Soon: Blaugust 2022

Belghast has started to sound the horn for Blaugust 2022 already and looking at the Discord spirits are high and people are eager to go.

I’m currently not very enthusiastic about the whole blogging thing, as you can in the monthly view – this is just the fourth post this month, but there’s been a summer lull in some years, a winter lull in others. Never been a consistent blogger and likely never will be.

There are good reasons and bad reasons, but in the end I’m not in the mood to write a lot currently. I still need to wrap up a WoW project or two, these should provide a post each, and other than that I’ve been playing a lot of EVE Online, and for some reason I don’t enjoy writing about it as much as about other games, so I don’t do it. Still need to get back into GW2, but meh.

But I’ve also come around and signed up on the last day at least twice, and maybe I should go for the Bronze Award participation trophy again… we’ll see.

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