlocked Rattataki, the last missing launch race.

Managed to finish my Conquests on most toons most weeks and so I had quite a few Tech Fragments to spend. All in all, quite boring to write about but it kept me busy.

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Sixty million

Back in April I did a breakdown of my skills for the first time, and now I have 10 million more.

Skill category             Points     No. of skills
Spaceship Command         14,458,987  48 *
Drones                     8,300,550  18 *
Gunnery                    7,717,630  30 *
Engineering                6,762,040  14 *
Navigation                 4,129,060  10
Missiles                   3,917,514  19 *
Armor                      2,545,805  10
Shields                    2,260,080  10
Electronic Systems         2,160,395  11 *
Targeting                  2,154,040   8
Resource Processing        1,015,545  13
Neural Enhancement           738,275   4 *
Rigging                      567,295  10 *
Scanning                     559,295   7 *
Science                      493,525   6 *
Social                       434,510   6
Planet Management            394,040   4 *
Trade                        359,530   8 *
Production                   276,743   4
Subsystems                    65,000  12 *
Fleet Support                 10,500   6
Structure Management             750   1
Corporation Management           250   1

* = changes since last time

Skills at Level 5:    72
Skills at Level 4:    92
Skills at Level 3:    66
Skills at Level 2:     6
Skills at Level 1:    24
Skills at Level 0:    10

Free SP: ~720k

Maybe I should start tracking which skills I learned as well, but the biggest chunk was Spaceship Command with 7m, where the biggest chunk was probably Gallente Battleship V, Amarr Cruiser V, Logistics Cruisers V and the way to Bombers. And then a few Gunnery and Missile skills and misc stuff.

Also my alt hit 20m a little while ago, so here are the numbers:

Skill category             Points     No. of skills
Spaceship Command          5,679,158  31
Gunnery                    2,792,826  23
Engineering                2,708,315  13
Drones                     1,807,132  16
Electronic Systems         1,481,570   8
Missiles                   1,374,964  17
Armor                        933,255  10
Navigation                   931,857   9
Shields                      548,550  10
Rigging                      468,510  10
Targeting                    424,765   7
Planet Management            394,040   4
Science                      258,665   3
Scanning                      98,386   6
Neural Enhancement            93,255   4
Resource Processing           24,250   2
Social                        23,072   4
Trade                         11,079   3

Skills at Level 5:    30
Skills at Level 4:    40
Skills at Level 3:    70
Skills at Level 2:    22
Skills at Level 1:    19
Skills at Level 0:    14

Free SP: ~230k

Although I don’t have the old numbers I’m pretty sure there were Caldari and Minmatar Cruiser V and some other Spaceship and Gunnery skills, my plan here is to be able to fly all T1 and T2 ships up to Destroyers (excluding Command Destroyers), and then all of our Doctrine T2 Cruisers and maybe even all of them, skipping anything Battlecruiser and up (although I can at least sit in the T1 BCs).

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Finally part of the war

EVE is a little weird right now, this is the first time I’m on a “deployment” (even if our staging is only 10 jumps from home, often camped though) and so I have my main mostly sitting in station and waiting for important stratop pings, but that’s what alts are for, right?

He’s on 31 killmails this month from those fleets and last night I actually managed to go on a fun fleet with one of my favorite FCs and we also got a few kills, but I’ve been surprisingly active on the alt that had originally joined Brave Newbies in 2014 and that has lived in NullSec ever since (with like a one week break). I’m active in our standing fleet and got quite a few nice fights of our kitchen sink fleet of a few people versus roaming small gangs. Still waiting for my first solo kill, because despite trying badly to roam for an hour here or there I never find any engagable content (Unless I’m in a ship that’s not actually looking for a fight, then it kinda works and I die…). Either it’s a blob or no one (neutral or red) to be found. Maybe the Blue Donut really is too big right now?

Anyway, the skill plans are coming along nicely, my main is brushing up on Large weapons and then it’s time for JDC to finally unlock Black Ops Battleships, still undecided if I want to spend 2-3m SP on Links/Bursts. My alt is at 20m SP already and on the way to be able to fly everything smaller and including Cruisers to a passable degree. Another alt is going Amarr Frigates/Destroyers/Cruisers and coming along quite well. That leaves one alt still training in the direction of a Dreadnought but I might veer off into Blockade Runner for a bit. And that’s 4 of them, another 2 are extracted for money on a regular basis as long as I have dual train running and the remaining 3 are simply used for PI and have no further skills worth mentioning.

Finally, last night our sister corp Brave Nubs had the Corp HQ on a hull timer and despite it being a 1 am formup for most of EUTZ we went and defended it against a LAWN Ferox fleet with a very nice ISK ratio. Well worth staying up till 2 am. The structure is safe, for now.

r/eve on Reddit is pretty entertaining although there’s a bit too much propaganda and shitposting going on. I find it very funny that The Mittani in his latest propaganda piece told the world that they were coming for BRAVE next because apparently a bunch of noobs is more dangerous than they had imagined. Of course you never know what he really thinks but it’s very different to the first announcement where we didn’t matter. Oh well.

Finally part of the war Read More »

Should I stay or should I go now?

If this was a different year you might have seen me participating in Blaugust, but we had Blapril (and it was super fun) but there’s another event going on, Promptapalooza. Go check out Belghast’s intro blog post if you haven’t already.

Yesterday it was Bhagpuss’ turn (so I’m keeping the theme of how headlines are formed) and tomorrow you should go visit Solarayo, but today I have something for you.

Do you “finish” games/hobbies/projects and move on or do you come back to the same things again and again?

This blog will be 11 years old in a few months and maybe I’ll break the 400 post mark, but there are several things you won’t find here. Reviews of new (or old) games for example. Or a whole lot of “I finished a game!” posts (The Completed category has a whopping 11 entries. One per year, and that basically says enough already, doesn’t it?), but as I’ve been a MMO player first and foremost ever since I discovered them around 2003, that isn’t too surprising I guess. So maybe let’s get back to the topic, although I think I already answered a good part of it. I’m not the kind of person to see completion of a game as a primary goal, otherwise I guess I would have a bigger pile of finished games. On the other hand I do seem to come back to the MMOs I liked quite a lot. 8 years of WoW, 4 year break, 2 more years of WoW. Played SWTOR at launch and came back for the second time now. Came back to EVE several times. I’ve yet to come back to FFXIV, but I’d love to, there’s just not enough time. I just think the ship for LotRO has sailed (to Aman?). For the record, I’m not going back to replay single player titles though, with a few exceptions, where I really like one installment, like Heroes of Might and Magic III.

Games aside, I’m actually someone who loves to try new things in general. And who is very bad at staying with them. As a kid/teen I tried out every sport under the sun (on of the things I liked at school, despite being not the sporty type and disliking sports in general, we often rotated disciplines every semester: Football, Handball, Basketball, Badminton, Rowing, and a few more). I also stopped mountain-biking at some point and only took it up a few years ago. Had to skip 2019 for a few personal reasons and 2020 also didn’t help in getting to the mountains with friends, but I’m really, really hoping for spring 2021…

I also used to paint miniatures for years and had a lot of fun. I’d love to do that again, but it would mean buying tons of equipment again, making room, and where do I put those minis then? I’m not even playing BattleTech anymore, and I never actually played Warhammer (40k preferably).

When I look at Pen & Paper roleplaying games, I think I’m the one in our group who’d be most open to trying new things, but right now we’re starting a new Shadowrun group (and that’s fine because it’s my favourite setting, but we’re using the 25 year old 2.0 rules because… I don’t know, at least we have the source books and it’s what everyone knows, although I also have 3 and 5…) yet again. I don’t think we’ll ever manage to do Earthdawn or real D&D.

So to sum it up, I guess there are things where I actually come back and there are things where I’m one of those “I really should take this up again” people who never actually get anything done. Maybe I do lose interest quite soon, but in the end I think I live on a sort of priority queue. If A is fun but B is more fun and there’s no reason not to do B, I don’t need a lot of mixing up things and am totally happy to do B.

Also maybe this topic is also good for a bit of introspection. I like to learn new things but I hate to try to master them. Get good enough to take part and do the thing with people – yes. Try to get good enough to actually win against or do better than people who didn’t start as late as I did – nope.

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Grinding gear

Back from a mini vacation, now nearly a week of nothing planned, it’s too hot here anyway.

Been playing a lot of SWTOR again, noticed that I didn’t train any char since 70, but apparently there was only one new skill at 72. Done some Conquests, Guardian is 71 and has finished Yavin 4, Sniper is 31 and has finished Alderaan. Not having much fun playing Operative or Scoundrel, but renewed interest in Shadow and Assassin.

No real goals, but gear grinding is going relatively well, at 297ish now.

My main problem right now is running out of bank space, as usual.

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