2018 in review
As is customary I am writing a “year in review” post that shows my exploits and ignores the rest of the world, there are better writers for this kind of stuff 🙂
What I played a lot:
- SW:TOR (there’s not even a close second)
- Two Eyes (Picross on Android)
- Picross Luna II (Android)
Where I spent a decent amount of time
- Diablo 3 (50h in Season 13)
- Destiny 2
- Picross Fairytale
- Dead Cells
- Star Wars – Galaxy of Heroes (Android)
- Pokémon Go (Android)
Played a bit:
- Quake Champions
- Guild Wars 2
- WoW
- EVE Online
- Torchlight II
Gaming expenses in 2018:
- SW:TOR: 7x 13 EUR = 91 EUR for subscriptions
- WoW: 1x 35 EUR for Battle for Azeroth, no subscription yet
- Oh my, just checked the Blizzard store. It’s on sale *again* for 25 EUR. Stupid me for buying it, but I really had planned to play around this time. Is it selling so badly they need to have it on sale twice in the first few months? Wow.
- Games on Steam: 24 EUR for Quake Champions, 0.42 EUR to complete 2 Card sets
- Games on GOG: 3.90 EUR for Torchlight 2
- Games on Humble Bundle: 20 EUR for Dead Cells, 1 EUR for Shadow of Mordor
This means: 176 EUR in 2018, at ~15 EUR per month. WTF, this is a new low I guess.
- Amount of MMO subscription months paid: 7
- Bought stuff in the ingame shop: SWTOR, but with no additional cash
- Full price games: 2 (Quake Champions, Dead Cells)
- MMO Expansions: 1 (WoW: Battle for Azeroth)
So (and this is new this year) some analysis:
- I’m still mostly playing one MMO at a time
- Although I have 4 mobile games up there, this was only a few minutes at home this year, mostly while waiting for something
- Depending on how much public transport commute I have, I play some mobile games. Usually I read RSS feeds, this winter I preferred gaming
- I guess I didn’t buy so many games that I won’t play then. Yay.
There are still a few Steam games on sale I’m thinking about 😛
- The Flame in the Flood
- Convoy
- Tooth and Tail
- Cat Quest
- Prison Architect
- Another Brick in the Mall