I’m a little late, but back in town now. Blaugust 2022 has come to a close, thanks to all the participants and Belghast for organizing it again. I didn’t comment a lot, but I tried to check out the people who I don’t usually read all the time and the new folks. Good job, everyone!
Here’s another link to the participant list and that’s the Blaugust overview page.
As for a personal review, I did manage to reach my stretch goal of 15 posts, which means I got the silver badge again.

Unfortunately I only managed to do three non-WoW posts despite playing quite a bit of EVE Online, but this blog is mostly a diary of stuff that happened, through the lens of what I’m in the mood to write about, and so I guess that included mostly WoW. This time I also didn’t really take part in the themed weeks, but I felt I had nothing to contribute there, so why push it? I’m also skipping the achievements part because I didn’t really try to do them, so all hits are purely coincidental.
Anyway, it’s been fun and I’m glad I could take part in a non stressful way, looking forward to next year.