Sightseeing in New Eden

Due not being able to properly play at the moment and being bored at home I decided to do a little sightseeing tour. Hopped into an Interceptor, set destination and waypoints and just had to click and not use my left hand. (Spoiler: It’s a bit boring.)

I stuck to blue space but I managed to see a few things and made a few screenshots.

Steve, the first Titan that died in C9N-CC, Esoteria
Minecore, K-X5AX, Feythabolis
Fatimar Outpost, MY-W1V, Catch
Amarr Military Brigade, HY-RWO, Catch
Titanomachy, B-R5RB, Immensea – at the time (2014) the biggest battle in EVE’s history – this was still fresh in my memory when I first went to NullSec in May 2014

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