Money well spent?

I was lamenting on Twitter a bit that leveling in BfA for the 2nd time (Horde) and 3rd time (Alliance) wasn’t sparking a lot of joy for me so maybe I should stray from the well trodden path of Drustvar -> Tiragarde -> Stormsong and Vol’dun -> Zuldazar -> Nazmir or mix it up somehow, but I didn’t get a lot of feedback.
After Joar (master of alts) told me there were now 120 Heirlooms in game (which I had totally missed) I went on a buying spree (compared to my usual hoarding) and upgraded a set of 90 Plate Heirlooms to 120. Head/Shoulders/Chest/Legs/Ring/Cloak – that’s 6 items. 3 Upgrades each, priced at 1000g, 2000g, and 5000g. So that’s 48k. Ouch.
On the upside, my freshly transferred Night Elf Warrior flew through Level 112 and is now 113.5 after a quick dungeon run for some profession quest for a guildmate. On equipping I was a little unhappy because the Heirlooms are only iLvl 223ish and I had already acquired 2 280 Azerite pieces. But +50% XP is probably worth it.
Also I at least thought about if this makes sense first, but I have quite some Plate wearers (and none at 120 yet) that will benefit from this gear:

  • 112 NE Warrior
  • 111 Troll Warrior
  • 101 BE Paladin
  • 100 UD Death Knight
  • 55 Draenei? Death Knight (planned)

It’s a bit of a shame I already leveled one Plate wearer, 2 Leather wearers and most of one Mail wearer. Then again the Heirlooms weren’t ingame, but I could’ve sped up the NE Warrior’s journey from 101 to 110. Ah well, we’ll see how this works out and if I’ll buy another set. I think I have just enough gold to justify the other 3x32k (without ring and cloak).

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Rise, Thunderfury!

I’m not 100% sure when I got my first drop of bindings. Not in classic for sure. Maybe we started running MC for fun at 80, but it really doesn’t matter if it was 2008 or 2012 – I’ve been running MC on and off on several toons to collect my Tier 1 sets and like 3 weeks ago I finally got the second bindings on the same character that could use them – so I started collecting Arcane Crystals and Arcanite Bars and transmuting. I spent too much money, of course and didn’t really think about the fact I can’t transmog it. It doesn’t matter – I think it’s money well spent (certainly better as an achievement than the Yak with the transmog NPC on it…) and I have it now and I’m happy, and I can say it took roughly 10 years 😛

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Vacation equals MMO time

Yesterday and today I took the time and got some things done I had on my todo list for a while:

  • Finish the Tide of Vengeance War Campaign on Horde
  • Ran The Eye to complete a Tier 5 transmog set (it worked!)
  • Finish Blood Gate & Zandalar Forever
  • First Exalted rep: 7th Legion
  • Put more 110 characters through the BfA intro, to the Golden Seal
  • Finally get a transmog for the Alliance Druid
  • Wrap up Darkmoon Faire profession quests on all 13 toons at Level 100+
  • Ran all three wings of Dazar’alor in the Raid Finder

Yep, vacation and staying at home helps get shit done in MMOs 🙂

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Battle for Azeroth 2 months later

In general I’m pretty happy with Battle for Azeroth, no, really. On January 7th I resubbed and I’m pretty sure I’m continuing for a third month in a week. For someone who played from 2006 to 2014 with no break longer than a couple of months and then stopped completely, only coming back for the expansions that sounds kind of good.
I do have some goals, after all. Mostly hitting Exalted with the 4 factions needed for the new races and seeing the whole story from both sides, but a few more…
There are a few annoyances though:
First of all, if I’m not interested in gear there’s no real draw to continue playing my second char per faction. I’m at iLvl ~330 – did Stromgarde once and don’t see a real point in grinding gear and rep now.
Also I’ve hit iLvl 382 with my best geared character and I don’t seem to be able to progress without doing Mythics – and while I can live with 5mans, I hate timed runs.
Vulpera are not a playable race.
Also grinding out some old Draenor Garrison achievements is just so painful. So much luck involved even though you’re trying chance daily.
Same goes for the Order Hall in theory, but it seems to be less annoying.

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Somewhat busy in Azeroth

As I tend to claim, I’ve not forgotten WoW, I’ve actually been busy doing things. Not just letting my minions run missions… (still not sure if this was a good idea to keep from the garrison…)
I didn’t really count, but during Love is in the Air I used 8 characters at 110+ and ran the dungeon for the mount. I think I did that for like 10 days, maybe 6, maybe 11. I’m kinda glad it’s over now but I would have loved to get the mount.
I also finally finished the 5th class hall campaign (having that achievement at 4/5 kinda annoyed me every time I looked at it). I think it was only 10 quests on the hunter, whereas the Warlock would’ve needed a dungeon run (in Legion, haha) and then more like 20 quests – so the choice was easy. I was reminded how much I loved some of those class hall campaigns overall though… So I’m kinda eager to see how much sense it makes to do them on the chars where I didn’t do them (Druid, Mage, Priest, DK, Monk.. I guess?) Whereas I started (got a toon to 110) but never finished (as seen by the lack of achievement) on Paladin and Warlock – and the 5 I completed now (Rogue, Demon Hunter, Shaman, Warrior) –  this makes 12 classes… so the math checks out.
I’m also still trying to finish the naval mission stuff and grabbing herbs from the Garrison to buy the transmog items with Draenic Seeds – but I think that’s the only thing I will do for WoD content at the moment…
I can also scale back my running of MC, BWL and Onyxia a bit because this Sunday my Paladin Tier 2 Helm finally dropped! Ok, it’s the Onyxia Level 80 version but the devs had mercy and this completes the set – good enough for me. This week I did 3 MC runs and 4 Ony runs, zero BWL. I guess I can go to at most 3 MC, 3 Ony and 1 BWL from now on. But only the Paladin T2 made me run stuff every week…

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MMO expansions

Kaylriene and Wilhelm and Bhagpuss wrote about expansions and I wanted to comment on the weekend and forgot. Then I typed a response to Bhagpuss and because it reached epic dimensions (for an answer) I decided to put it here instead.
Hm, I’ve long thought about this topic over the years and I don’t have a definitive opinion.
Back when I was playing WoW as my main (only one with real invested time) I was kinda looking forward to the expansions, but often already a bit wary because they would always change something for the worse. But ok, this could also happen in a major patch, or the new raid tier could be not as fun as the last one – I was hardly ever so fully progressed that I had seen and beaten all the content. I always had the goal to play all alts to max level, etc. (That’s an especially big one.)
But then I started playing other MMOs and I’m not really sure so much changed for me. Sure, I’m coming back to WoW only to check out the latest expansion (since 2014…) and haven’t stayed longer than 3 months since, but still. To me it always feels a little “moving the goal posts” and before I reach the goals I set for myself.. there’s a new expansion and the cycle begins. I am in no way teased by new shinies and I always hated the gear grind (apart from making the stuff I couldn’t do a little easier over time) – but just getting new stuff is zero motivation to me. I wanted to beat the bosses and gear was a means to an end. So in this regard I hated every new raid tier and especially every new expansion where it was: level, attune, farm reps, get gear, etc.pp.
Now I was *really* happy in SWTOR because I came later and could catch up with gear, but then with the latest patch you can get newer and better gear – this has killed every urge to log in recently (but ok, I’ve also wanted to play more WoW and FFXIV…) But yeah, those people having played SWTOR for years have really deserved some new stuff, so it’s ok, really. It just killed some major incentive for me to log in and catch up, that’s life – I did reach a lot of those goals in SWTOR I set myself. And without goals and achievements those games are quite a lot less fun for me.
Also I was always really happy when WoW was near the end of a patch cycle and I ran out of things to do, because then I had time to play other games for a month or three before the next expansion hits. Maybe I *am* a tad overenthusiastic about my main MMO – I don’t play it casually. I sink in every spare minute if there is stuff to do.
So… quite a bunch of words to go rambling in a totally wrong direction, given the three linked blog posts. Sure there are better and worse expansions, but my main problem is the cadence when they are hitting and if they are changing too much stuff. I wouldn’t be playing the game in the first place if it had a lot of stuff that needs to be fixed. Everything should always stay the same, get off my lawn, kids.
PS: Ranking of WoW expansions how I enjoyed them, for no particular reason: TBC > WotLK > MoP > Legion = Cata ~= BfA > WoD. Bit unsure yet where BfA stands.
Small update 2019-02-19: Telwyn also chimed in. Also a thing I totally missed talking about: “Vertical progression” expansions that are not moving the goal post (as I defined it), like in Guild Wars 2 or (apparently) EverQuest. I only experienced this in GW2 and I kinda liked it! I do love leveling, but it’s usually the first step in doing anything and a huge motivator, but sometimes not having to update the gear (that’s the step I hate the most) can be awesome. So I guess an expansion that does not increase the level cap once in a while can be a good idea.

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Choices are hard

I have the most first worldliest of first world problems, the race/class distribution of my WoW toons.
Right now I’m playing more Alliance (Horde is kind of figured out for the most part already) and while I had a plan, with the Allied Races everything is unclear again. Not sure what I should do.

  • Paladin – Dwarf – fine
  • Druid – Worgen – fine
  • Rogue – Human – fine (but won’t be maxed right now, due to Horde Rogue)
  • Demon Hunter – Night Elf – fine, no choice anyway
  • Hunter – Dwarf – regretting this a bit, but ok
  • Priest – Worgen – fine

Now the problems begin.

  • Warrior – Level 101 on wrong server. Shall I transfer?
  • Shaman – Level 80 on wrong server. Shall I transfer?
  • Warlock – Gnome was planned, but might be a good class for an Allied race
  • Mage – got a Level 20 Draenei, not to late to remake as Allied Race
  • Monk – kinda uninteresting, but again: Allied Race?
  • Death Knight – didn’t plan to, but could make this a Gnome after all…
  • I also have a Level 100 boost spare, so should be used for a non-Allied Race char (because of the Heritage Armor)

Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves are out of the picture right now anyway, but Kul Tiran Humans and Dark Iron Dwarves are kinda in reach.
The Allied Races can’t be DKs so I could switch my planned Gnome Warlock to be a DK.
If I chose to transfer my Warrior I could still start a Dark Iron Shaman and choose either Monk or Mage or Warlock for Kul Tiran. Decisions, decisions…
Also apparently I have begun running MC, Onyxia and BWL for transmog stuff again *sigh* Not sure how many runs I’ll need for that damn Paladin T2 Headgear.

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No, I didn’t play only FFXIV

No, I didn’t exclusively play FFXIV or forget about the other games.

  • The Druid has been 120 for a few days already and I’m grabbing WQs for upgrades and also doing some Emissary quests (and on Rogue and Pally).
  • Running out of resources on the Rogue, but meh
  • Running the Valentine dungeon daily on as many 110+ toons as I feel like
  • Only 2 rare naval Garrison missions left \o/
  • Did some profession quests at the Darkmoon Faire

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Plans for Azeroth

Real life has been a bit busy and weird the last 2 weeks, so I’ve not done much besides playing WoW when I have time and so I forgot to finish that last draft.
I’m still doing my Emissary Quest on both chars every day and finishing the War Campaigns as I unlock the rep steps. Well, actually I just finished the Alliance 8.0 one.
It’s still fun, so I’ll stay for at least another month for now.
I did have a lot of alts on max level after Legion, 7 in total, but only 2 of them Alliance. While I loved the Demon Hunter in Legion I didn’t want to level this class again right now, also because it’s a lot less fitting to Kul Tiras. Legion was perfect. So first of all I dusted off my 61 Dwarf Hunter who had been left in Hellfire Peninsula at the start of Legion (I guess) and been using up the rested XP. He’s at 67 now and has Heirlooms en masse.
But I really wanted to push for another max level character. I had made a Worgen Druid at some point, standing in Gilneas at Level 1. Screenshot, delete, remake as 110 class trial, finally use up the boost. Bam!
This time I tried to stay clear of all the non-main story line quests and just followed the main story. I’m 117 now and finished Drustvar and Tiragarde Sound. Let’s see how this works out in the end, including starting the War Campaign at 118.
Sorry Horde chars, but as long as I stayed unsociable in SWTOR I really like Guild Chat after all and so I need to stick to Alliance for now.
Immediate plans are:

  • Get Druid to 120
  • Finish the Horde War Campaign
  • 3 Garrison rare naval missions and ~100 normal ones :/
  • Unlock the four Allied Races in BfA: Kul Tiran Humans, Zandalari Trolls, Dark Iron Dwarves, Mag’har Orcs – I’ve given up on the 2 Argus ones
  • Get Hunter to 90, maybe 100 – then think about whether to upgrade Heirlooms
  • Look at LFR this expansion

Not so immediate plans are:

  • Maybe push for all Exalted reps on the Rogue, need Honorbound and Zandalar anyway
  • Maybe take up Suramar rep grinding again for the Nightborne, but my character with the highest rep (Shaman) is still 110.
  • So maybe level Shaman first?

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120 again

Oops, this was supposed to be posted on the 29th already.
Yesterday I dinged for the second time, on my Horde Rogue (main of 8 years), as I had leveled both in parallel to take advantage of rested XP. Still took 19h, apparently I’m slow. And also regularly porting back to the garrison to finish those 1000 naval missions ateone point. Still a bit curious where I lost so much time, surely it can’t be reading all the quest text?
Overall I liked the Alliance story/experience a little better. Zuldazar and Vol’dun were great, Nazmir was a bit bleak. But I’ve never been one to enjoy dark sceneries, except when it’s also magical and awesome, like Drustvar.
I’ve also never been a fan of Sylvanas and Blightcaller is horrible anyway, whereas Taelia and Flynn are fun.
Maybe I don’t want to be the bad guy either? In the first few expansions I saw the Horde as not inherently bad, but this time.. meh. Talanji is ok, so helping the Zandalari is cool, but I wonder if I missed any reference back to Zul’Gurub, I’m exalted on that char after all?

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