Tales of my inactivity are greatly exaggerated

Oh, it has been a while. *dusts off blog*
Mostly because I havent’t been enjoying WoW as much as I used to.
My 90s right now are Rogue, Warrior, Shaman, Hunter, Priest, Paladin and Rogue, with a Warlock at 89 and a Druid at 87. I don’t do Pet Battles, Achievement Hunting is stalling, but apparently levelling is ok again since the 5.3 XP boost. Oh, and levelling a Shadow Priest sucks donkey balls, dito instances and Disc is kind of ok, but was more fun at 80. =( Then again I’m having a blast as Affliction, I think I’ve last enjoyed my Warlock as much in TBC.
The big question this expansion will be if the 85 Mage and DK will make it to max level and whether I can be bothered to gear up any alts besides a few. I really hate LFR for being such pointless facerolling, for now my plans are to have 1-2 alts for flex raids when they hit and to really, really, really ignore the other max level chars instead of wasting time. Good old pick up alt raids on Aggramar were awesome, LFR is not.

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Mirror, mirror on the wall

When I read this post on Hunter pets, I started my reply with a huge summary about wow races, in my usual way of telling people what I think, no matter if they want to listen.
Then I did a quick cut and paste and present this post instead. So Jaedia’s dislike of female Orcs is to blame. Purely.

Anyway, I noticed that ny taste of wow races has changed so much over the years:

  • Awesome: Human female, Orc male, Dwarf male
  • OK: Tauren male, Gnome female, NE female
  • Ugly: The rest, especially Undead
  • No,no,no,no: Dwarf female, NE male
  • Awesome: Orcs, Troll male, Human+NE female, Gnomes
  • OK: The rest
  • No,no,no,no: BE male, NE male
I think a big part is that I didn’t want to play just Orcs over the years – if it was even possible, due to class restrictions, and nowadays I’m ok with nearly all the toons I ever started.
So the only “pending race changes” for me are
Priest: BE male to… whatever
Paladin: BE female to… Tauren

Which leaves me with these choices, for now:

  • Orc Rogue, male: hell yeah, screw the 90% lookalike Undead Rogues with their weird animations
  • Tauren Druid, male: Not much to choose from
  • Troll Warrior, male: I love the animations, plus it’s a rare combo – win.
  • Orc Shaman, female: Apart from all the horrible hairstyles, very nice.
  • Undead Mage, male: While I dislike Undead in general, male Priests and Mages are ok. With a dress *snicker*
  • Human Rogue, female: I chose Human for the shortened rep grinds and nice racials, plus the looks are ok. Now I’m a bit jealous of Gnomes, they’re nice. And extra sneaky.
  • Blood Elf Paladin, female: See above, can’t wait to be a cow lady. Sick of Blood Elves.
  • Orc Hunter, male: Nothing to say here, Orcs make really cool Hunters – male or female. Next best bet is Troll male and NE female. Oh, and Dwarves.
  • Blood Elf Warlock, female: A toon I rolled at the very start of TBC to “have a look at the new race and starting zone”. I find Warlock the best fit for a Blood Elf, and although I’m sick of the general abundance of them, I’m happy with my Warlock.
  • Blood Elf Priest, male: Not happy with the model, I dread the decision a bit. Not really sure which race I’d pick if I changed it.
  • Undead Death Knight, male: Most DKs are Blood Elves or Orcs it seems, and I already had a Troll plate wearer, so Undead it was. Quite happy with the choice.

Edit: What the hell, WordPress. Would you please stop eating my formatting? Wall of Massive Text without paragraphs sucks…
Edit2: Appaerently you won’t. WYSIF – What You See Is Fail…

Mirror, mirror on the wall Read More »

Whiny Post Day: Living in the past

Today is Whiny Post Day and here’s my confession: I’m attached to the past.
I got reminded by this easily when I read The Login Screen by the Gnome Tank for Life, I’m always partly living in the past, having fond memories of.. stuff. Yes, basically everything.
While I’m mostly quick at adapting gameplay changes, I’m an avid collector of old T1 and T2 gear – it looks just so much more awesome, and especially distinct.
I’m not a RP person in WoW, but I’m desperately waiting for some “style” feature so I can look like I’m wearing T1 (Nightslayer) while having the stats of my T9/T10 shinies. Disable it in Battlegrounds and Arenas, I don’t care.
I want a config option to select my login screen of choice, I’d be using the vanilla one still.
I know there’s lots of ingame stuff that changed and much of it is really for the better, but these small cosmetic changes that wouldn’t affect any other player (unless you’d have an aversion to soup bowl or banana shoulders…) – I WANT.
Thanks, that is all.

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This is where I cry

Tried to do some random instances on my lowbie Hunter on Argent Dawn-EU.
First try, Deadmines.
Everything up and down, but not too bad.
Warlock dies and doesn’t respond for some minutes, gets kicked.
Replacement Rogue comes in.
No one pays attention to patrols, it still works.
Just as we want to go down to the Smelting area, Tank needs a Relog.
Paladin Healer and Rogue proceed to run into mobs and die.
Rogue can’t find entrance, waits for res.
Paladin Healer can’t see his corpse.
15 mins pass (where I surf the web) and no Tank in sight.
This is where I leave.
Second try, Deadmines.
(Other) Hunter is semi-afk while having lunch, has growl on, spams chat then goes offline.
Rogue needs on Cloth SpellPower-Gloves, wins and equips them. (He has two Heirloom weapons, shouldn’t be THAT much of a noob.)
Shaman is infuriated, stops healing until he gets the gloves.
Tank isn’t bothered and continues to pull.
This is where I leave.

This is where I cry Read More »

No news is good news? Why yes…

Long time no update, then again not much happened.
My Mage hit 80 at some point in time recently, got 2T9 today. Otherwise just running a few daily randoms and trying to gear up my Alliance Rogue. Not really much play time in general, busy with uni stuff.
My Mage has been Frost for 80 levels, with a 2h Fire intermezzo at about level 29.
Here’s a shoutout to krizzlybear, who has a nice Frost Mage Raiding Cheat Sheet available.
Sadly this got online about 48h after I finishes my research. Bah, slacker. No seriously, go read it. It’s very good. Apart from the one comment that calls the Arcane rotation less complicated than Frost. I can’t think of anything simpler than casting Frostbolt and watching out for one proc.

No news is good news? Why yes… Read More »

Patch 3.3 Rogue Starting 80 Gear

So, you got an alt Rogue that needs some gear and you’re neither in the mood for detailed research nor striving for absolute perfection? Then this post may be for me you. (Yes, usually I’m not going for “good enough”, but my main is a 80 Rogue, so spare me some slack on my alt 80 Rogue.)
Not going to bother with rep rewards and blues, although they might be slightly better, sometimes they’re not as easy accessible due to rep grinds. This might be reworked.

Chest	Marwyn	HoR H Choking Hauberk
	Captain	HoR N Blackened Geist Ribs
Feet	Captain	HoR H Blighted Leather Footpads
	Sjonnir	HoS H Boots of the Whirling Mist
Hands	Marwyn	HoR N Carpal Tunnelers
	Paletr	ToC N Gloves of the Argent Fanatic
	Ymiron	UP H
Head	Devour	FoS H Frayed Scoundrel's Cap
Legs	Tyrann	PoS H Fleshwerk Leggings
	Eadric	ToC N Leggings of Brazen Trespass
	Gal'da	Gun H
Should	Falric 	HoR H Spaulders of Black Betrayal
	Bronja	FoS N Bewildering Shoulderpads
	TBK	ToC N Gored Hide Legguards
Wrist	Ick	PoS H Chewed Leather Wristguards
		ToC H
	Wyrmre	Exalted
	Loken	HoL H
		Ocu N
Waist	Forgem	PoS N Flayer's Black Belt
Back	Devour	FoS N Accursed Crawling Cape
Neck	Forgem	PoS H Barbed Ymirheim Choker
Finger	Tyrann	PoS H Band of Stained Souls
	Forgem	PoS N Ring of Carnelian and Bone
Trinket Devour	FoS H Needle-Encrusted Scorpion
	Confess	ToC N Banner of Victory
MH	Bronja	FoS H Axe Nighttime
	Captain	HoR N Dagger Chilled Heart of the Glacier
	Captain	HoR H Mace Black Icicle
	Eadric	ToC H Mace Aledar's Battlestar
	Falric	HoR N Sword Ghoulslicer
	Devour	FoS H Dagger Blood Weeper
	TBK	ToC H Dagger
	Devour	FoS N Dagger Heartshiver
OH	Falric  HoR N Axe Tank Falric's Wrist-Chopper
	Bronja	FoS N Mace Tank Lucky Old Sun
	Captain HoR H Sword Liar's Tongue
	Ick	PoS N Dagger Krick's Beetle Stabber
Ranged	Captain HoR H Bow Crypt Fiend Slayer
	Bronja	FoS H Thr Papa's Brand New Knife

Yes, there’s two tank weapons in there. Don’t you dare roll need over a tank, even off-spec.
But before sharding, take em and toss your party 20g. Same goes for ranged weapons.

Patch 3.3 Rogue Starting 80 Gear Read More »

New Addons and randoms

Running my daily randoms whenever time permits, DPS/Tank/Healer at 80 and Mage at 79 for Triumph and XP.
So far still happy with all the randoms, apart from a weird tank every now and then or DPS where I do more DPS on my Rogue than the 2 others, it’s fine.
When I installed RankWatch, first out of curiosity how much hits I would get, I thought people might be pissed, until now one person didn’t respond and I’ve already got like 10 “Thank You”, because they seemed to have misplaced stuff on their bars, dinged 80 recently and forgot to train or were lost in dualspec 🙂 Nice addon.
On my tank I’ve jumped the bandwagon and tried Tidy Plates and Threat Plates, quite nice for trigger happy DPS in heroics.
Over and out.

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A tale of Bagspace

I’m one of the people who can’t ever have enough bagspace. Seriously.
I just stumbled upon this nice post by KarthisAndrew of Teeth and Claws, back when he played WoW. I’ve not so much got raiding stuff in my bags nowadays, but it’s still full. Basically on every character I have, and it’s not that I abuse all my alts as bank characters. 70 Hunter – Leather, 70 Priest – Enchanting mats, 70 Warlock – all Northrend food, 7x Mage – Engineering mats, 80 Shaman & Druid – Herbs, 80 Warrior – Ore and Bars, 6x Paladin – Gems and JC mats… No wonder they’re all mostly full. Then the older characters (Rogue, Warrior and Druid especially) have a bank full of old Tier gear I don’t want to delete or sell and a ton of other stuff. Soo glad mounts and pets are spells nowadays.
But let’s get to the gory details:

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Patch 3.3 goodness

Tried out the Random Heroics tonight, very impressed. Lucky with groups, ok. But I’m so glad you can keep your cross-server group and just go on and on and on.
Didn’t really count my Emblems, but I think it’s been 7 Frost and about 40 Triumph for my Shammy:

  • Razorscale, Weekly Raid
  • ToC 10
  • “Daily” Heroic
  • Countless random heroics

Oh and we even managed to do Watch Him Die, Hadronox Denied and Zombiefest! in one group, quite awesome.

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