Back to WoW
Yeah that was a little weird. When we knew the new patch with the new raid was coming I posted in our guild Discord and asked about the raid start, got no answer, so I stayed unsubscribed. Then on Sunday, 1h before the raid someone noticed I wasn’t signed up and by chance I saw it half an hour later, while busy with dinner. And then I actually managed to finish dinner, subscribe, patch up, get my addons in order and hit the instance portal on the minute and wasn’t even the last person.
Anyway, week one we managed to get 7/8 normal and then the second week we got to 7/8 on the first day and then killed Gallywix and also the first boss on Heroic on Tuesday. I’m the lowest item level player in the raid, so I guess I should get a bit of gear. Had a vacation day today though so I managed to run some Delves and get some pieces, now I’m maybe only the second lowest item level.
I briefly wrote about Timewalking in December, I had gotten a couple chars to max level, and my Horde Hunter to 74, Horde Monk to 76ish, Horde DK to 75 and Horde Priest to 71 – I played the Monk for a bit, so she’s 80 now as well. That makes 15 max level chars (no Evoker, 2 Warriors, 2 Paladins, 2 Monks)