Final Fantasy XIV

Some FFXIV levels were gained

The free login campaign is pretty good, I’ve been playing most days since I started. Got about 7 levels on Black Mage and not really having a ton of fun, but I want to progress…

Made about three levels on Dragoon, it’s more fun but not the focus, mostly Tribal Quests, and finally some levels on Sage, which is not my favourite healer, but the last one below 90, and it’s okay. closing in on Level 80.

Also spent my tomestones on the Warrior Relic Weapon (Tier 1) instead of upgrading the Bard’s Bow, but grabbed a couple cheap iLvl 640 weapons from the market board.

Not sure if I am missing something but leveling seems hard. I don’t like the deep dungeons so it’s just duty roulette and a few FATEs. Not so quick and not so fun, but it’s working out at a steady pace.

Again, not really sure if I want to continue after the free login campaign is up – although it’s been really fun. But if I’m trying to think about what I like about this game… it’s apparently not “bringing the last few jobs up to max level” and it’s also not “gearing up via Alliance Raids”. I think I’ll make time to resub a week or two before the next expansion launches, get to max level in my own pace, hopefully play with my FC, and do the normal raid, then level 2-3 more jobs I actually like. (I suppose this is BRD > WAR > WHM/AST > DNC > PLD/DRK > GNB).

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Getting back to FFXIV?

FFXIV has another free login campaign, this time 14 days, until the end of the month.

I last played in November last year, that should have been patch 6.2 and before I saw this yesterday I didn’t think about it too much, and had also ignored Fanfest and hadn’t even thought about what they might have announced. Turns out the next expansion is not planned for exactly 2 years after the last, but for next summer, Kaylriene has a blog post about it.

So, for some reason I am interested and I might just take them up on the offer, there are patches 6.3 and 6.4 to look at.

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A blogging lull

My month in Eorzea ended recently, quite uneventful. I managed to get my Relic Weapon, the bow for the Bard – but I even forgot the name. It’s iLevel 615 and looks ok.

Other than that I’m hardly logging in to WoW, basically trying to earn a little money with missions and waiting for the expansions, rarely leveling my last 4 chars – but I have 2 weeks left, even a little more.

My time is spent mostly with EVE, but not much to write about.

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Hello again, Eorzea

With WoW being in a real lull (we officially stopped raiding and we kinda stopped M+) I took the liberty to get at least a month of FFXIV in and catch up a bit.

Resubscribed a week ago and the first thing I did is empty my 2 free retainers of all the glamour gear. The next day I paid for retainer number 3 and 4, so I could empty at least number 4 and cancel that one for the future. My glamour dresser is now at around 680/800 – not bad, as I’ve collected quite a bit of Endwalker gear already, so this should at least be ok until the next expansion.

I managed to do all of the 6.2 MSQ very quickly (it was really good), including the trial. I noticed I had done 6.1 already just before unsubscribing at the start of the year, just the one 6.1 trial is missing.

As usual it took a bit to get acquainted again with all the currencies and what to do, but I already traded in my old tomestones, bought some 610 crafted gear on the market board (Bard is 594 now, just as WAR was with raiding Savage in 6.0) and started trying to cap the 450 Tomestones of Causality for the week, and it has worked out for both resets. Not sure what to buy yet. For now I’ve reverted back to my old main job, Bard, because I didn’t want to tank the new stuff last night, but already healed some Alliance Raid stuff, we’ll see.

WHM and RPR are at 571 iLvl, so there are some easy targets for gear and spending my old 6.0 tokens.

Main priority after grabbing some tomestones was SMN/SCH – which I had left at Level 87 – and then there’s a ton of content I need to check if I’m interested in doing.

Was a bit surprised to find this draft from day 2, so I had to rewrite parts of it. SMN/SCH was 90 pretty quickly and the last week I’ve been doing a duty roulette or two most days and got Red Mage to 67 already. My main focus is the Hildibrand quest line now, and I have finished the ARR part.

Overall it’s fine but I’m not having awesome fun. I didn’t touch the new Deliveries, I have not checked Tataru’s quests and I only briefly visited the Island Sanctuary. It’s an ok use of my time but I’m not desperate for a second month at the moment. I’ll see that I progress the things I care about but not overdo it. I guess it’s my typical way of needing goals, I can’t just subscribe to an MMO and look at the sandbox and find spontaneous fun.

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Goodbye, Eorzea!

So I just cancelled my FFXIV sub before it would auto-renew next week.
It’s been 8 months and I had a blast (also 2 months longer than in 2019, when I first tried it). I started and finished Shadowbringers, I waited for the expansion to drop, I unsubbed WoW and kept FFXIV as my main MMO for some months, I played through an entire 6.0 patch cycle of Endwalker, I brought every crafter and gatherer to max-level, I raided Savage and killed 2 of 4 bosses (ok, that one’s not so much an achievement I guess). Also all the Tribal rep I started with the earnest goal of finishing them.

In the end I have 4 tanks at 90, healers at 90, 90, 87, and 74, 3 ranged dps at 90, and one melee (+ SMN at 87). I lost steam before finishing those 2, but it’s ok.

Summer is coming and I don’t want to raid in two games, and I like raiding in WoW, whereas here it was nice while it was a novel thing, but it’s not for me – so I’m glad I could step down without leaving the static hanging.

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Endwalker and Patch 6.1

The big patch we’ve all been waiting for! Or wait, did I?

  • MSQ – done, it was ok
  • Tataru’s Grand Endeavor – not sure I finished it, a little confused here
  • Alliance Raid – Unlocked it, haven’t run it yet
  • Ultimate Raid – no interest
  • New Dungeon – ran it once as part of the MSQ, was kinda nice
  • New Trial – not done yet, not really keen on it
  • Housing lottery – probably good, but I’m not interested in a house
  • PvP – not interested
  • Trusts – not interested
  • MSQ Duty Roulette changed – not sure, I had used it a lot but it was boring
  • Adventurer Plates – nice, but not a gamechanger

And some stuff was pushed to 6.15 it seems:

  • New Beast Tribe – Might start these, I hope they’re for XP and not crafting
  • Custom Deliveries – meh, too late, already got all crafters to 90

So overall there are some nice things but also many things I wouldn’t even be interested in if I was still in full hype mode.

Oh, and I still haven’t done the Alliance Raid, but I kinda want to get it done before I maybe unsub at the end of the month – ah well, one more week I guess.

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Fantastic goals and how to reach them

Kaylriene has a nice post about goals in FFXIV up and I always find it interesting how these goals (or even complete playstyles) can differ for different MMO players, even ones who play the same game – or in this case, even raiding the same content.

Yes, I’m winding down my activity because I found Savage Raiding not to be my thing, but I’ve had fun with my static for as long as it lasted, but I simply couldn’t care less for gear. Well, except that part of my bad damage is the gear. Not really a big part, that’s mostly on me, but it is a part nevertheless. So I gues my goal was to finish P4S, but I’m happy enough to bow out now and let the others do P3S and P4S, I managed to get 2 of them down in my first ever raid tier. I’m definitely “good” enough to not stand in things, to learn the dance, to kill the boss – but I’m not good with damage and it’s not worth fixing for me. This killed the fun for me.

I also don’t care for gold (I’m at 15m right now because it just seems to accumulate with me doing the things I do) and I’m glad I didn’t go for a house, with the plan to unsubscribe and all. Not that I am against housing, but right now I’m not in the mood and so my half-filled apartment is good enough. I did not get as many jobs to 90 as I had planned, but maybe I’ll manage to finish the last few levels of SMN/SCH – that would be number 11+12 out of 19, a comfortable rounded 2/3. And the DoH/DoL ones are all maxed as well. Let’s ignore BLU here, shall we?

While I like the 5 new glamour plates with 6.1 I’m actually let down that they didn’t increase the size of the Glamour Dresser. I’d need to count but I think I could retire one, maybe two retainers who are only holding low-level gear for future glamour purposes and nothing else.

And I guess it’s a good thing I am not achievement hunting in every game. I really wanted to get the requirements for the Battle Mentor tag done, but simply by not playing enough I’m just shy of 1100 commendations out of 1500 I need – which would be easily fixed by tanking more. Most of the other achievements are a little meh to me – I came too late to the game for them to happen and I’m not going out of my way to spend an immense amount of time doing things I wouldn’t usually do.

I also managed to finish the Namazu and Qitari Beast Tribe grinds, which means I have Endwalker, Shadowbringers, and Stormblood done completely and for Heavensward I’m only missing the Moogles. I didn’t bother with ARR really, but I got the Ixal done and am halfway through the Kobolds and started with Sahagin. Meh.

So did I reach the goals I set up for Endwalker? I’d say mostly. I raided successfully (even if a bit slow) until I lost the fun. I leveled and geared a handful of jobs.

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Winding down FFXIV

Might be bad timing with 6.1 coming out next week or so, but I’ve not been feeling like logging in to FFXIV a lot lately.

The person who is usually filling in for someone missing in our static was showing interest to join anyway and so I took the chance to bow out and they raided without me for the first time last night, progging on P3S. I was there at the start but let the others (who actually want to play) play despite the transition only being planned in 2-3 weeks.

We’ll see, maybe 6.1 is exciting and I absolutely plan to have a look at the Alliance raid, but I’m having much more fun with Guild Wars 2 and a bit more fun with WoW at the moment.

I plan to run a few more dungeons for irregular tomestones before reset but I’m not pushing it, really. I got my hairstyle and headgear, everything else is optional. One more mount probably, maybe two of them.

I resubscribed in August, that’s 8.5 months (+ the two weeks that roped me back in), and 4 of them in the new expansion – and I played nearly every day for most of the time I was subscribed. Probably the perfect time to take a short break.

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More WoW, less FFXIV?

It’s not a real trend but with the 9 classes I actually enjoy playing all at 90, no meaningful gear upgrades to be acquired, and only 4 levels of crafter jobs missing, I’m feeling less inclined to spend my whole day in FFXIV – and this is great! I’m still doing my raiding, grinding out some reputations, slowly getting some jobs up via duty roulette, but it’s not “play the whole evening”.

On the other hand I’ve been doing a little alting in WoW again, brought my original Orc Shaman from 52 to 60 this week and my Blood Elf Warlock from 51 to 54 since yesterday. It’s mostly Threads of Fate with a few random dungeons sprinkled in. I haven’t played an alt since like week 3 of when Korthia launched and I was fed up, that must’ve been July (where I also speed-leveled a Paladin to 50).

It’s kinda braindead, it makes me relearn the class to a degree and unlike a gear grind the time is not lost, as the next expansion will come sooner or later. A point could be made about upgrading the Heirloom gear then, but if I level slow enough to be fully rested all the time there shouldn’t be a huge difference. Also enough time has passed so I am able to stomach the Shadowlands leveling again, after my ~13-14 times around Christmas 2020.

The only downside is that SWTOR is the sole loser in this match at the moment and for some reason I had the slight urge to get back to Guild Wars 2 as well lately…

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