New season? Old season!
Back in Diablo 3 for Season 19. Chose a Demon Hunter, got powerleveled to 70 in just under an hour in Torment 6, then I really felt weak. Probably an L2P issue, but I at least managed to grab a few nice drops on the way to Solo GRift 20. Now I’m at 7h 30min, Paragon Level 352 and just did a Solo GRift 50 in 4:39 – really not bad for just a bit of active farming at 70.

The season isn’t going on for very long, but apart from the frustrating part it’s a fun diversion for a few hours. I haven’t progressed to Slayer in the journey yet, but at least that one shouldn’t be a problem – I have the whole weekend.
New season? Old season! Read More »