No news is good news? Why yes…
Long time no update, then again not much happened.
My Mage hit 80 at some point in time recently, got 2T9 today. Otherwise just running a few daily randoms and trying to gear up my Alliance Rogue. Not really much play time in general, busy with uni stuff.
My Mage has been Frost for 80 levels, with a 2h Fire intermezzo at about level 29.
Here’s a shoutout to krizzlybear, who has a nice Frost Mage Raiding Cheat Sheet available.
Sadly this got online about 48h after I finishes my research. Bah, slacker. No seriously, go read it. It’s very good. Apart from the one comment that calls the Arcane rotation less complicated than Frost. I can’t think of anything simpler than casting Frostbolt and watching out for one proc.
No news is good news? Why yes… Read More »