Herald of the Titans

Yes, we did it! We killed Algalon the Observer with a Level 80 group!

  • Prot Warrior (Human Male)
  • Blood DK (Dwarf Male)
  • Holy Paladin (Draenei Female)
  • Holy Paladin (Draenei Female)
  • Resto Shaman (Draenei Female)
  • Arcane Mage (Gnome Female)
  • Arcane Mage (Gnome Female)
  • Elemental Shaman (Dwarf Female, me)
  • Affliction Warlock (Human Female)
  • Shadow Priest (Worgen Female)

After ~90mins of pulls with a slight change of tactics (all who can survive Big Bang just stay up) we managed to kill him and got our shiny achievement 🙂

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