
No rest for the rested

I’ve been working on my NE Warrior the last few days, even being able to help more guildies who needed normal dungeons for their profession quests to fill up the ranks and so of course I ran out of rested XP after a while, sitting at 115.

So what do you do in that case? Go out and enjoy the spring? Didn’t really work due to feeling horrible and not being able to stand up (sitting was fine, phew). So first I pushed my Dwarf Hunter from 70 to 75 in Icecrown until I had used up the rested XP. When that was done all too quickly, I bought some 90->110 AGI Leather Heirloom upgrades and moved my Human Rogue to Highmountain. I was kinda surprised how fast that went. 102 -> 107 in like 3h, and still some rested XP left.

Oh, and the Orc Shammy is 120 for a few days, but I’m not really in the mood to grind out gear, so I’m just slowly doing a few WQs with good gear upgrades and might do some Honorbound rep to continue the War Campaign.

For some reason I always enjoy the sped up “last expansion” a lot more than the current content after the n-th time. On Warrior and Rogue I’m totally enjoying myself in Legion, which I finished on 7 chars when it was current. Now I’m done with BfA content on 4 (working on 5th)…

Plans for the near future? Rogue to 110, Warrior to 120, then… not sure. Maybe 2nd Druid to 110.

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Welcome to Battle Stance

When I started this blog 9.5 years ago I didn’t know yet if I would stick to it. Time and again I debated whether a domain made sense or not. Now I decided it’s time to do the jump and not wait until the 10 years are full, so here it is. Battle Stance, formerly known as Armagon Live. The content won’t change, the history is fully imported, just the URL is different. I guess I’ll have to tweak some of the CSS because I’m not yet 100% happy with the theme. Happy reading.

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Battle for Azeroth 2 months later

In general I’m pretty happy with Battle for Azeroth, no, really. On January 7th I resubbed and I’m pretty sure I’m continuing for a third month in a week. For someone who played from 2006 to 2014 with no break longer than a couple of months and then stopped completely, only coming back for the expansions that sounds kind of good.
I do have some goals, after all. Mostly hitting Exalted with the 4 factions needed for the new races and seeing the whole story from both sides, but a few more…
There are a few annoyances though:
First of all, if I’m not interested in gear there’s no real draw to continue playing my second char per faction. I’m at iLvl ~330 – did Stromgarde once and don’t see a real point in grinding gear and rep now.
Also I’ve hit iLvl 382 with my best geared character and I don’t seem to be able to progress without doing Mythics – and while I can live with 5mans, I hate timed runs.
Vulpera are not a playable race.
Also grinding out some old Draenor Garrison achievements is just so painful. So much luck involved even though you’re trying chance daily.
Same goes for the Order Hall in theory, but it seems to be less annoying.

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Diablo 3 – Season 13

Oh boy am I glad that I skipped a season, at least I think that’s one reason I was excited all week until Season 13 would start and this is the first time ever that I’m not only happy with my progress, I actually am further than I expected. I don’t know exactly when the Season started on the EU realms on Friday, due to RL I could only start playing at 22:30 – so of course Level 70 was out in the first night. I think I got to Level 20ish, then managed to get to 68.5 on Saturday night before having to quit early because I felt sick and was too tired to play. Doozing off mid rift, not fun. But I felt a lot better after 11h of sleep and quickly went for 70 before lunch. Since then we’ve been duoing as usual and after 18h 45 of /played (with some afk) I just finished Slayer (for the 2nd time ever, I think) and I’m pretty happy. OK, it helped that the Invoker’s Set Dungeon is ridiculously easy compared to some of the other ones.

2018-02-25 19_04_33-Diablo III
Female Crusader with Thorns of the Invoker

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WildStar Updates

I haven’t done any dailies at 50 for ages, but there has been some other progress.
My Medic hit 35 and I enjoy playing her very much. Enough damage that it feels quick and a little healing so that I can solo 2man mobs.
When my Engineer ran out of rested XP at 16 I switched over to my Warrior again because he had loads, so now he’s 21 and I don’t want to repeat Galeras only a few days after I just did the quests. Doh, should’ve thought that through a little better.
I just went to grind out the Journeyman Tailoring achievement/tree thingy Enemy Patterns: Shatterforce Dominion which is a bit of a pain because you have to kill mobs in the Dominion quest hub Shatterforce Outpost. Luckily there are 5 mobs that can be killed on respawn if you stand right in the middle and because of Void Slip I can aggro everything else and kill the remaining ~8 mobs every minute. It took me about an hour of work while reading stuff on the second monitor. Not too bad. But apparently it’s bugged and I need to craft all 5 of them now. Time to farm or buy some lowbie cloth then…

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Trust me, I am an Engineer

With my WoW subscription gone and no more rested XP on my Medic, I was keen on finally trying out an Engineer.
So here he is, again a randomized character as a base that was moderately tweaked. I really love the purple armor.
In other news, I checked all my housing plots and added the “cheap starter edition” of well-rested buffs, which is:

  • Medium Comfort: Red Rug, 50s
  • Medium Lighting: Aurin Hoogle Lamp, 50s
  • Large Ambience: Charming Bar, 5g
  • Large Aroma: Wooden Wall Planter, 1g 50s
  • Large Pride: Chua Bookcase (Tall), 4g

That’s 11g 50s for 3 Large and 2 Medium buffs, directly from your vendor.

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Levelling: Done

Yay, my Stalker hit 50 today, weekends ftw.
The 40-46 part was quite enjoyable, but I do like Malgrave. 46-48 was kind of meh, I don’t like Grimvault that much, but the light non-strain parts are kind of ok. Gladly the Phagelabs zone in the northwest of Western Grimvault pushed me to 50.
Didn’t do much besides crafting awesome pants with a lot of Brutality, adding cheap vendor runes to most of my stuff and doing some Outfitter crafting.
But yeah, it’s done and I’m quite happy.
/played at ding 50 was 3d 15h, compared to my Spellslinger, where it took 4d 16h.

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WildStar shenanigans

Despite the return to WoW (and logging in several times per day) I managed to play some WildStar as well. My Stalker is nearly 46, cleaning up Malgrave and is generally quite fun to play. I really like the Shiphand missions, as I noticed again after ignoring for a while, but I already wish I could skip the Drusera solo dungeons. They were pretty awesome the first time, but too story-driven and still braindead easy I don’t really want to repeat them on every char.
It’s probably a classic learn2play issue, but mobs 1-2 higher are a huge problem, whereas mobs at the same or 1 lower can be dispatched easily, even in packs of 2 or 3. This is a bit weird, but I attribute it to the crit/near-oneshot potential of the class.
I also sunk a fair bit of money into my Outfitter profession and caught up about halfway to my main already. It seems Tailor and Outfitter are the hardcore professions when it comes to material requirements, apparently Architect and Technologist are easier. No clue about Armorer and Weaponsmith, though.
So I’m trying to finish the last stretch over the next few days, although I’m not very keen on dailies or dungeons or any grind at 50, but we’ll see.
One thing I really love about WildStar is the sense of weird humour. ProtoStar, Freebots, Lopp. I really hope WildStar isn’t going down anytime soon, no matter how much bad press it gets (as in letting go people, not reviews).

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A tale of two new worlds

Played WildStar again yesterday for the first time in like 2 weeks because of vacation and stuff. It is fun, still. Levelled a pair of Chua (my Esper and an Engineer, both Scientists) to level 12, can’t wait for housing. A bit undecided about Megaservers. On the one hand I don’t see a big problem, but renaming always sucks (even only adding a surname, I remember SW:TOR. I hated the Legacy and then still having to rename a char after a forced server transfer/merge – meh)
In the evening I had a craving for some strategy and building things, so I dug out the old Anno 1503 (The New World) box (so it really is more than 11 years old) and it actually ran quite ok. Everything that was annoying is still annoying though, of course. Maybe the time has come to look for a discounted copy of Anno 2070 (2011) or Anno 1404 (2009) now.  As long as you can manage to run a decently long game without any warfare I’m set.

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