The Trial of Style is one of the most important ingame festivals in Retail WoW because while it’s live you can transmog for free. This is really important if you have too many alts.
Here’s the 2022 Rogue/Warrior autumn collection, a bit heavy on Tier gear this time, but I didn’t farm it for nothing.

I’m biased, but to me the coolest leveling armor is the Defias set out of Westfall. Not only is the chestpiece good for a Rogue up through Scarlet Monastery –you can replace it in Uldaman or RFK– its simplicity in its look is amazing. Probably a close second is the Blood Elf Paladin T9 set. The helm really makes that set come alive, but that might be the past talking to me there.
Yeah the Defias Set is cool and not too far off what my Mag’har is wearing, maybe there are even a few pieces involved, it’s all kinda black 😛
But hmm, with T9 you’re now confusing me a bit, sure you mean this one?