Marvel Heroes: Hello Heroic

I wrapped up the first playthrough on Normal difficulty yesterday, defeating Dr. Doom and then Loki with Hawkeye. I was Level 28 or 29, now I’m in Lowtown again and nearly Level 31.
I really like playing Hawkeye, although he’s not feeling like easymode like Human Torch (up until Level 14, so my experience is limited).
Loki was a real pain, though. I think I died 6 or 7 times, a first. The jump from Normal to Heroic is not really noticeable I think, less than in Diablo 3 for sure.
I got weak and bought a little more ingame currency for 5$ and now have a crafting tab. I could buy a Hero tab as well but so far it’s been bearable. I am feeding all the items I get to the crafter to reach level 20 there, but so far it’s only Level 8.
The winter/holiday event ended yesterday evening with a long downtime and today there’s a new event with 42% XP bonus. I was happy until I noticed that the holiday event had 100% XP bonus, it just wasn’t easily recognizable if you started during it. Ah, whatever, 29 levels wasn’t too bad.
I played a lot less WildStar, but my Medic is 38 now and halfway through Wilderrun already.

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WildStar Updates

I haven’t done any dailies at 50 for ages, but there has been some other progress.
My Medic hit 35 and I enjoy playing her very much. Enough damage that it feels quick and a little healing so that I can solo 2man mobs.
When my Engineer ran out of rested XP at 16 I switched over to my Warrior again because he had loads, so now he’s 21 and I don’t want to repeat Galeras only a few days after I just did the quests. Doh, should’ve thought that through a little better.
I just went to grind out the Journeyman Tailoring achievement/tree thingy Enemy Patterns: Shatterforce Dominion which is a bit of a pain because you have to kill mobs in the Dominion quest hub Shatterforce Outpost. Luckily there are 5 mobs that can be killed on respawn if you stand right in the middle and because of Void Slip I can aggro everything else and kill the remaining ~8 mobs every minute. It took me about an hour of work while reading stuff on the second monitor. Not too bad. But apparently it’s bugged and I need to craft all 5 of them now. Time to farm or buy some lowbie cloth then…

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2014 gaming expenses

Why come up with original content when you can grab the best ideas? 🙂
This is what I spent on games and gaming in 2014, but I’m sure I forgot somethng.

MMOs, roughly by time /played

WoW: 156 EUR
I was subscribed for 6 months in early 2014 (I think 2 of those were spent only logging in once a week and chatting to guildies, could’ve saved that) and for 1 month in December after I had bought Warlords of Draenor 2 weeks after launch, end of November. WoD was 45 EUR and I also had one paid character transfer in February to the server where I was working on Algalon.
WildStar: ~105 EUR
I don’t remember the box price (around 40 EUR?) and I’ve been subscribed since launch (5 months).
Pet peeve: NCSoft always needs 2FA via email because my IP changed. Doh, I live in Germany, where roughly 75% of non-mobile users have a new IP on a daily basis.
I was subscribed for 3 months, January until March. If I remember correctly I was levelling my Jedi Sage to 55. No clue why I didn’t write about it.
EVE Online: 48 EUR
I was subscribed until February and came back in late October. That’s 4 months of subscriptions (1 discounted) and I spent 2 PLEX on dual training I had already paid for in 2013.
Marvel Heroes: 8.50 EUR
I started close to New Year’s Eve and spent money on 1000G to buy 3 heroes at the sale. Quite fun, looking forward to finishing the story mode for the first time.

Other games

Diablo 3 – Reaper of Souls: 40 EUR
Back when it launched it was fun for a while, but now awesome fun like Diablo 2 was. In the patch preceding the expansion launch and also after the expansion I played a whole lot. Worth the money, even if went a little stale after a while again.
Steam: ~30 EUR
Hammerwatch 4-pack, Assassin’s Creed 2, AC 3, AC: Brotherhood, AC: Revelations, 10000000, Game Dev Tycoon, Terraria, Gunpoint
I had grabbed Assassin’s Creed 2 at a sale, completed it in a few days and bought the sequels, started with Brotherhood then went to play something else. Still looking forward to finishing them.
I wrote about Game Dev Tycoon and loved it. Same for Gunpoint. Terraria wasn’t really my cup of tea and 10,000,000 was a bit weird, but after an hour it was more fun than in the beginning. And Hammerwatch I only stopped playing because of Marvel Heroes. Still plan to finish it piecemeal.
GoG: 15 EUR
Heroes of Might & Magic 5 Bundle, The Settlers 4, Age of Wonders Shadow Magic, Master of Orion 1+2
After this post I didn’t buy Anno, but Settlers 4. I got the Master of Orion titles because of good things I heard, but it’s a bit too oldschool it seems, I wasn’t immediately hooked. HoMM 5 got a decent amount of play time already, it looks better and plays nearly as good as HoMM 3. (HoMM 4 sucked, btw)
Humble Bundle: 13 EUR
Humble Bundle 11 and Shadowrun Returns, haven’t played any of these for an extended amount of time.
XBox 360: 0 EUR
The only topic where I can’t easily track my purchases online, because I only pick up discounted games in stores here and there, but I’m pretty sure Lego Marvel Heroes was the last one at Christmas 2013.
That’s ~450 EUR in 12 months or 37.50 EUR per month. A lot more than I had thought but still not too bad for a hobby that I could spend a few hours a day with.
To reflect on what could be done to save some money:

  • only 2 MMO subs per month (should be no problem, 2014 it was 19 months of subs in total)
  • restrain myself even more at sales on Steam/GoG/Humble Bundle (wasn’t too bad though) Then again I think I bought more Humble Bundles because of the soundtracks or one game than because of the majority of games in it
  • if I didn’t count incorrectly, I paid for 3 full price games or expansions (D3, WS, WoD)

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Gaming podcasts

I used to say I don’t like podcasts, then I discovered Battle Bards and have listened to every episode ever since.  Well, maybe I discovered it quite timely when it launched, but I was at least giving it a spin. It might have helped that I read Syp‘s and Syl‘s blogs already.
Only one or two months ago I stumbled over AggroChat while reading Belghast’s Tales of the Aggronaut blog. Funny fact about this is that I had visited his site already at least once or twice in the past (by being linked to from some other blog, but had not liked it enough to subscribe to the feed. But this time around, around October I think, it suddenly appealed to me and I’ve been looking forward to his daily post ever since.
And this is where their participation in The Gaming and Entertainment Network probably paid off, because I was shopping around and found Cat Context and have listened to around 15 episodes now.
So that’s it for now, I’m not using any podcast app or listening on the go, but it’s nice while levelling in MMOs.

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Starting with Marvel Heroes

In a state of general interest, specific boredom a few days ago and having read Green Armadillo’s posts on the topic I started with Marvel Heroes under the premise that it seems to be close to Diablo in game play and I always liked Diablo-style games.
So first of all, you play as a Marvel hero you might or might not know, there’s no partial character look customization (only paid full costume options afaik) and it’s Free 2 Play with IAPs.
When starting you nowadays get 11 Heroes you can play to level 10, then are allowed to uncap one of those, i.e. be allowed to play them to Level 60, the current level cap.
Right now these starting heroes are: Hawkeye, Black Widow, Storm, Cyclops, Rocket Raccoon, Human Torch, Punisher, Colossus, Black Panther, Luke Cage and Captain America
There’s also a daily login bonus and on your 2nd day you get enough in game currency to buy 1 (or 2, if everything is 50% off for the holidays) additional Heroes. I decided to invest 10$ to get 3 more Heroes, so here’s my lineup now:

  • Human Torch, uncapped for free (currently level 14)
  • Storm, from a random hero item for 175 Splinters (currently level 7ish)
  • Ghost Rider, my second random for 175 Splinters (yay)
  • Gambit, bought for 450G (= 4.5$)
  • Hawkeye, bought for 225G (currently level 11)
  • Scarlet Witch, bought for 225G

Heroes I’d like to have but wasn’t willing to pay money now (and really, 6 characters makes this roughly as many classes as Diablo 3 had, so should be about the same replayability factor, if only for alting/classes): Captain America, Colossus, Deadpool, Iron Man, Nightcrawler, Punisher, Rogue
The other 30 (43 – 6 – 7) didn’t look hugely interesting to me right now, but we’ll see how long I’ll play and if there are more sales offers.
A major drawback seems to be the bank space, which of course can be bought for real money, but as countless MMOs have taught me, stuff you get in the first half of the game is hardly worth keeping around, so I don’t see any problems for now. And unlike the 50% off of Heroes for this holiday sale I’m not pressed to buy that now, I’ll play more than 10h first.
That said, I had a lot of fun in those 10h and it seems to be one of those “play for a quick 30min” games more than a “omg, I spent 5h now” for me, so I’d say I’m happy I gave them a few bucks and think got a good worth in return. I’m usually not that easily pulled in by sales, I only own those Humble Bundles with games I really wanted (although I looked at nearly all of them on time) and I’m not even sure I got any game on Steam this time (besides Hammerwatch, which also plays like Diablo, and is also totally awesome, but it might have been a week before the holiday sale).
Oh, and Marvel Heroes Items Base seems to be very good.

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Trust me, I am an Engineer

With my WoW subscription gone and no more rested XP on my Medic, I was keen on finally trying out an Engineer.
So here he is, again a randomized character as a base that was moderately tweaked. I really love the purple armor.
In other news, I checked all my housing plots and added the “cheap starter edition” of well-rested buffs, which is:

  • Medium Comfort: Red Rug, 50s
  • Medium Lighting: Aurin Hoogle Lamp, 50s
  • Large Ambience: Charming Bar, 5g
  • Large Aroma: Wooden Wall Planter, 1g 50s
  • Large Pride: Chua Bookcase (Tall), 4g

That’s 11g 50s for 3 Large and 2 Medium buffs, directly from your vendor.

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Garrison summary

Subscription runs out in 40 minutes and I had forgotten to write this up as I had planned, but gladly I woke up soon enough to do a quick last login.
Although I hadn’t anticipated it, I think I have spent more time with garrisons than while levelling in this month.
Here’s the rough outcome (ignoring iLvl and luck on getting a follower on higher quality in the first place), all level 100 if not noted otherwise

  • Rogue
    • Epic: 12
    • Rare: 5
    • Uncommon: 5 (1x 99, 1x 90)
  • Warrior
    • Epic: 7
    • Rare: 9
    • Uncommon: 2
  • Shaman
    • Epic: 10
    • Rare: 8
    • Uncommon: 4 (1x 99, 1x 95)
  • Priest
    • Epic: 3
    • Rare: 11
    • Uncommon: 5 (1x 98)

Only when tallying up I noticed I only have 18 on Warrior and 19 on Priest, doh.
The Shaman had stupid luck, I think 4 or 5 of those 10 epic followers came this way when getting them, whereas on the Rogue all 12 are manually upgraded from Rare or even Uncommon.

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Wrapping up WoW

Yesterday I did three notable things.
First I dinged 100 on my Shadow Priest, then I broke the 610 iLvl pre-heroic barrier on my Shaman. Then I cancelled my WoW account.
It’s not *bad*, but it’s not awesome either. I had quite some fun, levelling the first char was moderately interesting, levelling the second was still nice, levelling number 3 and 4 was more a hassle, but I enjoyed it because I enjoy playing those classes. If I was in any way interested in raiding, I’d stick to my guild on my old server, where quite a few people have returned, are recruiting and I wish them the best of luck for 10+ man Heroic (which used to be Normal, right?). But just doing Heroics is not for me, I mostly despise the random morons in LFD. And I’m also not keen on levelling a 5th time to 100. I might be back for a month when 6.1 hits, that sounds like a better plan.
My Medic is Level 20 now and I’m looking forward to more time spent in WildStar and EVE, less in my garrisons.

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Levelling: Done

Yay, my Stalker hit 50 today, weekends ftw.
The 40-46 part was quite enjoyable, but I do like Malgrave. 46-48 was kind of meh, I don’t like Grimvault that much, but the light non-strain parts are kind of ok. Gladly the Phagelabs zone in the northwest of Western Grimvault pushed me to 50.
Didn’t do much besides crafting awesome pants with a lot of Brutality, adding cheap vendor runes to most of my stuff and doing some Outfitter crafting.
But yeah, it’s done and I’m quite happy.
/played at ding 50 was 3d 15h, compared to my Spellslinger, where it took 4d 16h.

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The MMO Trinity

I just dinged 100 on my Orc Shaman, so the trinity of MMOs is complete once again.

  • Assassination Rogue (DPS)
  • Protection Warrior (Tank)
  • Restoration Shaman (Healer)

Now I just need to gear up the last two and try out some heroics. The Shammy already has the 640 Ring, but both are severely lacking in Garrison resource funds for the Level 3 Garrison.
Silver DPS Proving Grounds were no problem, but Bronze Healing was close on first try. I should read up on Talents, Glyphs and reorganize my bars.

  • The Shaman has 1h /played at Level 100 and 6 epic followers.
  • The Warrior has 5h /played at Level 100 and 2 epic followers.
  • The Rogue has 43h /played at Level 100 and only 5 epic followers (as of this morning).

Oh, and for WildStar, my Stalker hit 47 and started Southern Grimvault today. So close…

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