Invasion to Nazjatar

Was home sick at the end of last week so couldn’t do much but when I felt better on Friday evening/Saturday I remembered that putting a character through the Nazjatar intro quests gives quite some nice gear upgrades, so I set out to get shit done while I wasn’t feeling so well to really enjoy anything but well enough to sit and do some mindless grinding.

There were some of my characters that had already started and/or completed the Nazjatar story lines:

  • Dwarf Paladin, iLvl ~400
  • Orc Rogue, iLvl ~398
  • Troll Warrior, iLvl ~355

But in the meantime I had gotten quite a few more 120s and the Benthic gear tokens were already piling up a bit so I devised a strategy how to best spend them. Unfortunately I didn’t write down the exact item levels, but I remember them mostly…

  • NE Demon Hunter, ~370
  • NE Warrior, ~370
  • Worgen Druid, ~360
  • Human Rogue, ~350
  • BE Warlock, ~340
  • Pandaren Monk, ~340
  • BE Priest, ~330
  • Orc Shaman, ~315

So I started, first running all the 4 Alliance toons through the intro quests, grabbing the 370 weapon, 385 Head/Shoulders/Chest piece, then finally the 400 Benthic Legs/Feet/Hands piece. Then the 4 Horde toons.

And then I handed out the Benthic tokens I had banked. And then I did all the Nazjatar WQs that gave Benthic tokens or Manapearls (haven’t spent those yet). And then I did most emissary quests that were up over the whole weekend and grabbed all the WQs with gear upgrades. Now I have too many Benthic Chest and Feet tokens spare, but whatever.

This is the final outcome now:

  • Dwarf Paladin, 406
  • Orc Rogue, 403
  • Troll Warrior, 382
  • NE Demon Hunter, 395
  • NE Warrior, 391
  • Worgen Druid, 383
  • Human Rogue, 382
  • BE Warlock, 378
  • Pandaren Monk, 369
  • BE Priest, 375
  • Orc Shaman, 383

So now I’m just unsure what’s the best strategy to upgrade with Manapearls is – get one item really high (430), get a few to medium high (400 to 420ish), or get the 385s to 400? I tend to think getting a few to 420 is the best bet, because then there are still some lower level slots where upgrades can be found easier. W e’ll see.

I did mention this very rare grinding mood, so there’s a few more things I did

  • Did “The Missing Crew” for the Champion on all missing toons (9?)
  • Herbalism to 175 on 3 Alliance toons and 1 Horde toon
  • Mining to 175 on one Alliance toon
  • Did the “Pick 10 Akunda’s Bite without being shocked” 4 times
  • Found 9 Anchor Weed nodes on one toon for the quest
  • About 5-8 other Herbalism/Mining quests
  • Got Alchemy from 70ish to nearly 140
  • Got Jewelcrafting from 60ish to 130

And oh my, I love Flying so much. I think I wouldn’t have done *any* of those things without it.

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Zone design and major cities in BfA

I know this is nitpicky but I’m a little mad every time I log onto a Horde toon in BfA that is not just clicking the mission table on the ship.

Boralus – fly 10s from missions to the portals, even 20s on a horse were fine. It’s also situated on the north end of Tiragarde Sound, so Stormsong Valley is near. And Drustvar isn’t far either. Easy access to the WQs or anything you might need, incl the Horde zones

Azar’Alor – now this is a mess in itself already. Until flying you couldn’t even reasonably get down from the portals to the prof trainers and back up. I mastered the jumps so I could at least get down quickly without dying from fall damage when not on a Rogue. And then the freaking mission table is in another town. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

There’s been talk of Horde or Alliance being favored by Racials or Shaman/Paladin in Vanilla. You know what? I don’t care a bit. That’s peanuts. But being mad every day because the ways in the major town are so far, when you don’t even leave the town on some toons? That’s horrible. And I didn’t even mention that it’s in the total south/south east corner, so the way to Vol’dun is damn far and getting to Nazmir is also worse

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Small WoW update and spec analysis

In between all the FFXIV crafting and return to EVE I did play a bit of WoW as well.

I managed to get to 120 on Blood Elf Priest and Horde Pandaren Monk at the same day, I guess it was Tuesday as I’d been working on them in parallel. Didn’t do much after the ding, just grabbing a few easy gear upgrades with WQs, easy enough with flying now. They both felt kinda weak while leveling – especially from 117-118 on.
So the only classes I’m missing are:

  • Death Knight – Horde 113, Alliance 70
  • Mage – Horde 111, Alliance 56
  • Hunter – Horde 111, Alliance 100

Joar has an interesting post called Favorite Classes and Specs in BfA and while I counted 18 120s on his sidebar, and I’ve only got 11 I still wanted to chime in.

  • Outlaw Rogue – Overall I really like Outlaw better than Combat. Don’t even remember when they changed that, but it’s a little better. It’s the easier spec to play over Assassination, but just a little quicker and more oomph
  • Assassination Rogue – I was a big Dagger fan up until at some point in some expansion I didn’t get any daggers to drop in raids, so I went Combat, since then I also like it. I liked Assassination more in BfA, although it was weaker when fighting several mobs
  • Elemental Shaman – It was good. Didn’t have any problems, although I also wouldn’t rate it as one of the fastest. It’s definitely more fun these days with the procs
  • Affliction Warlock – started this at 110-111 and it was ok but I felt a little squishy and I’m not a big fan of dotting up 5 mobs.
  • Demonology Warlock – switched to this at around 113-114 and been quite happy since. I’ve not yet fully mastered it I guess, the random procs still confuse me a little. But overall average and ok. Best of the caster classes.
  • Shadow Priest – Ugh. I think this was the only class where I was already dying all the time at 110-113. Nope.
  • Discipline Priest – also weak, but a little better than Shadow. WTF, Blizzard? Been healing a few dungeons as well and I find it really hard. I used to love it around the end of WotLK with the 3 last dungeons. The spec felt strong and fun. Now it’s just frantic and I’m not such a fan of atonement.
  • Windwalker Monk – Reasonably fun at the start, also had problems with dying from 117ish on. Now with just a little gear at 120 (think around 290 it began) it’s kinda ok. This is funny because the Monk had been sitting at 85-90 for ages because I didn’t have any fun playing. Was that in MoP? Now maybe the 5 years of pause were good, but I enjoyed the journey from 90 to 118. And the last 2 levels were bearable (No pun intended).
  • Retribution Paladin – This is the class I leveled first and I think it’s so strong in BfA that I now retroactively (retriactively?) wonder how anyone can play any other class for soloing. Even with mediocre gear I could do the 5man WQs solo and everything else dies in record time. Fun!
  • Balance Druid – Was kinda ok, but a bit slow (notice a pattern? I’m not so good with casters).
  • Fury Warrior – I actually have 2 of those and I love them. They’re only one notch below Retri and even with bad gear you don’t feel too weak.
  • Havoc Demon Hunter – the class I leveled first in Legion and it felt super strong, basically so overpowered like Death Knights back at WotLK release. In BfA it felt noticeably weaker, but still above average. Had a lot of fun leveling it and am a little pissed how some other classes can feel SO weak compared to others, like this one.

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Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part Two

Probably quite a few days after most people that are actively playing, but I don’t care. I know I was slacking, but I can finally fly in BfA, 3-4 weeks after it went live – not too bad, considering the fact I only got the Draenor one while in Legion and not getting the Legion one at all (yet).

After reaching this goal I can dedicate a bit more time to FFXIV – and get to leveling my BfA toons which I had put on hold until this was done. There’s still a Mage, a Monk, a DK, a Hunter, and a Priest to get to max level.

Finally I started the 3rd Allied Race toon, my Highmountain Tauren Warrior. Full rested XP was a near perfect match for tanking 2 dungeons, getting from 20 to 24 in the process. Maybe not the fastest way to level only while fully rested, but I have time – and too many characters. The Rogue is 53 (and was recently killed for the first time because of War Mode, in Felwood) and the Mage is 46.

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Heritage Armor: Ironforge

No huge progress in WoW but I’ve been chipping away at the two 8.2 factions to unlock flying. Paladin is at 8.1k/12k in Nazjatar and Rogue is at 8.2k/12k in Mechagon.

Also did a Heroic Warfront with my guild before they were raiding yesterday. Was fun to play with them (instead of only talking) for a change and I also got a nice 430 Helm, but overall… it was like an easy and annoying raid boss. Not a fan.

  • Worgen Druid now had 75 Mining/117 Herbalism thanks to flying some circles near Stormwind (prep for Darkmoon Faire quests next month) – also why are there so many more Herbalism nodes?
  • Dwarf Shaman finished WoD and is 100 now
  • Finished the Gnomeregan rep grind on the Gnome Rogue and the Ironforge rep grind on the Dwarf Paladin (Shadow Labyrinth + Hellfire Peninsula dungeons ftw) – now just 20 levels to go for the Rogue…
  • Unlocked my 2nd Heritage Armor: Ironforge

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Quantity over quality

Another week gone by and I haven’t found my way into FFXIV again, which is a shame. Also wasn’t at home many evenings, but enough for some WoW progress

  • Darkmoon Faire profession quests on 19 characters (hmm, a bit much maybe?)
  • Tauren Druid to 110
  • Undead Mage to 110
  • Dwarf Hunter to 100
  • Mag’har Rogue to 49
  • Draenei DK to 70
  • Gnome Rogue to 100
  • Quite a bit of Gnomeregan reputation grinding on that Rogue
  • Created a Zandalari Troll Paladin and Dark Iron Dwarf Monk
  • Draenor Cooking 1-100 on Monk and DK
  • Fishing 1-75 on Monk

So I now finally have every class at 110 (Mage was missing, DK and Monk only dinged recently) and 5 of 12 classes missing to 120 (Mage, DK, Monk, Hunter, Priest). Also 2 Horde classes missing at 110 (Paladin is 101, Demon Hunter doesn’t exist) and 6 Alliance classes missing to 120 (Shaman/Hunter: 95-100, DK/Priest: 70/73, Mage: 4x, Monk: 20).

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Patch 8.2 woes

At first I was pretty excited about WoW’s 8.2 Patch. Two new zones, stuff to do, and so on. Now I’m not so excited anymore, and I’m not sure why.

Well ok, I’ve never been a fan of dailies, I much preferred WQs. Nazjatar has dailies, the mobs hit hard, I don’t like the zone layout. Also somehow the reputation grind for the BfA launch factions was kind of… ok? A whole new expansion! New questlines. Level how you want. OK, so maybe I’m just too focused on levels these days and can’t enjoy a good reputation grind for the sake of it. There’s even some gear! Hm, my two main toons were iLvl 395 and 394 when the patch came out, so maybe I’m not interested in gear either. The quest lines so far have been ok and to be fair Mechagon was a lot more fun than Nazjatar – maybe I simply don’t like underwater and Nagas and vertical zone layouts?

Anyway, here’s a list of stuff I did today instead of trying to get as much Nazjatar rep on my Alliance Paladin and Mechagon rep on my Horde Rogue (but at least I progressed a little with the story and the dailies on both, just not both zones on both characters):

  • Emperor Shaohao rep to Exalted (was only an hour or so)
  • Fishing 0 to 75 for the Darkmoon Faire quest: 4x (110 Undead DK, 101 BE Paladin, 120 Worgen Druid, 97 Dwarf Hunter)
  • Cooking to 75 for the same reason: 2x (97 Dwarf Hunter and 73 Worgen Priest)
  • Dwarf Shaman from 93 to 95
  • Tauren Druid from 103 to 105
  • Created a Nightborne Priest to start collecting Rested XP

That sounded really negative, but I think it boils down 90% to the zone design of Nazjatar, Mechagon looks cool. Also maybe I’m just not in the mood to do dailies right now. I am working on getting the Heritage armor on my Gnome Rogue (98 now, 3rd Rogue to 120, typical me) and Tauren Druid (I had forgotten how fun Feral DPS can be, also saved the group from a wipe with a well-timed Battle Rez in Eye of Azshara today). Otherwise I’m rotating through toons every few days to take advantage of Rested XP as good as possible. The Monk still has the +10%XP DMF buff, so maybe I should use that up before DMF comes again, and then I might also quickly grind out the 75 Fishing skill, as that’s the only total blank in regards to profession on all my Horde toons that were started before BfA. There are a few Alliance toons with zero professions, but I can live with that – since Legion (or MoP really, and WoD retroactively) I’ve not managed to max out stuff anyway. So maybe a little TODO list of short- to midterm goals is in order, so I don’t run off into the weeds again and may have time to dive into FFXIV again:

  • Unlock Flying in BfA, so grinding out Nazjatar and Mechagon rep
  • One of every class to 120. Missing: Hunter (111/97), Priest (111/73), Monk (110), DK (110/68), Mage (104/44)
  • Heritage Armor for Tauren, Dwarf, and Gnome
  • Heritage Armor for Kul Tirans and Mag’har

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Levels were gained

There wasn’t exactly much exciting stuff happening last week, also was out of town for 3 days. Some toons gained a few levels though:

  • Human Rogue to 120
  • Blood Elf Warlock to 120
  • Pandaren Monk to 107
  • Undead Death Knight to 105
  • Dwarf Hunter to 89
  • Mag’har Orc Rogue to 43
  • Kul Tiran Mage to 36

Well ok, maybe 2 new 120s are a little exciting. I’m not exactly pushing to gear them, just grabbing the easy upgrades from WQ, running a Warfront once, and so on.

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Rested XP and many alts

Right now I’m not dead set on playing a certain character, or even a certain game. FFXIV is a lot of fun, sure – but I’m right at the end of leveling in Heavensward (Bard is 59 now) and I have the feeling that you need to grind out long stretches every time you need a level to continue the MSQ. It was a little painful to reach 59 already, and now I need a dungeon run in some library and then… a quest gives ~40-50k XP and I need like 4m to 60. That’s about 80-100 quests. Dungeon runs are a little better XP per time, but for that I need rested XP.

Switch to WoW, I’m not participating in any endgame stuff or even trying to gear up my toons any further (iLvl 394 on Alliance and 390 on Horde is plenty, without really trying), but somehow leveling is really fun right now. I also have quite a few toons with rested XP, so here’s what I managed to do in the last week or so:

  • Kul Tiran Mage to 30
  • Mag’har Orc Rogue to 37
  • Dwarf Hunter to 85
  • Human Rogue to 115
  • Draenei DK tp 64
  • Blood Elf Priest to 110

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