Patch 8.2 woes

At first I was pretty excited about WoW’s 8.2 Patch. Two new zones, stuff to do, and so on. Now I’m not so excited anymore, and I’m not sure why.

Well ok, I’ve never been a fan of dailies, I much preferred WQs. Nazjatar has dailies, the mobs hit hard, I don’t like the zone layout. Also somehow the reputation grind for the BfA launch factions was kind of… ok? A whole new expansion! New questlines. Level how you want. OK, so maybe I’m just too focused on levels these days and can’t enjoy a good reputation grind for the sake of it. There’s even some gear! Hm, my two main toons were iLvl 395 and 394 when the patch came out, so maybe I’m not interested in gear either. The quest lines so far have been ok and to be fair Mechagon was a lot more fun than Nazjatar – maybe I simply don’t like underwater and Nagas and vertical zone layouts?

Anyway, here’s a list of stuff I did today instead of trying to get as much Nazjatar rep on my Alliance Paladin and Mechagon rep on my Horde Rogue (but at least I progressed a little with the story and the dailies on both, just not both zones on both characters):

  • Emperor Shaohao rep to Exalted (was only an hour or so)
  • Fishing 0 to 75 for the Darkmoon Faire quest: 4x (110 Undead DK, 101 BE Paladin, 120 Worgen Druid, 97 Dwarf Hunter)
  • Cooking to 75 for the same reason: 2x (97 Dwarf Hunter and 73 Worgen Priest)
  • Dwarf Shaman from 93 to 95
  • Tauren Druid from 103 to 105
  • Created a Nightborne Priest to start collecting Rested XP

That sounded really negative, but I think it boils down 90% to the zone design of Nazjatar, Mechagon looks cool. Also maybe I’m just not in the mood to do dailies right now. I am working on getting the Heritage armor on my Gnome Rogue (98 now, 3rd Rogue to 120, typical me) and Tauren Druid (I had forgotten how fun Feral DPS can be, also saved the group from a wipe with a well-timed Battle Rez in Eye of Azshara today). Otherwise I’m rotating through toons every few days to take advantage of Rested XP as good as possible. The Monk still has the +10%XP DMF buff, so maybe I should use that up before DMF comes again, and then I might also quickly grind out the 75 Fishing skill, as that’s the only total blank in regards to profession on all my Horde toons that were started before BfA. There are a few Alliance toons with zero professions, but I can live with that – since Legion (or MoP really, and WoD retroactively) I’ve not managed to max out stuff anyway. So maybe a little TODO list of short- to midterm goals is in order, so I don’t run off into the weeds again and may have time to dive into FFXIV again:

  • Unlock Flying in BfA, so grinding out Nazjatar and Mechagon rep
  • One of every class to 120. Missing: Hunter (111/97), Priest (111/73), Monk (110), DK (110/68), Mage (104/44)
  • Heritage Armor for Tauren, Dwarf, and Gnome
  • Heritage Armor for Kul Tirans and Mag’har

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Levels were gained

There wasn’t exactly much exciting stuff happening last week, also was out of town for 3 days. Some toons gained a few levels though:

  • Human Rogue to 120
  • Blood Elf Warlock to 120
  • Pandaren Monk to 107
  • Undead Death Knight to 105
  • Dwarf Hunter to 89
  • Mag’har Orc Rogue to 43
  • Kul Tiran Mage to 36

Well ok, maybe 2 new 120s are a little exciting. I’m not exactly pushing to gear them, just grabbing the easy upgrades from WQ, running a Warfront once, and so on.

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Rested XP and many alts

Right now I’m not dead set on playing a certain character, or even a certain game. FFXIV is a lot of fun, sure – but I’m right at the end of leveling in Heavensward (Bard is 59 now) and I have the feeling that you need to grind out long stretches every time you need a level to continue the MSQ. It was a little painful to reach 59 already, and now I need a dungeon run in some library and then… a quest gives ~40-50k XP and I need like 4m to 60. That’s about 80-100 quests. Dungeon runs are a little better XP per time, but for that I need rested XP.

Switch to WoW, I’m not participating in any endgame stuff or even trying to gear up my toons any further (iLvl 394 on Alliance and 390 on Horde is plenty, without really trying), but somehow leveling is really fun right now. I also have quite a few toons with rested XP, so here’s what I managed to do in the last week or so:

  • Kul Tiran Mage to 30
  • Mag’har Orc Rogue to 37
  • Dwarf Hunter to 85
  • Human Rogue to 115
  • Draenei DK tp 64
  • Blood Elf Priest to 110

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Heritage armor revisited

When I wrote about Heritage armor a month ago I assumed something which I now think is wrong (see last paragraph). So let’s assume the requirements are “Level 120 and Exalted with your faction”.

  • Horde
    • Orc (not ingame) – Exalted: 120 Rogue, 120 Shaman, 111 Hunter
    • Troll (not ingame) – Exalted : 120 Warrior
    • Tauren – Exalted: 102 Druid
    • Undead (not ingame) – Revered: 102 Mage (-18600), Honored: 102 DK (-30100)
    • Blood Elf – Exalted: 111 Warlock, Revered: 110 Priest (-9300), 102 Paladin (-17000)
    • Goblin (not ingame) – Revered: 86 Warrior (-73, really)
  • Both
    • Pandaren (not ingame) – ???
  • Alliance
    • Human (not ingame) – Exalted: 114 Rogue
    • Night Elf (not ingame) – Exalted: 120 Warrior, Friendly: 120 DH (-38000)
    • Dwarf* – Revered: 120 Paladin (-10300), 82 Hunter (-20000)
    • Gnome (8.1.5, soon) – Honored: 90 Rogue (-26000)
    • Draenei (not ingame) – Friendly: 61 DK (-36500)

*: The 120 Dwarf Paladin started at Honored today, but I invested like 3h and brought her to 10700 Revered, doing all of Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, and 90% of Wetlands for a total of nearly 25k. Also one run of Gnomeregan for the quest rep, and all this with the +10% Darkmoon Faire reputation buff. The first 18k went smoothly at ~8-9k per hour, Wetlands wasn’t so fast, that was only 6-7k in one hour. Still not complaining. Not sure if Arathi makes any sense now or if I should spam dungeons with my Ironforge Tabard, but I really want to get this armor as I’m really annoyed that I don’t get any for my 3 most played Horde characters, which by chance happen to be Orc, Orc, and Troll.

I will probably level one of the 110 Blood Elves soonish, probably the Warlock anyway, so this should be no problem. The Human Rogue will again be 120 without armor available. For the Tauren Druid I’m sadly in no hurry, and the Gnome is lacking 30 levels and a ton of rep and is also not on my main server, won’t happen soon 🙁

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Level ALL the alts

Been a while since I posted an update on leveling progress (main server).

  • 120:
    • Orc Rogue, iLvl 389
    • Orc Shaman, iLvl 311
    • Troll Warrior, iLvl 311
    • Dwarf Paladin, iLvl 393
    • Worgen Druid, iLvl 352
    • Night Elf Warrior, iLvl 361
    • Night Elf Demon Hunter, iLvl 332
  • 110+
    • Orc Hunter, 111
    • Blood Elf Warlock, 111
    • Human Rogue, 112
  • 100+
    • Blood Elf Priest, 104
    • Tauren Druid, 102
    • Undead Mage, 102
    • Blood Elf Paladin, 101
    • Undead Death Knight, 101
  • 99-
    • Pandaren Monk, 92
    • Dwarf Shaman, 91
    • Dwarf Hunter, 80
    • Worgen Priest, 73
    • Draenei Death Knight, 61
    • Mag’har Orc Rogue, 29

Just finished: NE Warrior and DH to 120

Focusing currently on the 29 Orc Rogue in small 30-60min doses, started the BE Priest (Shadow is not very fun right now) and the Human Rogue.

Recent progression: Dwarf Hunter 60-80, Dwarf Shaman 80-91, created the Draenei DK.

Plans in the near future: BE Warlock

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Heritage Armor

Thought about how I stand in regard to attaining the Heritage Armor for all races, once it comes out. So I made a list, I seem to love lists for MMOs.

  • Horde:
    • Orcs: done, 2 at 120
    • Trolls: done, 1 at 120
    • Tauren: nearly done, 1 at 103
    • Undead: ohoh. 1 DK at 102 and a 102 Mage that was boosted to 60 by Refer a Friend, iirc. It’s been a while.
    • Blood Elves: done, 1 at 111, 2 at 102, don’t remember boosting
    • Goblin: ok-ish, 1 at 86
  • Both
    • Pandaren: ok-ish, 1 at 92
  • Alliance
    • Humans: done, 1 at 112
    • Night Elves: done, 1 at 120, don’t remember boosting
    • Dwarves: ok-ish, 1 at 91, 1 at 80, don’t remember boosting
    • Gnomes: ok-ish, 1 at 90, don’t remember boosting
    • Draenei: nope, 1 at 20, 1 DK
    • Worgen: unclear, 1 at 73, don’t remember boosting and one 120 (boosted to 110)
  • Allied Races
    • Mag’har Orcs: 1 at 28
    • Highmountain: 1 at 20
    • Nightborne: unlocked, no char
    • Zandalari: unlocked, no char
    • Dark Iron Dwarves: unlocked, no char
    • Kul Tiran Humans: 1 at 22
    • Lightforged Draenei: not unlocked
    • Void Elves: not unlocked

So if we tally this up:

  • 5 races done
  • 1 race done in a few hours
  • 5 races in the 7x-9x bracket (few more hours)
  • 7 races (potentially) at 20-28
  • 2 races not started
  • 2 races not unlocked

I’d say this kind of sucks for someone who was already kind of spreading races around, has 15 chars at 110+ (and 3 more at 90+) and played the game for 10 years. All just because they introduced rewards for something arbitrary 13-14 years after launch. I know it’s silly but I feel reminded of when they introduced achievements and we got credited for all sorts of stuff, unless you were doing a lot of PvP and all the Battleground data wasn’t there. Sure, rank 11 with 0 WSGs won…

Just checked all my blog posts and some chars. Apparently I did have a Level 90 boost at some point in Legion and I don’t remember using it. But I only have a Level 100 boost on my account. Either that one got upgraded or I must have used it, but on who? I can mostly rule out my Horde toons on my main server. Right now the info points to “Level 90 boost got upgraded” as I blogged about boosting my Dwarf Pally to 100, not 90, and the reputations also point to that.

Addendum: If going off this MMO-Champion post which reads “Players with maximum-level (120) blood elves or dwarves who are Exalted with their faction” then I might not be so much out of luck, because then Undead und Worgen would just be the reputation (in addition to Legion+BfA leveling), for Draenei the DK would be eligible (if it ever reaches 120). But some of the “done” and “nearly done” above need to be changed. Guess I’ll have to wait for some confirmation and then change the above.

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More Allied Races

Came out of work a little sooner today so I had time to finish the Suramar Insurrection quest line and unlock the Nightborne. Not yet sure what I’ll play though.

Then I also managed to finish the Kul Tiran Humans quest line (what a bunch of useless running around) and created a Mage. Waiting for rested XP to build up now though.

Then I ground out the missing 500 rep to Zandalari Trolls Exalted, now just the quest is missing and then I unlocked 6 out of 8 Allied Races, just the 2 Argus Alliance factions are missing.

Finally my Night Elf Warrior managed to get the last level in Tiragarde Sound and is now Level 120, the 5th character in BfA to reach max level.

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Of Allied Races and Pathfinders

Apparently at some point the reputation gain for Suramar dailies was bumped because I didn’t really have to do much to get my missing 7k rep. So today I finished Good Suramaritan and logged out to look at the Allied Races character creation screen…

… only to notice that I need to do the Insurrection quest line. Meh. So much for this unlocking thing.

At least Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part One is done. For Part Two I need “Explore Broken Shore”, this should be easy once I’ll actually go there and then there’s “Armies of Legionfall” which might be some daily/WQ grind. We’ll see…

Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One is also done, so let’s see when they’ll roll out the requirements for Part Two

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No rest for the rested

I’ve been working on my NE Warrior the last few days, even being able to help more guildies who needed normal dungeons for their profession quests to fill up the ranks and so of course I ran out of rested XP after a while, sitting at 115.

So what do you do in that case? Go out and enjoy the spring? Didn’t really work due to feeling horrible and not being able to stand up (sitting was fine, phew). So first I pushed my Dwarf Hunter from 70 to 75 in Icecrown until I had used up the rested XP. When that was done all too quickly, I bought some 90->110 AGI Leather Heirloom upgrades and moved my Human Rogue to Highmountain. I was kinda surprised how fast that went. 102 -> 107 in like 3h, and still some rested XP left.

Oh, and the Orc Shammy is 120 for a few days, but I’m not really in the mood to grind out gear, so I’m just slowly doing a few WQs with good gear upgrades and might do some Honorbound rep to continue the War Campaign.

For some reason I always enjoy the sped up “last expansion” a lot more than the current content after the n-th time. On Warrior and Rogue I’m totally enjoying myself in Legion, which I finished on 7 chars when it was current. Now I’m done with BfA content on 4 (working on 5th)…

Plans for the near future? Rogue to 110, Warrior to 120, then… not sure. Maybe 2nd Druid to 110.

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