I wrote about our first visit to Asphodelos two weeks ago. Since then we managed to do P1S another time the following Sunday, this time without subs. We finished in 9:33, which was 26 seconds faster than the first kill, despite two new people, which was kinda nice already. Then we continued on to P2S with only reading up on half the tactics, but we managed to get to 80%, not yet Phase 2. But it looked good.
Next Sunday was not going to happen so we planned for Tuesday and Thursday last week, and so we went in for P1S again and finished after 2 wipes. The time was again 9:33, but with 2 deaths and a lot of damage down buffs. We all had the feeling we made so many more errors than the week before but routine seems to settle in, as shown by the time and the overall same DPS – but with deaths and personal setbacks. This is really nice. We then tried P2S again but due to time constraints only a few tries happened, but we got to Phase 2, so while we may not be quick in the grand scheme of things, for our hours invested we’re happy with the progress so far. This week we’ll be going for P1S on Tuesday and P2S on Sunday. I’d be a bigger fan of one raid day (even if these are very short), but organizing times for a static with people who work shifts and on weekends is hard. Certainly a lot harder than with a WoW guild where you just put a day and a date and it usually doesn’t matter if a single person can’t make it.
Regarding job levels I’m nearly done with all casters to 60 and I also hit 90 on Dark Knight and Dancer, but I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong because sometimes it still feels slow overall, but then again I am only doing all the roulettes and Pixie dailies, not much more…
I guess my focus is on Gunbreaker currently, then Astrologian and Machinist to 90, then maybe Scholar again. Oh, and I unlocked Reaper because I want to see the melee role quest in Shadowbringers.

But on the last two weekends I finally managed to push Miner and Botanist to 90, and getting a few of the Studium Deliveries in Old Sharlayan done.