Magic the Gathering and Final Fantasy
Today I learned that there will be a Final Fantasy Expansion/Set/Promo/Crossover for Magic The Gathering and I noticed I’d never written about it here.
I learned about Magic: The Gathering in 1995 I think, when some people at school played it. I don’t know the exact date but I know that the Homelands expansion was fresh and 4th edition (1995) was current.
Our local game shop often had Fallen Empires (1994) boosters as well, and there was a German version of Chronicles (called Renaissance) (both 1995) – at least as far as I can tell. Oh, and Ice Age was also released in 1995, wow.
Then we got Alliances and Mirage in 1996 and Visions and 5th Edition in 1997, also Portal, Weatherlight and Tempest. When 1998 with Exodus, Portal Second Age and Urza’s Saga rolled around I was already not playing as much anymore, or maybe still playing from time to time but not buying any new cards.
The 1999 releases Urza’s Legacy, Urza’s Destiny, Mercadian Masques still sound familiar, but I don’t really remember this Classic Sixth Edition and Portal: Three Kingdoms.
Apparently I came back for a bit for 8th Edition (2003) because I have some cards and I remember the name Mirrodin. Then I’m drawing a complete blank except that I heard about Ravnica, but without context.
It’s fascinating that it’s been around for 32 years now, over 3/4 of the time I’m alive – and yet I only really participated in the first 25% of its lifespan.
Money is much less of a problem now than back when I was 12 or 15 – but just buying them to look at them is also not my jam, although I was very tempted when I saw the Neon Kamigawa set sin 2022/2023 – and now the Final Fantasy stuff. Maybe I should have a look when this stuff is available locally and buy 2 Commander decks, for old times sake. Or maybe not.
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