EVE Online

One hundred seventy million

Last post in November.

Skill category             Points     No. of skills
Spaceship Command         53,247,373  71 *
Gunnery                   26,270,043  54 *
Missiles                  17,171,531  26 *
Drones                    14,084,257  24 *
Navigation                11,235,607  13 *
Engineering                7,970,708  15 *
Shields                    6,446,588  12 *
Fleet Support              5,643,516  15 *
Armor                      5,257,098  12 *
Electronic Systems         5,035,494  15 *
Subsystems                 4,096,000  16
Targeting                  3,840,000   8
Neural Enhancement         1,913,570   7
Scanning                   1,899,374   7
Science                    1,824,280  19 *
Rigging                    1,237,885  10 *
Trade                      1,066,275   8
Resource Processing          976,960  10
Social                       434,510   6
Planet Management            394,040   4
Production                   276,743   4
Structure Management         141,515   7 *
Corporation Management           250   1

Skills at Level 5:   178
Skills at Level 4:   127
Skills at Level 3:    24
Skills at Level 2:     4
Skills at Level 1:    31
Skills at Level 0:     5

One hundred seventy million Read More »

One hundred sixty million

Last post in May. Still fascinating that you will always find something you have not trained.

Skill category             Points     No. of skills
Spaceship Command         51,016,980  70 *
Gunnery                   24,655,717  52 *
Missiles                  17,059,766  26 *
Drones                    11,904,316  22
Navigation                 9,660,314  13
Engineering                7,474,275  15
Fleet Support              5,532,130  13
Shields                    5,182,118  12 *
Armor                      4,807,049  12 *
Subsystems                 4,096,000  16
Targeting                  3,840,000   8
Electronic Systems         3,284,710  14 *
Neural Enhancement         1,913,570   7
Scanning                   1,899,374   7
Science                    1,599,255  19
Trade                      1,066,275   8
Resource Processing          976,960  10
Rigging                      679,060  10
Social                       434,510   6
Planet Management            394,040   4
Production                   276,743   4
Structure Management         135,765   1
Corporation Management           250   1

Skills at Level 5:   167 (+4)
Skills at Level 4:   113 (-2)
Skills at Level 3:    35 (-1)
Skills at Level 2:     2 (0)
Skills at Level 1:    27 (-1)
Skills at Level 0:     3 (+3)

And my alt (later edit).

Skill category             Points     No. of skills
Spaceship Command         26,804,500  55 *
Gunnery                   19,562,515  44 *
Missiles                  11,516,943  22 *
Engineering               6,762,040   14
Drones                    6,705,425   18
Navigation                6,235,866   11 *
Armor                     4,442,510   10
Subsystems                4,096,000   16
Shields                   3,524,550   10
Electronic Systems        2,985,495   13
Science                   1,544,000    3
Targeting                 1,521,805    8
Neural Enhancement        1,055,060    6
Scanning                  1,043,609    7 *
Fleet Support             900,884      7 *
Rigging                   790,825     10
Planet Management         394,040      4
Structure Management      148,831      6 *
Social                    93,255       4 *
Resource Processing       37,657       3 *
Trade                     12,244       3
Production                250          1
Rigging                   790,825     10
Planet Management         394,040      4
Structure Management      148,831      6
Social                    93,255       4
Resource Processing       37,657       3
Trade                     12,244       3
Production                250          1

Skills at Level 5:   126 (+9)
Skills at Level 4:   110 (+11)
Skills at Level 3:    21 (-4)
Skills at Level 2:     9 (+2)
Skills at Level 1:     9  -1)
Skills at Level 0:     7 (+3)

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Playing EVE… differently

The last few days I’ve spent quite a bit of time in HighSec, doing some missions, some mining, trying to (finally) fill out the AIR reward thingies, and also to see some things I’ve not really seen for many years.

One thing I did was doing 20 “Distribution Missions” from Agents, basically ferrying stuff from A to B, with the very, very occasional shooting or mining. So I’ll get 100 points for doing those 20 missions, and also get some 2-3 others done on the way, for example by grabbing 375 LP to spend, or raising standing with some NPC corp.
But mostly I’m kinda shocked how different you’re fitting your ships here, or at least what you could do.

I am using a Sunesis with some Hyperspatial Rigs and some Inertial Stabilizers, so it aligns in under 2s and warps faster, because I’m doing a lot of travel. It basically has no tank (I had some room for a single Multispectrum Shield Hardener and it has an MWD and an Afterburner. I am carrying a refit of 3 Mining Lasers and 3 Light Missile Launchers. If I was in NullSec this would be a completely unfocused shitfit, but in HighSec where there are no bubbles, no one who will aggress my 20m Destroyer (as I never have valuable) cargo, it’s perfect.

It’s like I’m playing a completely different game. Just some chill space trucking, no worries to be shot. But on the other hand I’m making less than 1m ISK per hour, so Level 1 missions are really just for beginners and to learn the game. Still weird how NullSec is a complete sandbox and the missions in HighSec (or grinding out standing) is so, so different.

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Quick wins when training

When playing EVE for a long time and having “higher” SP characters (more so if they are somehow specialized and not general combat pilots) and they have training plans weeks and months long for special skills, one can easily lose track of the quick wins and multiple unlocks, easily seen by having a good look at the skills window and the ship tree (one of my favourite UI parts in EVE).

So I have this alt at around 30m SP, can do a few things, and is not a terrible combat pilot, deployed to somewhere on a special mission. Recently learned to fly HACs and Logi Cruisers, but after unlocking something else I needed I did this good look at the skills window and have now paused training on my main for a couple of days, because I identified these quick wins:

  • Caldari Strategic Cruiser + 4 subsystems = 1h (not combat effective, but I can move it)
  • Amarr Destroyer II+III + Amarr Cruiser I+II = 8.75h to unlock 8 Cruisers
  • Gallente Destroyer II+III + Gallente Cruiser I+II = 8.75h to unlock another 11 Cruiser (now all Pirate Factions)
  • Battlecruiser I – 0.5h if you’re at Cruiser III anyway. I guess I just stopped at Cruiser I at some point when buying skill books, then over the years added II+III and never even thought about BC.
  • Medium x Turret II+III + Large x Turret I = 9.5h

So yeah, of course it’s basic math – but it’s less than 2d of training to unlock (even if just to sit, move, and for the cruisers, maybe actually use the T1 variant) 20 hulls. Also if you’re going to shuttle to an NPC station that sells skill books anyway, might as well buy 10 more and inject them “empty” for future use, or for right now.

Also for an alt character that’s older than 5 years, maybe you never checked if they can fly all the new skills. Pretty sure either Signal Dispersion or Resistance Phasing (or both) are new. And then some 0.5-2h gaps in certain Rigging skills or Repair Systems. Yeah, I might not need a lot of this, but my main is stuck on a 17d Weapon Skill V train for a weapon system I don’t even own right now (afaik), a really good decision for a quick pause and giving this alt some love, even if just for a couple of days.

Overall maybe I was just cherry-picking a couple really good bang-for-the-buck skills (and the boring Magic 14 are trained already for the most part) but I was still surprised what I can achieve in such a short term, and I suppose I should’ve done this sooner. Everyone usually focused on training all skills to IV or V for the T2 ships and weapons but sometimes shallow and wide may be better than focused. Which is funny, because my main was originally too shallow and wide and not focused enough, so maybe I overcorrected on a couple of alts. Then again this alt could originally only fly Shield doctrines decently and of course by adding Amarr and Gallente there’s probably some Armor lacking, but I guess if you’re not operating inside of a NullSec alliance with NullSec doctrines and skillplans, better being able to fly that kitchen sink Omen with Cruiser III and T1 Guns III than not having one more cheap combat ship available.

Quick wins when training Read More »

One hundred fifty million

Nearly missed it, also basically missed it by 2m or so, that would be Cybernetics V and Graviton Physics V
Last post in December.

Skill category             Points     No. of skills
Spaceship Command         50,984,980  69 *
Gunnery                   23,499,131  48 *
Missiles                  13,599,659  25 *
Drones                    11,904,316  22
Navigation                 9,660,314  13 *
Engineering                7,474,275  15
Fleet Support              5,532,130  13
Shields                    4,760,628  12 *
Armor                      4,509,010  12 *
Subsystems                 4,096,000  16
Targeting                  3,840,000   8 *
Electronic Systems         2,863,220  14
Neural Enhancement         1,913,570   7 *
Scanning                   1,899,374   7
Science                    1,599,255  19 *
Trade                      1,066,275   8
Resource Processing          976,960  10
Rigging                      679,060  10
Social                       434,510   6
Planet Management            394,040   4
Production                   276,743   4
Structure Management         135,765   1
Corporation Management           250   1

* = changes since last time

Skills at Level 5:   163 (+14)
Skills at Level 4:   115 (-8)
Skills at Level 3:    36 (-1)
Skills at Level 2:     2 (0)
Skills at Level 1:    28 (+4)
Skills at Level 0:     0 (-1)

The main alt is at 90m now, so here it goes:

Skill category             Points     No. of skills
Spaceship Command         26,277,811  53 *
Gunnery                   13,975,963  40 *
Missiles                   9,532,944  22 *
Engineering                6,762,040  14
Drones                     6,705,425  18 *
Navigation                 4,548,550   9
Armor                      4,442,510  10 *
Subsystems                 4,096,000  16
Shields                    3,524,550  10 *
Electronic Systems         2,985,495  13
Science                    1,544,000   3 *
Targeting                  1,521,805   8
Neural Enhancement         1,055,060   6 *
Scanning                   1,006,354   7
Fleet Support                889,570   6
Rigging                      790,825  10 *
Planet Management            394,040   4
Resource Processing           33,000   3
Structure Management          24,000   1
Social                        23,072   4
Trade                         12,244   3
Production                       250   1 *

* = changes since last time

Skills at Level 5:   117 (+10)
Skills at Level 4:    99 (-4)
Skills at Level 3:    28 (+4)
Skills at Level 2:     7 (-1)
Skills at Level 1:    10 (0)
Skills at Level 0:     4 (-2)

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One hundred forty million

Back on track and not forgetting the milestone this time. Last post in August.

Skill category             Points     No. of skills
Spaceship Command         49,269,946  69 *
Gunnery                   21,253,832  46 *
Drones                    11,904,316  22
Missiles                  11,338,591  25 *
Navigation                8,606,589   13
Engineering               7,474,275   15 *
Fleet Support             5,532,130   13
Shields                   4,339,138   12
Subsystems                4,096,000   16
Targeting                 3,435,321   8 *
Electronic Systems        2,863,220   14
Armor                     2,609,805   11
Scanning                  1,899,374   7
Trade                     1,066,275   8 *
Resource Processing       976,960     10 *
Neural Enhancement        964,550     5
Rigging                   679,060     10
Science                   541,530     15 --
Social                    434,510     6
Planet Management         394,040     4
Production                276,743     4
Structure Management      135,765     1
Corporation Management    250         1

* = changes since last time

Skills at Level 5:   149 (+7)
Skills at Level 4:   123 ( 0)
Skills at Level 3:    37 (0)
Skills at Level 2:     2 (-1)
Skills at Level 1:    24 (+2)
Skills at Level 0:     1 (0)

Interestingly by using a few account-bound boosters and switching some training around, my main alt has not reached 90m. So out of sync again, as it sometimes happens.

One hundred forty million Read More »

A New Home

I thought it would take a lot longer, but BRAVE has a Keepstar again.

Still K7D-II in Querious, but we’re moving out of the Fortizar.

For me personally not a real change, I have no supercaps so I had all my ships already in the Fortizar.

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Going south (again)

It’s been… a week.
We’re packing up and moving down south, for the umpteenth time. I’ve been in Catch 1.0, in Catch 2.0, in Querious 1.0, in Querious 2.0, and now Querious 3.0. I missed Fade 1.0 though.

So apparently the B2 coalition is folding and a good chunk of corps and alliances is joining the Imperium. Not what I had on my bingo card for sure – especially for BRAVE.

I’m not especially fond of this decision although my stance is not as “grr goons” as it used to be in the past, but I’m still not happy. I know they have some decent people and even in general they behaved better than PandaFam did in this war. So even if I left, I’d be staying away from PH and FRT very much. But I’m not leaving, I’m traveling south and will be watching what the future brings.

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Diablo IV on hold, EVE Online back on the menu

Unfortunately lack of time and a few other things didn’t really allow me to continue playing Diablo IV in Season 1, but I did manage to unlock quite a good chunk of the Altars of Lilith on m Eternal char, in preparation of Season 2. Well, let’s just say I’ve not yet managed to create a new char, about a week after it has launched. Then we had some hardware troubles in the house and have to see if we can even play together in the next few weeks.

But at least I did manage to play a good amount of EVE in the second half of October, so not all hope is lost.

Diablo IV on hold, EVE Online back on the menu Read More »

One hundred thirty million

Oops, forgot to post the last one. Last post in November.

Skill category             Points     No. of skills
Spaceship Command         44,481,937  66 *
Gunnery                   20,895,798  43 *
Drones                    11,904,316  22 *
Missiles                  10,779,768  25 *
Navigation                8,606,589   13
Engineering               7,109,669   15 *
Fleet Support             5,532,130   13 *
Shields                   4,339,138   12 *
Subsystems                4,096,000   16
Electronic Systems        2,863,220   14
Targeting                 2,660,841    8 *
Armor                     2,609,805   11 *
Scanning                  1,899,374    7
Neural Enhancement        964,550      5 *
Resource Processing       902,450     10
Rigging                   679,060     10
Science                   502,275     13
Social                    434,510      6
Planet Management         394,040      4
Trade                     359,530      8
Production                276,743      4
Structure Management      135,765      1
Corporation Management    250          1

* = changes since last time

Skills at Level 5:   142 (+17)
Skills at Level 4:   123 (+1)
Skills at Level 3:    37 (-10)
Skills at Level 2:     3 (+1)
Skills at Level 1:    22 (-2)
Skills at Level 0:     1 ( 0)

And thus my alt has reached 80m.

Skill category             Points     No. of skills
Spaceship Command         21,813,152  53 *
Gunnery                   11,889,507  36 *
Missiles                  7,333,279   21 *
Engineering               6,762,040   14 *
Drones                    6,704,925   17 *
Navigation                4,548,550    9 *
Subsystems                4,096,000   16 *
Armor                     3,810,275   10 *
Shields                   3,103,060   10 *
Electronic Systems        2,985,495   13 *
Science                   1,537,415    3 *
Targeting                 1,521,805    8
Scanning                  1,006,354    7 *
Fleet Support             889,570      6 *
Neural Enhancement        738,275      4
Rigging                   679,060     10
Planet Management         394,040      4
Resource Processing       33,000       3 *
Structure Management      24,000       1
Social                    23,072       4
Trade                     12,244       3

* = changes since last time

Skills at Level 5:   107 (+26)
Skills at Level 4:   103 (-9)
Skills at Level 3:    24 (-8)
Skills at Level 2:     8 (-2)
Skills at Level 1:    10 (-1)
Skills at Level 0:     6 (-2)

As there are no cap skills here, it’s a massive spike to get skills to Level V. 80m is really a comfortable place to be if you don’t “waste” skills anywhere except flying subcaps, especially if you leave out the big Battleships, and their T2 variants.

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