This is where I cry
Tried to do some random instances on my lowbie Hunter on Argent Dawn-EU.
First try, Deadmines.
Everything up and down, but not too bad.
Warlock dies and doesn’t respond for some minutes, gets kicked.
Replacement Rogue comes in.
No one pays attention to patrols, it still works.
Just as we want to go down to the Smelting area, Tank needs a Relog.
Paladin Healer and Rogue proceed to run into mobs and die.
Rogue can’t find entrance, waits for res.
Paladin Healer can’t see his corpse.
15 mins pass (where I surf the web) and no Tank in sight.
This is where I leave.
Second try, Deadmines.
(Other) Hunter is semi-afk while having lunch, has growl on, spams chat then goes offline.
Rogue needs on Cloth SpellPower-Gloves, wins and equips them. (He has two Heirloom weapons, shouldn’t be THAT much of a noob.)
Shaman is infuriated, stops healing until he gets the gloves.
Tank isn’t bothered and continues to pull.
This is where I leave.
This is where I cry Read More »