Not so much stuff happened

Although I was kinda busy and afk this weekend I somehow still managed to play a lot this week. Maybe too much, as I’m a bit bummed out and done with it right now – but maybe it’s something different. It’s double XP week and so I spent every minute of my available gaming time pushing for Command XP – I think I did the Ziost weekly 5x, Black Hole 5x, Yavin 4 4x, Section X and Oricon once… and CZ-198 dailies for like 8-9 times (because of the Conquest), including 5 weeklies. As I’m trying to get my Sage to 300 I also did several Planet Daily Heroic quests several times – usually Coruscant, Corellia, and Nar Shaddaa (because I’m already a bit sick of Voss :P). But the problem is… I kind of ran out of “easy XP” things to do already. No more weeklies, not many fun dailies. I know, it’s kinda normal to have some daily/weekly cap and I’m pretty glad I managed to get to 237 from last week’s ~173 – but I would have played the other alts a lot less and this toon more if the game had let me (while still keeping the sense of progressing). So yeah, first world problems, running with a Command boost in double XP week, gaining 70 Command levels in a week and still complaining. Just that I also managed 30ish levels on the Scoundrel, 20 each on Juggernaut and Commando and still had enough time to get roughly 10 chests on my 300 Bounty Hunter and also finish the traitor story line. And I don’t think I really played a lot this week…
I’m glad I finally finished the traitor story arc, so now the only stuff I haven’t ever seen ingame are some of the flash points in solo mode. I can live with that, but I might still try to catch up on a few of them. Mad props for Bioware how they managed to completely not spoil any of the story in Nathema when you run it as a group. Been in there twice already and had ZERO clue what would happen in story mode, I was properly surprised. Well done. On the other hand the Nathema FP was kinda “wtf is this” before. Get in, kill stuff, done 😛
I still haven’t tried to contact any guild this week because a) none of them stood out in any way and b) I think I made up my mind about WoW now. I’ll definitely get it, I’m just not sure when. Last week I postponed it because of uncertainty. This week I postponed it because of Double XP. Let’s see next week.

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