Final Fantasy XIV

More Eorzea

Oh wow, this game has me caught in its fangs. Didn’t help that I’ve been sick at home for the last two days, not being able to think straight but at least able to hold a mouse.
After running around on foot for a while (Sprint’s cooldown is too long!) I finally got a mount. As you can see I also joined the Maelstrom, fwiw. Was a close call, I nearly pledged my loyalty to Gridania.


I just hit Level 30, did my Bard job change quest and yay. Leveling would be quite a bit faster if it weren’t for all this travelling because of the MSQ. I kinda ignored it for a bit and shot from 20 to 25, only to take quite a bit longer to catch up. I’ve been sent to the Shroud now for the umpteenth time – I am at one that is classified as Level 27, so not that far behind I guess.

Overall I’m still pretty happy with my choice of class and race – unless I have to wear hotpants again.

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Hello Eorzea

Oh wow, that was a little unexpected. I know I had written about how I had wanted to play FF XIV for a while, but I never came around to it. I was in luck though and Gazimoff posted that FF XIV (the base game) was on Twitch Prime, and I had totally not seen it. So I grabbed it on Friday and installed it this morning and so I guess I have a month of play time now.
It’s fun! And pretty. And kinda colourful. A bit heavy on kill quests, but otherwise I had a ton of fun with it today, while stumbling through things. Everything is kinda nicely explained, you just need to memorize everything.
There’s only a very small amount of annoying things:

  • the UI for comparing if a new piece of gear is an upgrade is horrible or I’m using it wrong
  • running around with horrible hot pants for the last 5? levels because nothing was a real upgrade
  • not being sure if I should keep those spiritbound? low-level pieces because I can apparently disenchant? them into materia?
  • no mount

But apart from this it’s nice.
I chose a female Miqo’te and started as an Archer. I’m level 16 now and according to the NPCs kind of a VIP already.
Combat is a bit weird, I’m running in circles and kiting stuff. It works quite well though, but it’s just like with a WoW hunter 😛 I think I’m holding off with any other job until I am Level 30.

This day was a bit odd though because I also did a few quests in WoW and did the weekly Conquest in SWTOR with my guild. 3 MMOs on a single day is a bit much maybe. Might be a bit hard to juggle 3 MMOs in a month, especially with WoW being really fun and now this new one also trying to grab my attention

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