Completed: Game Dev Tycoon

At today’s Steam Summer Sale I grabbed Game Dev Tycoon for around 4 EUR. I started to play around noon and just now, after 6h I am finished.
Small intermission: There’s only a handful of games I really ever completed, on the SNES I just remember one Clay Fighter title, for example – I usually give up somewhere midway, and this week I already completed 2, yay me.
So, the game is about running a small game studio from one man in a garage to being a multi-million (I didn’t manage billions) company with employees.
I like the art style, it’s basic, but absolutely good enough. The music is nice and did not annoy me even after 6h despite being a little repetitive. I never worked in games development, but it’s a pretty damn accurate portrayal of software development in general, just enough details to not be wrong, without needless stuff players are probably not interested in (imho).
Apparently I unlocked 15/33 (45% of Achievements).

  • I got surprisingly few things to criticize:
  • The “selected features” when creating a new game are somewhat like a tech tree, i.e. you replace “Stereo Sound” with “Surround Sound”, but the UI does not group them. So either you throw the old ones out in your new game engine (which is kind of final and you might not always want to do that) or you click around a little too much. Cheap win for UX. (nice to have)
  • Events that occur to you can’t be postponed. No problem for donation calls or something, but just at the end (without spoilering) I would have liked to send my whole team on vacation for a month before they undertook this massive event that popped up and I could just accept or decline. (Surprisingly, the only non-exhausted developer came ahead. I snickered.) (The game doesn’t punish you, but would be nice and would add depth to your decisions)
  • Game Conventions should need planning. This one G3 (hehe) is announced to be “in 4 weeks” – but I have no timetable, if I can ship my game just before. Then again the game apparently does not care if I announce Vaporware or have a fresh title. (nice to have)
  • You can speed up most info dialogs by clicking, just not the 2 of them: visitor numbers from game conventions and reviews for your game. Why, why, why? “Click for instant text and dismiss the animation after the 10th time” – this was really annoying in the end. But to be fair it made me get up every hour and fetch a drink or something. Maybe educational 🙂
  • After playing for some hours you have just too many games and they are presented badly in the Game History. Bonus points for allowing arrow keys, but next playthrough I will open an Excel sheet on the second screen or have some pen and paper handy. I don’t miss that from the 90s games – but I think it could help, unless the Game History would be presented better (gets tedious after your first 20-30 games) for games to be grouped, filtered or sorted.
  • That’s it – not much that was not super fun.

Oh, and here are my final stats:

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Whitevale finished

After a few days of slacking and playing other games I hit 30 today and finished up Whitevale.
I liked the zone, but it was a bit much running around.
A few notes on professions:

  • One Tailoring quest seems to be bugged, I can’t discover the recipe
  • As a Tailor, Relic Hunting seems a bit pointless. Saving the mats up for now.
  • Cooking seems very complicated, haven’t started yet.

Spellslinger is still fun to play, but a bit squishy. If my pocket Warrior doesn’t have aggro, I have to shield and stun and heal quite a bit.

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Weekend wrapup

Thanks to the prolonged Pentecost weekend there was stuff happening.
OK, I didn’t level that much because we finally had some sun ’round here, but still… Spellslinger is nearly 21 and Stalker is 15 and has a lot and a mount.
I am not 100% happy with questing as a duo. Yes, people can disagree – but the Soldier quests are quite ok, you just kill a little bit more stuff than usual, but the Settler quests really end up costing time. And again the challenges (especially pickup) that start when you just made a little plan to clear out that camp. We’ve taken to taking turns on those, so one is grabbing everything, the other is killing mobs in the way – but it’s just ok, not really amazing.
But! … the game is still fun, although that raid attunement stuff Syl posted about did not sound fun at all… Basically I hated the Karazhan attunement back in TBC already and this sounds like a lot more work… but at least I haven’t yet decided if I will raid at all. Que sera, sera.

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New WildStar Library/Addon: NogaCharLib/NogaCharExport

So yeah, didn’t play much today but dug a bit deeper on the Addon development front and this is the outcome:

This is how would use the Library in your own addon:

local NogaCharLib = _G["NogaCharLib"]
local currency = NogaCharLib:GetCurrency()
local base = NogaCharLib:GetBaseStats()
local misc = NogaCharLib:GetMiscStats()
local all = NogaCharLib:GetAll()

Whereas the Addon has just one SlashCommand, namely /nogacharexport, which opens a window to copy your character data as JSON. The README in the aforementioned GitHub repo has example output.

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Bugs and Addons

As much as I overall love the experience (reached level 19 and 11), some quests (especially Path quests) can be awfully bugged. Even worse, unlike in other games, a relog did not help so far.
I had one Soldier mission that was only fixed after maintenance and now I am on the Explorer quest “SCAVENGER HUNT: Relics in the Rubble” which never lets the bar fill up to show where to dig, then after doing the 2nd part it does not even let me dig and the mobs that might drop the item in question… won’t. Reading forums again shows several people had that bug and spent hours killing with no result. As a programmer myself I know that bugs happen – but often you can work around them or avoid them, for quests it’s a bit hard, they’re kind of in the middle of a workflow.
Another thing that bugs me are the Mordesh quest givers in early Celestion. I mean, I know WoW is omnipresent, but letting them behave like the Forsaken and even give them the same voices… really disappointing.
On to nicer things, I am using these Addons right now, they all seem to run fine:

  • Galaxy Library
  • CustomFOV
  • GroupRadar
  • RestXPReminder
  • JunkIt

I also starting playing around on my own, the WildStar NASA wiki is a good start, but it’s a tad slow (maybe only from Europe) and not very elaborate yet. I signed up and hope to contribute a bit.
Things that are awesome:

  • Rover
  • /reloadui is quick and keeps chat history. This is priceless for Addon authors, especially if you’re just mucking about learning the API.

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Slow progress

Didn’t have that much time to play the last 2 evenings, so my Spellslinger is Level 17 now and questing in Galeras and my Mordesh Stalker is Level 8 and bouncing around Woodhaven. Game’s fun, but oh boy, are Challenges annoying. I usually love this kind of stuff, but not when it’s interrupting my questing. I tend to hate to be shoved into doing things the minute someone else decides it would be a good time… Especially if it’s a game. And yeah, you can do them later, but somehow you probably still feel pressed to do it now – you’d be killing those mobs anyway. Ah well, not everything can be awesome, right?
Speaking of awesome, this lore video is it.

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Spring cleaning

You know those resolutions like “I will update this blog more often now” – they hardly work.
Then again, a new game is exciting and when SW:TOR launched I at least managed to crank out a few, but on a different blog, long forgotten now.
Que sera, sera. For now I have updated the About page and added some stuff about WildStar and other MMOs than WoW.
I also cleaned up the Blogroll. 2 of 7 blogs still valid. 2 domains expired/squatted. 3 not updated in years. Will fill it up again soonish, maybe. Probably when I have decided whose blogs about WildStar I will read. Pat The Chua has a nice list, if you’re searching for content, I am evaluating that list as well.

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WildStar Head Start weekend

We Europeans were lucky, Saturday morning at 9:00  is would have been a nice time to start. I’m not complaining, by 10 or 10:30 I was online and creating my character.
We spent the day levelling, with some extended breaks and reached level 9 in the end. After the initial downtime which was attributed to a DDoS attack it went pretty smoothly.
Sadly the second PC in the household (still on Win7 32bit) started to act up around 22:00 with a permanent (MEM) FATALERROR: OUT OF MEMORY!
Some googling and sifting forums didn’t help and as the plan was to get rid of that a while ago already (WoW had been crashing a lot) this was the straw that broke the camel’s back and off I went. Just that I didn’t find any correct Windows CD, only my keys. Long story short, after some Windows Update fuckups I went to bed at 5:45 with a fresh Win7 64bit. It ran fine for about 6h and errored out twice since. Maybe I need to replace the RAM after all, what I has suspected already.
Bugs I found so far:

  • Percentage in Challenges sometimes drops when it’s supposed to go up. Sometimes you still make the challenge then.
  • UI settings are not saved at all / the BoA bag is gone after logout. Can be redeemed again though
  • You can fall through the world when opening your Achievements window
  • Unstuck only works sometimes
  • Nameplates vanish from time to time
  • Quest tracker sometimes crops quests

Stuff that is awesome:

  • Group does not drop on logout/disconnect
  • It’s fun!

So no, I don’t wanna complain too much, all in all it’s been a smooth launch. Some of the bugs are really annoying, but apart from that it’s a nice game.

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WildStar Beta

After originally only taking part in a stress test (the one without a reward, yay) I had the chance to play a few hours on the last beta weekend and levelled an Aurin Esper to 5.
Before the weekend I was totally hyped and eager for WildStar but after that I was pulled out of my dreamy vision a little. I love the graphics, the quests are ranging from bad to nice, didn’t notice any awesome ones 🙁
The Esper is fun, but a primary/base attack with a cast time feels weird. (I am not really used to playing casters…)
The audio bits are nice and not too much, did not capture any memories of the soundtrack.
This all sounds like a major letdown, but I actually think I wasn’t in the right mood to extensively test a new game. That again sounds apologetic, but I’m still looking forward to the launch and am 90% sure I’ll buy or even preorder it, I just lost my “total fanboy” status for now.
Here’a nice overview of beta impressions, let’s hope it’s not a 3 monther.

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LFR Tanking

My Alliance Warrior hit 90 a while ago and with Timeless Gear and a little drop luck in ToT I managed to get into SoO LFR quite soon. People were mostly horrible due to the “lol undergeared tank” but by not doing stupid things and sometimes explaining tactics they usually quieted down quickly. I’m approaching my guild’s gear requirement of ca. 520 for flex, hopefully next reset I’m done.
Other than that I took advantage of the Diablo 3 experience buff, my Wizard is nearly Level 50 and quite fun to play.
Trying out the WordPress Android App, seems to be quite nice.

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