
The army of alts in Shadowlands

So while I had the plan to only focus on my main and not do a lot of alting… I found that I needed a little EVE break and when playing so much on my main, doing daily callings, adventures, dungeons.. I need some diversion and I had some time, so I did start to level a few alts.

Most importantly, it’s also Darkmoon Faire this week, and to unlock the new profession tier you need to do the Maw intro quest. And that already pushes you to 51 if you were rested (never forget, once a new expansion is live, log in all your max-level toons once to start accumulating rested XP again). So my Hunter and Shaman finished Bastion already (both 53 now), the Paladin, Rogue and Death Knight have done the Maw intro quest (all 51 now), and on my Demon Hunter I wanted to try the “Threads of Fate” thing that lets you skip the main story, pick a covenant and level how you like. She’s 54 now and I have finished Revendreth (I picked Venthyr) but it’s not as enjoyable as I had hoped, so I guess I won’t do that again in the foreseeable future. The Hunter was actually just a little diversion when I needed a break, the DH was mostly the same, but I might pick the Shaman as my main alt, we don’t have too many of those and I could try healing again – not a fan of Holy Paladins otherwise I would’ve chosen my Paladin as main alt.

So I’m actually actively ignoring my Horde toons now – and also the Priest, Mage, Warlock, Monk, and Druid on Alliance – none of them have crafting professions, and only the Druid has 2 main professions at all. Casters and Monk, so yeah, my priorities in what constitutes fun classes is pretty clear (although Warlock isn’t so bad), but Mage and Priest rank at the bottom and Monk ranks as the worst Melee class.

Today was Sunday and because I didn’t want to run my 13 Horde + other server alts through the Maw intro, so I just hopped over to DMF on them quickly and grabbed some old profession points where needed. Quick win and not too much time wasted.

And finally I did what I had postponed for a long, long time. I’ve never been happy with my Male Pandaren Druid, so I changed him to a Female Pandaren today (thank you Blizzard for finally making this a gold cost) and then I also changed my Undead Death Knight to be Female because I’d never been 100% happy with him either, and the new transmog options are pretty awesome. And my Mage is already a Male Undead, so what’s the point in having two of them if I’m not a big fan?

Undead Death Knight at Darkmoon Faire
Pandaren Monk

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Slow gear upgrades

As my original plan for Shadowlands was to raid again after all these years, I’m not completely sure how much effort is needed so maybe I’m erring on the side of too much preparation, but I guess it won’t hurt as long as I don’t burn out before the raid even unlocks.

The first week of the expansion is wrapping up and I reached max level, I did quite a few heroics and joined 2 nights of Mythic 0 with the guild (missed one). The problem is that my iLevel is still really bad, 3 slots with 184 Mythic 0 gear, one extra piece on the same slot, having replaced 3 171 items in these slots and really bad weapons – so I guess see myself running Mists of Tirna Scithe and Necrotic Wake every day until I have at least 2 171 2 hand weapons and replace at least some of my 5 other sub-171 slots. For the amount of heroics I ran this week the yield seems bad, but maybe I’m complaining too much and all my guildies just ran even more of them.

As was expected, damage isn’t really great at the moment, but there are several factors, low item level, no enchants, Fury doesn’t seem to be in a great place overall at the moment compared to other classes and specs, and also the player hasn’t actually tried to do top DPS in many years, so I’m pretty sure my rotation isn’t optimal and I’m missing things. I plan to setup at least 2 more WeakAuras, but I think my cooldown usage might actually be better than years ago, where I forget them a lot.

At least I did my callings (Emissary quest successor) every day since hitting 60, did at least collect parts of the Soul Ash from Torghast, and did some other things I was supposed to do in the first week. I even tried to get Sorrrowbane, but that quest is really annoying as you have one shot every time the WQ is up and even if you do everything correctly you can still be unlucky and have other people grab the items before you.

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Shadowlands, a few days in

So yes, I’ve been playing a lot of WoW this week, ignoring the launch night but getting in the minute I stopped working all other days. I got to 60 on Thursday, then continued with the main story and chose a covenant, yesterday (Friday) I did some dungeons, first a random normal, then a few normal ones in a guild group and then a Heroic, which went fine. My iLevel is now 152 (started at ~145 before the dungeons) some of the 4 guildies were already in the 150 range.

Arboreal Gulper mount from Ardenweald

Overall, I’m loving the expansion so far. I liked all 4 zones overall and had a lot of fun with the story lines. Some were better than others, but overall really happy. My main gripe is that I can’t mount in parts of Oribos and at the Heart of the Forest, so not too bad overall. Again there are quite a few mechanics that are new to this expansion, although some are just old ones with a twist. I also just ran my Demon Hunter through the Maw intro quest line, I think I could use a 2nd Herbalist right now, one that I can just park in one of the 4 zones.

Here’s a complete rundown how long I needed to level, apparently I was slow. But I read every single quest completely without rushing (except a 5min stint where dinner was ready and I absolutely had to finish this for fear of being logged out in the wrong spot :/).

Levels from 50 to 60 in hours

Not 100% sure they add up to 15h 15mins, but I only had exact screenshots for most of them, so could be off a minute or three here and there.

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Traveling in style

It’s been nearly a month since I posted about EVE, but that’s not for lack of playing. I think I played a lot more than WoW, despite the leveling. But for some reason I don’t enjoy writing about the war, so I don’t.

But last night (2h after I went to bed) I finished training Caldari Carrier I and that means… I have a suitcase now. For people not playing EVE, it’s usually quite hard to move more than one ship at a time, like, the one you’re flying. There’s the Bowhead, a large, slow non-combat vessel that’s mostly used in HighSec, and if the ships are not assembled you can stuff them in a Deep Space Transport, or a Freighter, or Jump Freighter. But when you’re moving your assembled ships, as in move ops during the war perhaps, it’s either taking many, many Titan bridges (or gating), or having a suitcase. Which basically means all Capital ships have a Ship Maintenance Bay with 1 million m3 of space for assembled ships, which means roughly 10 cruisers or a few Battleships. And if you don’t use your capital for fights, you call that a suitcase – and now I have one. First I wanted to go for a Ninazu (yay, Gallente) and bought a cheap one, but then I had second thoughts because our fleets are shield tanked and not armor tanked, and so I sold it (for a profit) and bought a Minokawa a few days ago. And today I finally jumped it to our home system where I can fill it up and then go towards where the war happens. But this was quite some training time, quite some ISK invested (hull + skill books were nearly 2 billion), but now I have it. Oh, and of course I also needed an alt to light cynos, and this means another ~250m cyno ship. Anyway, case closed.

Minokawa undocking

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Hello, Shadowlands!

So early last night I actually brought myself to camp a few world bosses in Icecrown and collect most of the transmog set on my Rogue, then at midnight I was too tired and went to bed.

But today after work I logged in (no problems) and started. I needed exactly 4h for 50-53, then 1h 18 for 54 and again 1h 18 for 55. That’s where I stand now, Bastion is finished and I think I’m 50-70% through Maldraxxus. I have no idea how people made it in 8-9h, but I’ve been diligently reading all the quest text and even picked a few flowers on the way. The quest flow is good, I didn’t have any major problems, just a few tiny things. Pretty good so far. Despite being in old 8.2 gear (half epic, half blue) I only died twice, and I probably could’ve avoided those as well.

It’s been fun so far although I didn’t really get a bit of the story in Bastion, either I missed some key part of information or they’re deliberately letting us in the dark or whatever. But some things didn’t make sense to me.

Somewhere in Maldraxxus, at level 54


Why is this not a meme yet? (Overall I don’t have anything against the subtitles, but I should look if I can switch them off.)

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Reaching goals when you had given up already

When I summarized my BfA journey in this post I a) wrote “too late” when I meant “too soon” and b) was pessimistic about reaching my goal. Also I kind of didn’t reach it because Level 120 was gone, but now I actually finished it by having at least one character per class, per faction – at Level 50, in BfA, before Shadowlands launched. (Although it feels a little bit like cheating because leveling is so much faster now.)

My Worgen Shadow Priest flew through Level 31 to 40 in MoP, then 40 to 50 in BfA. So that’s 27 characters at Level 50, 4 Rogues, 3 Warriors, 2 of each other class.

So now only the minor goal of all the allied races is unachievable, because it’s only 2 days left.

Oh, and I bought Shadowlands and cleared out the quest log on my new main, a female Night Elf Fury Warrior. Fury doesn’t seem great at the moment but I didn’t want to go Rogue again, especially on the Alliance side, without my main and I like Warriors. Also my guild’s composition checks out nicely like this, and I have an offspec that’s not DPS.

For the first time in forever I made the resolve to focus on my main and my main only. I will allow myself to casually level another toon if I lose the drive to play, but I probably won’t have enough time anyway – but I will not race to the top, I will not gear an alt, or start a third alt. For the immediate future that is, I guess until we have started raiding.

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Five Games?

Naithin’s blog posts about the Five Game Challenge keep popping up in my reader and I think it’s an interesting thing to talk about from my point of view.

Put yourself into the hypothetical situation of being made to choose just five games to last you an entire year of gaming (and post what they are!)

The implied meaning is “wow, that sounds hard, just 5 games in a whole year”, but for me that sounds pretty normal.

Looking at my 2019 Year in Review post, I mentioned both versions of WoW, FFXIV, SW:TOR, EVE, and Borderlands 3. And one sort of mobile game I could’ve ignored, that’s not really more than five.

And in 2020 I’m not even sure I got to five. There’s EVE, there’s SW:TOR and then WoW. Then I bought and played Stellaris, but not enough to have it on a must-play list, even though I liked it a lot. Then there’s Forgotten Anne which lasted for a few hours and I also played 7 Wonders. So if I disregard some puzzle games there’s only a few MMOs left and maybe one large (AAA?) game…
2018 even had me between 15 and 20 games, that number sounds high though.

Well, people are different 🙂

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Pre-expansion WoW

While I wrote that I’m not so keen on playing right now in my last WoW post, I actually logged in because I was curious how fast leveling goes.

Then I promptly forgot to look into the mail and made a few levels without the 16% experience buff, doh. So my Mechagnome Warlock is now 42, up from 37 and my Worgen Priest (where I didn’t forget the xp buff) went from 31 to 34 with a single random dungeon + 2 quests. Gameplay is unexciting, I don’t feel too weak or too overpowered, roughly the same as before. Warlock was in Gorgrond, Priest in Townlong Steppes.

Having all the talents reset was a little annoying, as usual, but I went with the left-side default route as it’s just casual leveling and I’m absolutely not in the mood to look up builds right now. We’ll see if I actually manage to push those 2 to 50 and at least claim moral victory of my goal.

Addon compatibility is surprisingly good, just my favourite experience addon is defunct and a few others, but nothing important. While I had planned to go for a reset again when the expansion hits (which means just unit frames + bars + chat addon and maybe a top bar) maybe I’ll just slim down my list instead of actually starting fresh…

There was a quite annoying bug that plagued quite a few people in guild two nights ago, where you couldn’t switch characters and sometimes had to alt-f4, culminating in “successfully logged off a toon but everything is black and no characters visible”, but it might have solved itself again…

My general plans for Shadowlands are still:

  • cancel SWTOR – DONE
  • buy Shadowlands – TODO
  • level my Night Elf Warrior as Fury
  • raid with my Alliance guild

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An update regarding World War Bee

In this post Redbeard had asked how EVE’s World War Bee was going, given that Wilhelm obviously was reporting from the Imperium side and Mailvaltar hadn’t posted about EVE since August either. And because I kinda didn’t pay attention I only saw the comment a few days ago, sorry – so maybe I should actually write something.

I’m still not a huge fan of the war, I don’t like the goons but I don’t subscribe to purging them from the game. No problem in dunking them, though. But that kind of limits my encouragement to take part in as many stratops as possible, more so because I prefer small to medium gangs over big ones over 50 or even 100 ships. Unfortunately with the blue donut there are not really a lot of random fights to find unless we go to Delve. And while we’ve been trying to get a few small gang roams in BRAVE in the last 2 months, a few people have left to join some of the dedicated small gang PvP groups and I can absolutely understand them; if that is what brings them enjoyment the most, they won’t find that in a Null bloc in the current meta.

The YZ9-F6 keepstar, originally called Bubblon 5

Anyway, we seem to be progressing quite fine, it’s a bit of a meme now that we needed 5 Keepstars until one survived. I think I only joined the 5th battle which didn’t see any real action. I liked the time in Querious but it always felt a little dead once we had anchored the P-ZMZV keepstar, didn’t really get any fights when I tried to roam solo. Delve is now a little better but I still seem to not find any fights that are engageable with a solo Cruiser. It’s either 3v1 or nothing.

My main is in Delve now in our staging keepstar (and has been in the 3 main ones before this one), but all my alts live in Catch and I’m actively playing them. My highest-SP alt is good enough to fly anything up to Cruisers, so that’s the way to go for all pings in Catch and Impass and I don’t mind burning a jump clone. With the 3+3 MCT deal I’m training up some roles on some alts, would be a lot easier if I was better at long-time planning instead of chasing new ideas every 2-3 months… Also apparently it’s hard to stay on topic for the war if you don’t find it that exciting.

My losses since the war started weren’t actually that bad, the expensive stuff in proper fleets, the Navy Cruisers in small gang roams, but as it’s mostly Querious/Delve… part of the war I guess. But I’m leaving out my losses in our Catch Standing fleet or if we chase away Wormholers in Impass, otherwise it would be a pure tally of what I flew when playing EVE – and I think that would be misrepresenting that I don’t spend all my time in the war.

  • Eagle – 1
  • Muninn – 1
  • Jackdaw – 1
  • Osprey Navy Issue – 2
  • Omen Navy Issue – 1
  • Crow – 1
  • Hound – 1
  • Cormorant – 1
  • Coercer – 1
  • Talwar – 1

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I don’t think it’s too late to summarize BfA goals

Edit: the post’s title should’ve been “I don’t think it’s too early to summarize BfA goals” but I messed up.

Another month has passed without a post but I’ve simply not had a lot of stuff I want to talk about or that I deemed worthy of writing down, but this is a post I’d postponed for a while.
I’ve not played WoW for a while now, first waiting for the date of the expansion then to notice it being delayed and in day-to-day life actually being busy enough with EVE and SWTOR.

So, the level squish patch happened, and while this isn’t the real end of the expansion I think I can truthfully claim that I failed my goal because I ran out of steam this autumn.

One max-level character per class, per faction.

There are 12 classes and 2 factions, so that would be 24 Level 120 characters. OK, actually it would be 24 Level 50 characters, as the expansion has not yet happened. So where do I stand?

Death Knight5050
Demon Hunter5050
Rogue50 + 5050 +50
Warrior50 + 5050
End of expansion tally of characters in BfA

So while every class is a check and the number 24 is a check, Alliance Warlock and Priest were in their 80s, now 30s, and I don’t know if I will finish this before the expansion lands.

The other goal of leveling the Allied Races doesn’t look any better:

  • Mag’har Orc: 50 – check
  • Zandalari Troll: 45 – check
  • Nightborne: 27
  • Highmountain Tauren: 26
  • Vulpera: 13
  • Dark Iron Dwarf: 50 – check
  • Kul Tiran: 50 – check
  • Mechagnome: 37
  • Void Elf: 28
  • Lightforged Draenei: 0

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