While the above screenshot might look like your average “I reached max level” screenshot, it is not.
For the first time since Cataclysm (and a mere 5 levels off in Mists of Pandaria) I have managed to have a character of every class at max level!
- Orc Rogue & Human Rogue
- Troll Warrior & Night Elf Warrior
- Dwarf Paladin
- Night Elf Demon Hunter
- Worgen Druid
- Orc Shaman
- Blood Elf Warlock
- Blood Elf Priest
- Pandaren Monk
- Orc Hunter
- Undead Death Knight
- Undead Mage, as of today
Sure, it didn’t help that I had 2 classes maxed twice already. Or a second Druid at 117, a second Shaman at 112, or a third Rogue at 101 – but that doesn’t matter now. This project is finally done.
After I dinged I did what I usually did for the last few: instantly equip all but 2 pieces of 8.2 Benthic 385 equip, go to Nazjatar, grab another 2 385 pieces and a 370 weapon, and upgrade one piece to 400, then unlock World Quests there.
What was different today that I decided to do the dungeon daily because the reward was a 400 cloak, it happened to be Atal’Dazar and I had just finished the quest line for that dungeon at 119.9.
So I queued for Heroic while mopping up some of the easy Nazjatar intro quests and proceeded to have a very uneventful quick Heroic run. Just that after the last boss the tank, the healer and one dps left and the Hunter and I regretted not saying something about the additional boss. To be fair this was the first time this has happened to me, that a group didn’t automatically do the daily dungeon boss, even on Heroic. So we set out to look for this boss, and hoping we might be able to two-man it, as I had only one person on my friends list online who was not playing Classic, but in a dungeon as well.
So this Shadowblade Razi seemed to be a stealther who either had some adds or spawned them and was patrolling the area left of the instance entrance, where nobody ever clears. He found me more than I found him and that’s when I died. Then my Hunter companion came and we kited him around for a bit until he reset. Bummer. Then we rebuffed, looked for him again, found him… and suddenly we had 3 adds, a normal mob group. After some wiping and kiting we got them down, then we had him again. Long story short, after around 7 deaths and spending all cooldowns we managed to take him down. 500g in repairs for a simple 385 -> 400 cloak upgrade, but I regret not a single gold. It was the most nerve-wracking 10 minutes I had since I stopped raiding. Also the most YES WE DID IT since a first kill in a raid, years ago. Also kind of a Vanilla WoW moment just in the time where everyone plays classic. Spontaneously trying something ridiculous and seeing it through, even with a lot of wipes and no rushing, gogogo, and abandoning ship at the first hurdle. And yes, it was only Heroic and maybe a Hunter+Frost Mage duo makes this a lot easier, but as I wrote above I had dinged an hour ago, I suck at Mages, my item level was around 360 (with 0 Azerite traits spent) and the Hunter was 395 item level.