Ranking WoW’s races

Yeah, I’m a bit late, but I wasn’t in town when I read Grace’s post which in turn linked Syp’s post about the core races in World of Warcraft, and it’s something I have an opinion about 😛
First of all, I can’t really rate them the same way, most of the time I don’t agree on the Male versus Female versions, so I kinda need to make two lists.
Female characters:

  • Really like: Orcs, Tauren, Dwarves
  • Like: Humans, Night Elf (but only Warriors), Gnomes (mostly Rogues)
  • OK: Blood Elf (Paladin and Warlock, not so much Warrior, Mage or Priest), Pandaren
  • Don’t like: Undead (except Warriors), Troll,
  • Meh: Draenei, Worgen, Goblins

Male characters:

  • Really like: Orcs, Trolls, Tauren
  • Like: Dwarves, Undead (only a few face options)
  • Don’t like: Gnomes, Pandaren, Goblin, Worgen, Blood Elf
  • Hate: Night Elf, Humans, Draenei

So first of all, the scale of female chars goes from say 1-5 of 6, the scale for Male chars goes 1, 2, 4, 6 with 3 and 5 missing.
I don’t think I can articulate my thoughts about the races as well as the 2 linked posts above do, but I don’t care much about lore in WoW in the sense of “what am I playing?” – I like to read up on it and the NPCs are part of it, but I am the player, the center of the world, I am not to be judged what my forefathers did 🙂
So just some quick points:

  • Draenei: Space squids, ugly, space ship story doesn’t check out
  • Undead: Too mopey and earnest, but overall ok.
  • Orcs: Totally overused in the greater WoW story, I hate Garrosh
  • Trolls: a bit over the top with the Jamaican thing and cannibalism, otherwise total <3
  • Blood Elves: snobs
  • Night Elves: “One day I’m gonna make a NE hunter and call her ‘Stereotype'”
  • Dwarves: Boring (but solid) run-of-the-mill fantasy dwarves (plus gadgets, like in Warhammer maybe, less than Gnomes at least)
  • Goblins: should’ve stayed neutral
  • Pandaren: shouldn’t have been playable, were awesome as MoP NPCs
  • Worgen: nice starter zone, meh models (high quality, don’t enjoy)
  • Tauren: used to be too big in Vanilla (PvP etc)
  • Humans: boring, but also solid, I hate Varian
  • Gnomes: weird limbs, too much armor clipping, overall fun

So on the one hand that means I straight out refuse to play certain races as male characters and to the best of my knowledge when I did try.. I deleted them all before Level 10, something I don’t do often in MMOs… on the other hand I’ve made some questionable choices in the past that I wanted to remedy but didn’t want to spend money on.
Also my view on certain combos have changed a lot over time. I didn’t like female Dwarves at the start (like vanilla to WotLK?), wasn’t a great fan of female Orcs and Tauren, I liked Blood Elf males when TBC launched. I liked male Goblins when they were introduced. I didn’t like Undead, period.
So much for the general view on WoW races, now some personal history of poor choices:
First is my female Blood Elf Warlock. I made her when TBC hit and Blood Elves were the new shiny thing (didn’t play Alliance at the time…) and she was awesome. OK, the Frozen Netherweave Tailoring gear was maybe a little overpowered, but hey, why not top damage meters on a fresh alt? I imagine I was just really good at Warlocking! For now I’ve made my peace and as a (practicing and at heart) Pen&Paper roleplayer I hate to retcon characters… Next is my female Blood Elf Paladin. Only Blood Elves could be Paladins, so it had to be Blood Elf. When race changes were announced I really wanted to make her a cow (and it was a less-played alt, so the RP thing wasn’t as bad..) but then I was too tightfisted to really do it, then I played her a ton more and then I collected T2 armor and it looks really, really good so.. no cow. Then my male Blood Elf Priest. Started as a duo with a female Blood Elf Priest and in the end.. he doesn’t bother me so much that I *need* to race-change. I still might, at some point, but it’s only “I made a mistake.. but I can live with it.” My male Pandaren Monk. Oh boy. I liked the male Pandaren at the start, they had this laid back Baloo/Yogi bear feeling to them but as I leveled to 80, 85, then 90 – maybe it was also because Monk was the first class that was decidedly unfun from Level 20 up to when I stopped.. I just don’t feel that character anymore… maybe if it was a female Pandaren which I at least find adorable with the right hairstyle.. meh. I also have a lowbie (<90) male Goblin Warrior on another server which I don’t hate, but as my first real (Blood Elf) Warlock, he was only levelled to experience the new starter zone and race, then played catch up in friends’ guild.. Never properly played, no real connection. On the other hand I still have some characters I like a lot better, and to a certain degree I think the race/class combo does matter: 81 male Troll Hunter, 100 male Undead Death Knight, 74 female Pandaren Priest (all wrong server again).
For all that moaning about races and classes, for all I can tell (been inactive in WoW for a while), I’m 100% or at least 90% happy with all the choices of characters I ever dubbed my main, main alt, or pet project (that female Dwarf Shammy I leveled up just for the Algalon achievement, that 3rd max-level Rogue at Level 90…).
Wow, that’s been a long post, but I quickly want to touch on the Allied Races. I only read about them and am a bit dismayed you have to do so much to unlock them. Especially as someone who had played for 10 years and stopped just before they were announced. We’ll see if I will play BfA and if I will try to have a look at some of them. I also don’t know if you can do a paid race change to one of them, I might investigate that. Not sure I want to level anything up again from 1, I did that often enough…
Some of them look quite interesting though, first and foremost the Dark Iron Dwarves and Zandalari Trolls. Also the Kul Tiran Humans as far as I have seen. Void Elves look ok (but only a Blood Elf reskin? Also the Lightforged Draenei?) Highmountain Tauren look cool as well. Not a fan of the Nightborne or Mag’hart Orcs.
Update: Another take on the matter, even if I vehemently disagree on most points 😉

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WoW: Legion, 10 weeks in

Quick summary of what I did (achieved?) after 10 weeks since the launch of WoW’s 6th (if I counted correctly) expansion.

  • 5 characters at max level (NE DH, Orc Shammy, Troll Warrior, Orc Rogue, Dwarf Paladin)
  • 9 more level 100 chars (every class besides Monk, and Warrior/Rogue twice :P)
  • started to get mostly one of every class towards max level (or even just starting) on Alliance side as well (Priest 72, Hunter 60, Mage 20 – missing Warlock, Druid, DK, Monk)
  • used my Level 100 bost (Pally), still have the Level 90 boost
  • 2 class hall quest lines done, 2 more mostly done, 1 just started
  • iLvl 851 (Shammy), 848 (DH), 841 (Warrior), 834 (Rogue)
  • zero exalted WQ factions, many revered
  • started/grabbed at least one artifact weapon on 3 more chars
  • Finally levelled some pets with the event, sitting at 55 Level 25 ones now
  • Still trying to finish the Naval mission achievements
  • Started Tanaan on one character, very low prio
  • Timewalking is really fun
  • Still haven’t done more than one Mythic – I just don’t like 5mans
  • Transmog is still one of my favorite features

WoW: Legion, 10 weeks in Read More »

This Legion thing is fun!

So yeah, just barely made it to not post for 2 full months. Too much work, too much summer, too much WoW I guess.
My main is a Female Night Elf Demon Hunter at iLvl 832 that has yet to tank a Heroic, but is doing some OK damage in Heroics and the one Mythic I tried.
I also levelled my Orc Ele/Resto Shaman to 110 (iLvl 820) but so far I’ve been very unimpressed with the damage, maybe I should try Enhancement.
Finally I got some Artifact weapons (Assassination Rogue, Fury Warrior, and Frost Mage) and brought the former two to 101.
During the Legion pre-events there was a lot of pushing. DK 90 to 100, 2nd Warrior 90 to 100, Druid 90 to 100, Warlock 90 to 100, Hunter 90 to 100, Mage 90 to 98, Paladin 90 to 93, Monk 85 to 90, 2nd Paladin 1 to 61. And maybe I even forgot some – but I was so unimpressed with Draenor levelling after the first time Horde and Alliance (still managed to get 5 toons to 100 the proper way, 4 back when WoD launched and one in my month before Legion) that I decided to take every advantage I could get from the easy XP.
All in all I’m really happy with Legion, especially transmog, Artifact Weapons, the Order Halls, the level scaling.
The only downsides for me are Professions (too different, too many dungeons, too many quests, too much focused on your main) and Reputations – I was hoping I could skip like one zone per character to not repeat *everything* but because of the reputation requirements for World Quests you have to do all of them (or at least the first half) and can only decide on the order. That is a very wasted opportunity for replayability for me.

This Legion thing is fun! Read More »

There and back again

I bought my first WoW token 3h ago and so basically I’m back. My last visit was a short one – bought WoD and stayed for exactly one month. Now I have one month to become excited for Legion… or not.
In other news, I haven’t really played any games (except a bit of training and moving ops in EVE) and logging in for daily rewards in GW2 and Marvel Heroes.

There and back again Read More »

Problems with the WoW token

xxxxxxx: so, when are you coming back to wow again?
Armagon: next expansion for sure. maybe if the token comes to europe
yyyyyyy: uhh… Started this week

And so I had a quick look, it’s at 40902 Gold atm, quite on the costly side. seems to be an easy way to look at it.
My problem now is the UI ingame. I can log in my sub-20 chars, as I wrote in my last post and when I click on a high-level character, a popup appears that lets me buy 30 days of game time for xxx Gold. And that this gold will be evenly deducted from the characters on this account.
Now my problem is that I don’t have a clue how much gold I own on any realm or in general. I could have 200k, I could have just a few hundred Gold more then the buyout price and I could have not enough and it’s buggy and shows the popup anyway. I just tried 3 realms and get the same popup on any of them, I am *pretty sure* I have enough gold on two of those realms, and absolutely sure I don’t have enough on the third – that’s why I find this confusing.
As I don’t want to buy a token right now I didn’t try clicking on it – who knows if there’s a confirmation window and/or how many steps I need to go through to actually activate it, but why o why couldn’t they put the amount of gold on this realm on the char select screen?

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A very quick visit to Azeroth

Some time ago I had read somewhere that apparently nowadays you can log in to your not subscribed WoW account and play low-level characters. This week I was sick and in bed all day, mostly sleeping, so at one point I fired up the client, tried to find my authenticator and then patched up WoW.
I could indeed log in, see all my characters and log in with the ones below level 20 (didn’t check if below 20 or below or equals 20 though). I only did 5 jumps in an inn, but it’s nice to know. Maybe I will visit some people in the future. And if the WoW token comes, I might even spend some ingame gold to check back for a month, we’ll see.

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Garrison summary

Subscription runs out in 40 minutes and I had forgotten to write this up as I had planned, but gladly I woke up soon enough to do a quick last login.
Although I hadn’t anticipated it, I think I have spent more time with garrisons than while levelling in this month.
Here’s the rough outcome (ignoring iLvl and luck on getting a follower on higher quality in the first place), all level 100 if not noted otherwise

  • Rogue
    • Epic: 12
    • Rare: 5
    • Uncommon: 5 (1x 99, 1x 90)
  • Warrior
    • Epic: 7
    • Rare: 9
    • Uncommon: 2
  • Shaman
    • Epic: 10
    • Rare: 8
    • Uncommon: 4 (1x 99, 1x 95)
  • Priest
    • Epic: 3
    • Rare: 11
    • Uncommon: 5 (1x 98)

Only when tallying up I noticed I only have 18 on Warrior and 19 on Priest, doh.
The Shaman had stupid luck, I think 4 or 5 of those 10 epic followers came this way when getting them, whereas on the Rogue all 12 are manually upgraded from Rare or even Uncommon.

Garrison summary Read More »

Wrapping up WoW

Yesterday I did three notable things.
First I dinged 100 on my Shadow Priest, then I broke the 610 iLvl pre-heroic barrier on my Shaman. Then I cancelled my WoW account.
It’s not *bad*, but it’s not awesome either. I had quite some fun, levelling the first char was moderately interesting, levelling the second was still nice, levelling number 3 and 4 was more a hassle, but I enjoyed it because I enjoy playing those classes. If I was in any way interested in raiding, I’d stick to my guild on my old server, where quite a few people have returned, are recruiting and I wish them the best of luck for 10+ man Heroic (which used to be Normal, right?). But just doing Heroics is not for me, I mostly despise the random morons in LFD. And I’m also not keen on levelling a 5th time to 100. I might be back for a month when 6.1 hits, that sounds like a better plan.
My Medic is Level 20 now and I’m looking forward to more time spent in WildStar and EVE, less in my garrisons.

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The MMO Trinity

I just dinged 100 on my Orc Shaman, so the trinity of MMOs is complete once again.

  • Assassination Rogue (DPS)
  • Protection Warrior (Tank)
  • Restoration Shaman (Healer)

Now I just need to gear up the last two and try out some heroics. The Shammy already has the 640 Ring, but both are severely lacking in Garrison resource funds for the Level 3 Garrison.
Silver DPS Proving Grounds were no problem, but Bronze Healing was close on first try. I should read up on Talents, Glyphs and reorganize my bars.

  • The Shaman has 1h /played at Level 100 and 6 epic followers.
  • The Warrior has 5h /played at Level 100 and 2 epic followers.
  • The Rogue has 43h /played at Level 100 and only 5 epic followers (as of this morning).

Oh, and for WildStar, my Stalker hit 47 and started Southern Grimvault today. So close…

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Nostalgia: The blog that never was

In August 2007, a bit over 2 years before starting this blog, I already had started a wow blog. As I was playing a Rogue, it was aptly named Vanish!

Some time ago I found all 5 posts I had posted there, before taking it down again (no clue why) and now I’m sharing them, lightly edited.

Welcome onboard (Thu, 16 Aug 2007 23:27:27 +0200)

If there’s one thing the world doesn’t need, it’s probably another blog about WoW. But we will see how useless it will be.
As of now this blog is without a real theme, mostly it will be about Rogues, Druids, Warlocks, Raiding, Addons and, to a degree, about PvP, WoWWiki [1], Arena and the other classes.
The only editor (atm) has been playing since May 2005 with just a few breaks not longer than a month. That’s why he owns a 70 Rogue, 70 Druid, 65 Warlock, 35 Warrior and 19 Hunter Twink. He never really rerolled, just made chars to redo quests up to level 10 or visit friends on other servers. These were mostly Warriors that made it to their 20s on Arathor-EU, Vek’lor-DE, Malygos-DE and some others.
From the DE you can also see that he’s from Germany. He’s been living in Munich for more than 20 years, studying Computer Science for some years now and playing video games for less than 20 years. Normally he doesn’t talk about himself in the third person, but he started this post and was too lazy to rewrite it.

Maulgar is king! (Fri, 17 Aug 2007 00:20:00 +0200)

Some hours ago I finished the first run to Gruul’s Lair with my guild. The Unstable Flasks are quite handy, and as I had 1000 Apexis Shards on my Druid I made a stack of 20 and was happy to get some bankspace back.
Sadly it didn’t run too well, the pull really is awfully complicated and we wiped… and wiped… and wiped. Good thing is that I could run out and not die most of the times when the pull failed. Still some repair costs and time feels a bit wasted as I didn’t do much besides clicking ok to readycheck and dpsing Blindeye sometimes. Oh, and sorting out DKP from a handful of screenshots will definitely be more demanding than my role in this fight.

Stupidest Feature ever (Sat, 18 Aug 2007 02:19:25 +0200)

The berserker buff in instances not only gives you +30% damage, it also lets your model grow in size.
Now if you take the berserker buff inside the Stables, try to run out because it’s busy with Alliance and can’t get through the archway you just used and thus die… you wanna strangle someone responsible for that…

Games Convention 2007 (Mon, 27 Aug 2007 01:39:56 +0200)

The GC was quite interesting, but I couldn’t be bothered to queue up for 2h or more just to get to play Wrath of the Lich King for maybe 10 mins. Too much fuzz. The Trading Card Game seemed quite nice, although it’s a bit sad that the Upper Deck employees didn’t really know more than the absolute basics of the game.

Maulgar was king (Mon, 27 Aug 2007 01:44:38 +0200)

Second night of Gruul’s Lair. After some attempts on Maulgar I was feared into the wall with full health and mana and had to watch one after the other die. At 1% the only remaining Paladin couldn’t keep the MT up anymore and we wiped. Quite frustrating, as I tried everything from casting “target not in line of sight” and them positioning Maulgar in front of the wall I was inside to Auto-Unstuck (which doesn’t work in battle of course…). But the next try we killed him with 25man up (maybe 1 or battle rezzes used) and then even got Gruul to 60%, let’s wait for next week.
[1]: This predates wowpedia, but I strongly encourage you to use Wowpedia, not WoWWiki.

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