Raiding Amirdrassil – week 11

The Sunday raid had us extend for the first time, and then quite a few wipes on Tindral. Best one was about 12% I think.

After the raid we timed a +20 Atal’Dazar and a +18 Throne of the Tides in Tyrannical, which was nice. I still kinda need some 11-15s now for some Wyrm crests, what an odd problem to have. We also did a +20 Atal’Dazar and a +18 Everbloom on Saturday with 2 different people and it didn’t go quite so well, still some good practice for me, and probably what gave us the win in Atal’Dazar today, as I didn’t die on the last boss, unlike on Sunday.

The Tuesday raid went really well, killing Tindral on the third pull (probably around 15 wipes overall), then we we wiped 9 times on Fyrakk, mostly in Phase 2 with those damn ghost adds. That fight might take a while, especially being low on healers next week.

My newly found and loosely defined M+ team didn’t want to run after the raid as originally planned, so I pugged 2 quick +11s for some points (and to get the third choice in the Vault), which means I’m now at 1900 rating, so if I do a +10 or +11 Murozond’s whatever next week, I’ll be at 2000, yay.

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Server move, again

Just like in April 2021 instead of upgrading I switched servers and if you can read this the hamsters are running.

I hope the performance will be a bit better and I was also running out of space.

Nothing fancy happened, but please holler if you notice any oddities.

  • Hoster: Hetzner Cloud
  • Domain: staying with
  • OS: from Ubuntu Focal to Debian Bookworm
  • PHP: From PHP 8.0.30 to PHP 8.3.2
  • WordPress: staying with the rolling auto-upgrade method
  • Theme: staying with Astra

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Raiding Amirdrassil – week 10

Had quite a few people signed off for Sunday, some coming late but in the end we did manage to start with 12 people and end with 14. Easy kills of the first 6 bosses despite some of our top DPS missing, but we called it 15min earlier instead of doing Glimmeron again.

Then I got dragged into a +20 Darkheart Thicket and we only missed timing it by 19 seconds, which is wild because I’d never seen it in M+.

Still no drops from the raid, but at least from the Vault and I could upgrade some stuff.

I was asked if I’d be on on Monday for more M+ and I said yes, not really knowing what to expect. We met and timed a +20 Atal’Dazar, then followed up with a +18 Black Rook Hold (also never seen this one on M+) and so we’re aiming to get a fourth one in after the Tuesday raid for the Great Vault. I suppose if this works I’m already halfway to Keystone Hero, might as well get the mount.

Tuesday, many tries on Smolderon and then he finally died, and I got the trinket, yay. Then a quick Waycrest Manor +18 and the week is over.

I’m kinda salty that playing Fury in M+ is fun, while the single target spec is not. And I only notice this 10 weeks in.

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Raiding Amirdrassil week whatever

Long time no post, a mix of not in the mood and not even thinking about it. The good news is that we’re 6/9 and have killed Nymue twice already. The healer I mentioned wanting to quit has unquit, added some WeakAuras and feels like he can play, that’s very good. Also got a few ok tries in at Glimmeron, but that’s a tough cookie.

I’ve finally caught up a little with gear, now I’m 469 which is only a full tier behind our top M+ performers at 482, but on Sunday I managed to grab the #3 spot on dps a couple times, so I’ll take it. (Yes, two key DPS were missing, shut up – we still killed 6 bosses in 2h).

At the start of the year I was sick and actually forgot to log in to raid, I hadn’t been sure when we’d been starting again after the holiday break and apparently there was a raid on the 2nd but I was already not feeling well that evening and then got stuck in bed the next days. So I guess that was week 6 and this is week 9, even if we canceled another raid on a Tuesday, probably last week.

Still haven’t done any more M+ but maybe I should really pester some guildies to take me on another 16 so I can upgrade my weapon but I’m really not feeling it at the moment. But I have 12 of 15 of whatever level of whatever the currency is called, so would be a waste to not use it on my main hand.

And even if this whole thing may sound like I’m not especially having fun… I am having fun, for exactly 4 hours a week, maybe adding an hour for the weekly + world boss if I have a moment, but not more, and not M+.

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Ten years of reviewed years

Happy New Year! While writing yesterday’s post I noticed that it was the tenth of its kind, mostly focusing on expenses, so if you find that boring, I can’t help you.

Let’s start with the easy numbers:

Overall Expenses

  • 2014: 450 EUR
  • 2015: 355 EUR
  • 2016: 374 EUR
  • 2017: 298 EUR
  • 2018: 176 EUR
  • 2019: 467 EUR
  • 2020: 976 EUR
  • 2021: 916 EUR
  • 2022: 535 EUR
  • 2023: 400 EUR
  • 2024: 236 EUR

So 2018 was an outlier due to unknown reasons and 2020+2021 were outliers due to Covid 19 and me not going outside a lot, but other than that it seems to be safe inside 300-550 EUR bracket, which means 25 to 45 EUR per month, so less than 1 AAA title per month. I can live with that.

MMOs I paid for:

  • WoW:
    • 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
    • about 72 out of 96 months (not counting two years with zero game time)
  • EVE:
    • 2014, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
    • as of 2020 it’s three accounts, only one before that – too hard to count I think, but I guess it’s between 105 and 120 months, (out of 120 months) so accounts number 2+3 for the last 3 years make up the time I was not subscribed
  • WildStar:
    • 2014, 2015
    • less than 12 months of subs
  • SW:TOR:
    • 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
    • about 21 months spread over 5 years
  • FFXIV:
    • 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023
    • about 20 months spread over 4 years (only one free month in 2023)
  • Marvel Heroes:
    • 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
    • no sub, bought some packs and ingame currency
  • Guild Wars 2:
    • 2015, 2017
    • basically buying expansions with diamonds included

I suppose any statistics about other games are moot, there were some I played a lot, some I played from time to time, some were free and some were bought. Nothing spectacular in a 10 year review I guess.


Hardware costs could be another interesting breakdown but I’m not sure I’ll manage to meaningfully break that down, but I’ll try. My gaming PC from 2019 was about 1500 EUR, then a monitor for 400, some more SSDs (let’s say 300), my old graphics card (maybe 300), another monitor (let’s say 300) and some peripherals. That would be about 3000 EUR in 10 years. Sounds low, but even with a bit of research I think I got most of the parts and might not be missing a lot. Taking notes helps.

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2023 in review

And another year over, which means another review post.

What I played a lot:

  • World of Warcraft
  • EVE Online
  • Diablo IV

Other games I played:

  • Against The Storm
  • GameDec
  • Diablo III
  • Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag
  • Submerged
  • Stellaris

Gaming expenses in 2023:

  • WoW: 102 EUR for 11 months
    • 1x 6 months for 66 EUR
    • 1x 3 months for 36 EUR
    • 2 months for WoW tokens with ingame gold
  • EVE Online: 392 EUR plus 70 EUR (prepaid in 2022) minus prepaid for 2024 (see below)
    • 1x Platinum Pack for 58 EUR
    • 2x Silver Pack for 12 EUR
    • 2x Bronze Pack for 5.50 EUR
    • 3x 3 months for 40 EUR
    • 2x 3000 PLEX for 90 EUR, mostly used for sub months though
  • Diablo IV: 70 EUR – the game on launch

Small intermission:

OK, I’m at the point where I need to redo the math for last years because I am not sure how to handle these “prepaid XX months of subscription” and this year is especially egregious I think.

In 2019 I counted 26 EUR for 2020 subs in 2019, in 2020 I had both numbers (with and without prepaying), in 2021 I counted the prepaid stuff in this year, then 2022 had nothing from 2021 but 70 prepaid, so I guess I’ll count that in 2023 and have something for 2024, because calculating EVE will be something more complicated this time…


  • Amount of MMOs played: 2
  • Amount of MMO subscription months paid: 9 (WoW) + 12 (EVE) + about 15 (EVE) = 36
  • Amount of games purchased: 1
  • Amount of MMO expansions purchased: 0
  • Amount of money for ingame/services stuff: hard to tell with the EVE packs, maybe 50-100?
  • Amount of games I got for free and didn’t play: some
  • Amount of games I purchased and then didn’t play: 0

So that brings the total to 636 EUR, that’s 53 EUR per month, slightly more than 2022. This would still be a perfectly valid number, but it’s not painting a realistic picture.

Now if I subtract the EVE sub months for 2024 (oh boy, that’s 23 of them, split over 3 accounts, so basically two of them for the whole year… if I use a 24 month package from the website that would be 270 EUR but if I use the biggest discount paying with PLEX it’s more like 190, so let’s say about 236) then it would only be 400 EUR, or 33 EUR per month. So something in between. So we’ll see how much I will spend on EVE in 2024, but I hope it won’t be that much, even if I’m running my 3 accounts.

Yes, you may laugh, but with the discounts on PLEX, and being able to buy subscriptions with ingame money, just calculating how much you paid for your EVE subscription can be a whole afternoon in itself. Of course it involves spreadsheets, so make of that what you will…

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Amirdrassil week 5 and other stuff

Kinda forgot to post but after raid week 4 followed raid week 5 and we killed the Council on Heroic. Unfortunately two of our healers are kinda lagging behind on gear, so we went back to Normal after that kill, nothing good dropped and then one of them (unrelatedly) said he’d bow out for the rest of the tier because he’s been hating how Resto Druid feels for weeks with the new Tier bonus anyway.

So fortunately this was the last week of raiding before the holiday break anyway, but we’ll still need to find a solution here I think.

But unexpectedly with being on vacation and chilling for a few days I found some fun in WoW again and ran a couple of toons through the Emerald Dream zone, five of them even, so that makes it a total of seven. Didn’t do much after that and also don’t plan to, but the six non-mains now at least have 420ish gear instead of their mix of 410 to 380 before. (Druid, Shaman, Rogue, Demon Hunter, Warlock, Death Knight, Hunter – maybe even in that order). Still no real motivation to bring Priest and Evoker to 70, or any of the Horde toons, but it’s a start.

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One hundred forty million

Back on track and not forgetting the milestone this time. Last post in August.

Skill category             Points     No. of skills
Spaceship Command         49,269,946  69 *
Gunnery                   21,253,832  46 *
Drones                    11,904,316  22
Missiles                  11,338,591  25 *
Navigation                8,606,589   13
Engineering               7,474,275   15 *
Fleet Support             5,532,130   13
Shields                   4,339,138   12
Subsystems                4,096,000   16
Targeting                 3,435,321   8 *
Electronic Systems        2,863,220   14
Armor                     2,609,805   11
Scanning                  1,899,374   7
Trade                     1,066,275   8 *
Resource Processing       976,960     10 *
Neural Enhancement        964,550     5
Rigging                   679,060     10
Science                   541,530     15 --
Social                    434,510     6
Planet Management         394,040     4
Production                276,743     4
Structure Management      135,765     1
Corporation Management    250         1

* = changes since last time

Skills at Level 5:   149 (+7)
Skills at Level 4:   123 ( 0)
Skills at Level 3:    37 (0)
Skills at Level 2:     2 (-1)
Skills at Level 1:    24 (+2)
Skills at Level 0:     1 (0)

Interestingly by using a few account-bound boosters and switching some training around, my main alt has not reached 90m. So out of sync again, as it sometimes happens.

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Raiding Amirdrassil – week 4

Cleared normal in one hour, while missing 2 healers, so stopped for that day. Got dragged into two M+ because they were lacking a 5th, timed a +15 I’d never been in (Galakrond’s Fall) and then a +16 I’d not seen in forever and only once on M+ (Atal’Dazar) and I was in a raid spec and we timed both.

Tuesday was heroic, still one healer down but we got the first two with only one wipe on Igira, then a first kill of Volcoross on the fifth try that day. And then a 1% wipe on the council, fourth try. So close.
From Sunday on we’ll not do Normal anymore unless we need some filler bosses to concentrate on Heroic.

Finished up the 4 Mythic weekly with 2 10 minute RLP M0 runs and got gauntlets again… Oh well.

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