Welcome to Tyria

There was a sale recently and so I decided to spend 10 bucks and finally try Guild Wars 2. Trying to remember how I would’ve described without having played it, this would probably include “fantasy MMO”, “frequent content updates”, “no subscription” and “Guild Wars 1 was kind of weird” (but I only saw it for an hour or two when someone showed it to me).
So yes, I’ve started levelling a Male Norn Warrior and managed to get to Level 17 on the weekend. I have 100% map completion in Wayfarer Foothills and Hoelbrak and it’s been enjoyable so far. Relatively unexciting, but that’s not a bad thing I guess. Plus I’d only played WoW for one month in the last ~9 months – so maybe I did miss my Fantasy MMOs?
The game is relatively easy to get into, had to look up a few things on various wikis and websites, but in general it seems newbie friendly, although combat can be clunky I think. We’ll see about this weapon switching and end game.

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