Dead Cells

Mixing Up The Gaming Diet

I might have mentioned it once or twice, but I’m really bad at mixing up my gaming diet. If you didn’t just stumble over here, you’ll notice I’ve been posting about SW:TOR for weeks.
There’s stuff I really want to try, or get back to, though:

  • WoW’s Battle For Azeroth expansion. I’m curious, I want to see the new stuff. Downside: might be sucked into a hole again.
  • FFXIV: I’ve read SO many good things about it, one of them is that I can play a single character and don’t have to create an army of alts
  • GW2: I’m still logging in nearly every day for the free gift, but I want to play again
  • So much for the MMOs, I surely missed some, but there’s also Quake Champions which is really fun… but it’s not the space fantasy opera MMO that I need right now
  • Dead Cells is awesome, but I saw no progress, so I kinda stopped.
  • EVE Online is something that was really fun, but I kinda didn’t want to commit to hours at a time for an op or mission running…
  • Project Highrise

PS: Blaugust has started and this is my twenty-sixth post if scheduling still works.

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Game Developers / Dead Cells

Some days ago I saw this article about Motion Twin on Gamasutra and wanted to talk about it.
Money quote(no pun intended:)

Dead Cells developer Motion Twin has been talking up its studio structure, which sees every single employee take home the same wage, irrespective of their position.

I’ve heard so many stories of bad pay and horrible hours about game studios which boils down to “exploit mostly young people who really want to work on games”. So even though I’m a software developer by trade I dodged this bullet once of starting at a games company (but it would’ve been a part-time job during university anyway) and I’m not keen on joining that industry now.
So while I don’t know and can only hope they don’t have to do 80 hour work weeks, I liked this and told myself to keep an eye on that studio. I wasn’t originally interested in Dead Cells, as I absolutely suck at Metroidvanias and am also not really good at platformers in general. Anyway, I watched the Dead Cells trailer and was kinda intrigued. Then I watched it again, because of the art style. Then I watched it again, because of the music. That was yesterday.
Today I bought Dead Cells and after a little cursing made it to the first boss once. I like this game.

Dead Cells

PS: Blaugust has started and this is my first post

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