Invasion to Nazjatar
Was home sick at the end of last week so couldn’t do much but when I felt better on Friday evening/Saturday I remembered that putting a character through the Nazjatar intro quests gives quite some nice gear upgrades, so I set out to get shit done while I wasn’t feeling so well to really enjoy anything but well enough to sit and do some mindless grinding.
There were some of my characters that had already started and/or completed the Nazjatar story lines:
- Dwarf Paladin, iLvl ~400
- Orc Rogue, iLvl ~398
- Troll Warrior, iLvl ~355
But in the meantime I had gotten quite a few more 120s and the Benthic gear tokens were already piling up a bit so I devised a strategy how to best spend them. Unfortunately I didn’t write down the exact item levels, but I remember them mostly…
- NE Demon Hunter, ~370
- NE Warrior, ~370
- Worgen Druid, ~360
- Human Rogue, ~350
- BE Warlock, ~340
- Pandaren Monk, ~340
- BE Priest, ~330
- Orc Shaman, ~315
So I started, first running all the 4 Alliance toons through the intro quests, grabbing the 370 weapon, 385 Head/Shoulders/Chest piece, then finally the 400 Benthic Legs/Feet/Hands piece. Then the 4 Horde toons.
And then I handed out the Benthic tokens I had banked. And then I did all the Nazjatar WQs that gave Benthic tokens or Manapearls (haven’t spent those yet). And then I did most emissary quests that were up over the whole weekend and grabbed all the WQs with gear upgrades. Now I have too many Benthic Chest and Feet tokens spare, but whatever.
This is the final outcome now:
- Dwarf Paladin, 406
- Orc Rogue, 403
- Troll Warrior, 382
- NE Demon Hunter, 395
- NE Warrior, 391
- Worgen Druid, 383
- Human Rogue, 382
- BE Warlock, 378
- Pandaren Monk, 369
- BE Priest, 375
- Orc Shaman, 383
So now I’m just unsure what’s the best strategy to upgrade with Manapearls is – get one item really high (430), get a few to medium high (400 to 420ish), or get the 385s to 400? I tend to think getting a few to 420 is the best bet, because then there are still some lower level slots where upgrades can be found easier. W e’ll see.
I did mention this very rare grinding mood, so there’s a few more things I did
- Did “The Missing Crew” for the Champion on all missing toons (9?)
- Herbalism to 175 on 3 Alliance toons and 1 Horde toon
- Mining to 175 on one Alliance toon
- Did the “Pick 10 Akunda’s Bite without being shocked” 4 times
- Found 9 Anchor Weed nodes on one toon for the quest
- About 5-8 other Herbalism/Mining quests
- Got Alchemy from 70ish to nearly 140
- Got Jewelcrafting from 60ish to 130
And oh my, I love Flying so much. I think I wouldn’t have done *any* of those things without it.
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