
Levelling: Done

Yay, my Stalker hit 50 today, weekends ftw.
The 40-46 part was quite enjoyable, but I do like Malgrave. 46-48 was kind of meh, I don’t like Grimvault that much, but the light non-strain parts are kind of ok. Gladly the Phagelabs zone in the northwest of Western Grimvault pushed me to 50.
Didn’t do much besides crafting awesome pants with a lot of Brutality, adding cheap vendor runes to most of my stuff and doing some Outfitter crafting.
But yeah, it’s done and I’m quite happy.
/played at ding 50 was 3d 15h, compared to my Spellslinger, where it took 4d 16h.

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The MMO Trinity

I just dinged 100 on my Orc Shaman, so the trinity of MMOs is complete once again.

  • Assassination Rogue (DPS)
  • Protection Warrior (Tank)
  • Restoration Shaman (Healer)

Now I just need to gear up the last two and try out some heroics. The Shammy already has the 640 Ring, but both are severely lacking in Garrison resource funds for the Level 3 Garrison.
Silver DPS Proving Grounds were no problem, but Bronze Healing was close on first try. I should read up on Talents, Glyphs and reorganize my bars.

  • The Shaman has 1h /played at Level 100 and 6 epic followers.
  • The Warrior has 5h /played at Level 100 and 2 epic followers.
  • The Rogue has 43h /played at Level 100 and only 5 epic followers (as of this morning).

Oh, and for WildStar, my Stalker hit 47 and started Southern Grimvault today. So close…

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WildStar shenanigans

Despite the return to WoW (and logging in several times per day) I managed to play some WildStar as well. My Stalker is nearly 46, cleaning up Malgrave and is generally quite fun to play. I really like the Shiphand missions, as I noticed again after ignoring for a while, but I already wish I could skip the Drusera solo dungeons. They were pretty awesome the first time, but too story-driven and still braindead easy I don’t really want to repeat them on every char.
It’s probably a classic learn2play issue, but mobs 1-2 higher are a huge problem, whereas mobs at the same or 1 lower can be dispatched easily, even in packs of 2 or 3. This is a bit weird, but I attribute it to the crit/near-oneshot potential of the class.
I also sunk a fair bit of money into my Outfitter profession and caught up about halfway to my main already. It seems Tailor and Outfitter are the hardcore professions when it comes to material requirements, apparently Architect and Technologist are easier. No clue about Armorer and Weaponsmith, though.
So I’m trying to finish the last stretch over the next few days, although I’m not very keen on dailies or dungeons or any grind at 50, but we’ll see.
One thing I really love about WildStar is the sense of weird humour. ProtoStar, Freebots, Lopp. I really hope WildStar isn’t going down anytime soon, no matter how much bad press it gets (as in letting go people, not reviews).

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Stuff is happening… slowly

Sick at home, actually so bad that I can’t sit and play for more than an hour or two, so haven’t undocked in EVE (my new favorite game) in a few days.
Blogging would be totally possible, with a laptop in bed, just that nothing really happened. Plus I hope my sentences make sense.
Despite all of this I managed to level my Mordesh Stalker from 19 to 35 in the last 2 weeks or so, only adding a few of those levels in the last days, so at least something to write down. Awesome.
Failed the Malgrave Trail Veteran Adventure run on my main by a small margin on first try, so nothing really new there, it will still take tremendous time to get attuned.

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Weekend wrapup

Thanks to the prolonged Pentecost weekend there was stuff happening.
OK, I didn’t level that much because we finally had some sun ’round here, but still… Spellslinger is nearly 21 and Stalker is 15 and has a lot and a mount.
I am not 100% happy with questing as a duo. Yes, people can disagree – but the Soldier quests are quite ok, you just kill a little bit more stuff than usual, but the Settler quests really end up costing time. And again the challenges (especially pickup) that start when you just made a little plan to clear out that camp. We’ve taken to taking turns on those, so one is grabbing everything, the other is killing mobs in the way – but it’s just ok, not really amazing.
But! … the game is still fun, although that raid attunement stuff Syl posted about did not sound fun at all… Basically I hated the Karazhan attunement back in TBC already and this sounds like a lot more work… but at least I haven’t yet decided if I will raid at all. Que sera, sera.

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Slow progress

Didn’t have that much time to play the last 2 evenings, so my Spellslinger is Level 17 now and questing in Galeras and my Mordesh Stalker is Level 8 and bouncing around Woodhaven. Game’s fun, but oh boy, are Challenges annoying. I usually love this kind of stuff, but not when it’s interrupting my questing. I tend to hate to be shoved into doing things the minute someone else decides it would be a good time… Especially if it’s a game. And yeah, you can do them later, but somehow you probably still feel pressed to do it now – you’d be killing those mobs anyway. Ah well, not everything can be awesome, right?
Speaking of awesome, this lore video is it.

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