Raiding Amirdrassil – week2

Oops, forgot to post the post, fumbled something together, then found the draft.

I’ve not had terribly much time to play WoW, and as of Monday evening I think I’ve acquired a total of 2 upgraded pieces of loot. Running 2+2 Tier pieces is worse than 4 of the old ones, so I passed for some guildies. Still feels bad because I know some of them are just rolling for the 20 iLvl upgrade, not simming if it’s an upgrade. Still, bad itemization if it’s a 5% dps loss like this.

The catchup mechanic in 10.2 doesn’t seem bad, in an evening on Saturday I managed to run my 2nd toon through the quest line (this time not reading the quest text, not having to search, etc) and she had no real problems doing it at iLvl 385ish and is now iLvl 421 which is just below Normal gear in the last raid tier (that should have been 424 I think). Not sure on how many I’ll do this, I’m trying to not just gear all the alts this expansion (yeah I did way too much of it at launch, I know).

Fyrakk down on like the 3rd try on Tuesday, oneshot Gnarloot, then Igira on the fourth pull and 2 wipes on Volcoross. Got a nice 2h weapon from Gnarlroot, iLvl 467 but other than that maybe one other drop, everything good I have is from the Vault :/

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A New Home

I thought it would take a lot longer, but BRAVE has a Keepstar again.

Still K7D-II in Querious, but we’re moving out of the Fortizar.

For me personally not a real change, I have no supercaps so I had all my ships already in the Fortizar.

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WoW’s 10.2 patch – Guardians of the Dream

So, since we cleared Aberrus at the end of August I’ve not really done a lot. Was subscribed for a bit, did some solo casual things, don’t even remember if we did anything as a group.

But I was called to Discord recently and it was decided we’d start raiding today, so in true “guess I’ll have to do a bit of prep” fashion I resubscribed this morning (took the 3 months bundle), updated all addons (some have not been updated but still everything seems to work), checked my spec, started with the new patch’s questing, and looked at the strategies for the first few bosses.

Then off we went and in our 2 hours cleared 6 of the 9 bosses, with 2 wipes on the seventh (no wipes before). Fun was had, drops were distributed (I got nothing), my damage is bad because I’ve not replaced a single piece since August and some people are already a full tier (aka 13 iLvl) or even a bit more ahead. But I didn’t regret resubbing and that’s the only important thing, although I’ve got no urgent plans for any alts or M+ right now, we’ll see.

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Going south (again)

It’s been… a week.
We’re packing up and moving down south, for the umpteenth time. I’ve been in Catch 1.0, in Catch 2.0, in Querious 1.0, in Querious 2.0, and now Querious 3.0. I missed Fade 1.0 though.

So apparently the B2 coalition is folding and a good chunk of corps and alliances is joining the Imperium. Not what I had on my bingo card for sure – especially for BRAVE.

I’m not especially fond of this decision although my stance is not as “grr goons” as it used to be in the past, but I’m still not happy. I know they have some decent people and even in general they behaved better than PandaFam did in this war. So even if I left, I’d be staying away from PH and FRT very much. But I’m not leaving, I’m traveling south and will be watching what the future brings.

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Diablo IV on hold, EVE Online back on the menu

Unfortunately lack of time and a few other things didn’t really allow me to continue playing Diablo IV in Season 1, but I did manage to unlock quite a good chunk of the Altars of Lilith on m Eternal char, in preparation of Season 2. Well, let’s just say I’ve not yet managed to create a new char, about a week after it has launched. Then we had some hardware troubles in the house and have to see if we can even play together in the next few weeks.

But at least I did manage to play a good amount of EVE in the second half of October, so not all hope is lost.

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Diablo IV – Season 1

Oh wow, another Diablo 4 post? On the same day?

Yeah, after exiting the game in a meh mood last night (just created my Seasonal Rogue, never logged in) today was a fresh day and the difference was night and day. I skipped the campaign I’d just done (not because I didn’t like it, but because it felt moot to redo it just after finishing it) and just did some dungeons, events, quests, and worked on the Seasonal stuff. Managed to do Chapter I quite quickly, then continued to Chapter II, which I finished a bit earlier in the evening.

So I’m Level 26 now and it’s really fun – I just didn’t like the Barbarian that felt so weak. Glad I stuck with it but I kinda hate the fact that they gated the Season behind this artificial wall and I had to suffer through this (or restart). Bonus: At Level 10 she already looked cooler, or maybe I just prefer the Leather/Rogue style.

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Completed: Diablo IV

Yeah, the post title might be up for debate but if you look at Diablo IV as a game where you play through the story, then it’s correct.

I originally wasn’t really interested but then I got talked into getting it and we leveled a duo of Barbarians and it took like 3 months until schedules had lined up enough to finish this and last night the credits rolled. From what I’ve seen and heard the Barbarian as a leveling class felt very slow and very squishy compared to two different Rogue builds, and at times it was a real slog. But now it’s done and I mostly enjoyed it. Compared to the older Diablo titles you can call it a story – it wasn’t stellar but it wasn’t worse than that of most other games.

I find it a bit silly that you can’t create a Seasonal char without finishing the story, as it’s quite long (Level 45).

So now I have a Seasonal Rogue but I instantly logged out after creating her after that multi-hour session we had to first grind the last 2 levels and then do the last (very long) story part.

Did I like the game? Mostly. Barbarian didn’t feel great and I didn’t want to start a 2nd non-seasonal char and it was also not bad enough to restart.

Will I continue playing? Yeah, can’t wait to try a second class now.

Was it worth the money at launch? Eh, if you play with someone, probably yes. Overall? No, would’ve waited for a sale.

Am I being unfair by not really being in a mood for Diablo? I dunno.

So let’s see, maybe some more posts in the future.

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Patch 10.1.7 goals and stuff

So, not too long after we finished the Raid on Heroic my WoW subscription ran out and I didn’t renew it at first. We had still planned to get 2-3 people who had missed the kill the achievement, so at the start of September I was on standby, if there were enough people to raid I’d use my token and resub, otherwise waiting. The 17th looked like it might happen but I had to bow out due to RL on short notice, but they didn’t end up killing the final boss again. So today we extended and had 16 people and after a few wipes it worked. I’m amazed I could remember the fight after 5 weeks.

I had actually claimed my token yesterday because I was a little bored and wanted to play WoW again, after that little break, and I also didn’t want to miss out on the Trading Post if I am honest.

So yesterday I didn’t even play that much, but I managed to finish the Trading Post, do the last 3 Zereth Mortis achievements I was missing for the final achievement, caught up on nearly all of the story quests from 10.1.5 and 10.1.7, did the Valdrakken weekly and some WQs and today did some Dragonriding achievements, finished the Niffen weekly and did some digging.

All in all it was quite nice and I had fun, but now I’m already a little unsure how to continue. For the first time I’m not burning to level my Horde chars (not even my old Rogue main), I’m only missing two of 13 classes to 70 (Priest and Evoker) and it feels a little pointless to do stuff on alts at the moment, except for some Profession stuff on 2-3 of them, but only what is useful for the whole expansion lifecycle and not just this patch/tier. I’m totally not in the mood for M+ right now and so I don’t think I’ll do the grind to KSH or KSM as I had originally planned. (I’ve deliberately put off doing the Night Elf & Undead Heritage Quests as they count for the Trading Post, so either I’m saving some time by doing them in October or at worst lose nothing either.)

Now I’m not sure I have a lot of real goals left for this 5-6 week stretch until the next raid opens, maybe some achievements but I’m not enthusiastic. Then again it’s also not that I’m eager to play something else. FFXIV was fun but I’m currently not inclined to resub, Cyberpunk 2077’s new patch sounds cool, Baldur’s Gate III and Starfield are fresh and somewhat interesting, but I dunno. When I’m not really in the mood for any game I suppose it’s a safe bet to stick to something I know and that I could buy with ingame gold. I know I’d be angry if I bought Cyberpunk now and stopped playing again after 10h, even if it’s on sale.

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