Winding down FFXIV

Might be bad timing with 6.1 coming out next week or so, but I’ve not been feeling like logging in to FFXIV a lot lately.

The person who is usually filling in for someone missing in our static was showing interest to join anyway and so I took the chance to bow out and they raided without me for the first time last night, progging on P3S. I was there at the start but let the others (who actually want to play) play despite the transition only being planned in 2-3 weeks.

We’ll see, maybe 6.1 is exciting and I absolutely plan to have a look at the Alliance raid, but I’m having much more fun with Guild Wars 2 and a bit more fun with WoW at the moment.

I plan to run a few more dungeons for irregular tomestones before reset but I’m not pushing it, really. I got my hairstyle and headgear, everything else is optional. One more mount probably, maybe two of them.

I resubscribed in August, that’s 8.5 months (+ the two weeks that roped me back in), and 4 of them in the new expansion – and I played nearly every day for most of the time I was subscribed. Probably the perfect time to take a short break.

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