2022 in review
Another year has passed, so it’s time for a review post!
What I played a lot:
- World of Warcraft
- EVE Online
Other games I played:
- Final Fantasy XIV
- Minion Masters
- Guild Wars 2
Gaming expenses in 2022:
- WoW: 196 EUR for 10 months
- 1x 66 EUR for a 6 month subscription
- 1x 50 EUR for the Dragonflight expansion
- 1x 80 EUR for an 8 character transfer offer
- 4x 0 EUR for 4 months of sub with WoW tokens for gold
- EVE Online: ~270 EUR for ~17 months (+70 EUR prepaid for next year’s subs)
- 2x 96 EUR for 2x 6 months sub
- 1x 12 EUR for a single month
- 2x 50 EUR for two discounted Platinum packs
- 1x 40 EUR for a 3 month sub
- Final Fantasy XIV: 69 EUR
- 5x 13.80 EUR for subscriptions
- GOG, Steam, Epic, Humble: 0 (Actually one Humble Ukraine Bundle, but my wife paid that one)
- Amount of MMOs played: 3
- Amount of MMO subscription months paid: 10 (WoW) + 5 (FFXIV) + 17 (EVE) = 32, so nearly 3 per month
- Amount of games purchased: 0
- Amount of MMO expansions purchased: 1
- Amount of money for ingame/services stuff: 80 EUR, plus an unquantifiable amount from the EVE packs
- Amount of games I got for free and didn’t play: a ton
- Amount of games I purchased and then didn’t play: 0
The total this year is around 535 EUR, that’s 45 EUR per month. Another very cheap year, even if I’d take the prepaid sub months in, then it’s around 50 per month. Quite ok for your main hobby.
Unfortunately my plan of buying and playing more indie games did not pan out at all.
I did manage to look at a few games in my backlog (most of them I got for free) and write about some of them, no AAA titles this year.