The MMO Trinity

I just dinged 100 on my Orc Shaman, so the trinity of MMOs is complete once again.

  • Assassination Rogue (DPS)
  • Protection Warrior (Tank)
  • Restoration Shaman (Healer)

Now I just need to gear up the last two and try out some heroics. The Shammy already has the 640 Ring, but both are severely lacking in Garrison resource funds for the Level 3 Garrison.
Silver DPS Proving Grounds were no problem, but Bronze Healing was close on first try. I should read up on Talents, Glyphs and reorganize my bars.

  • The Shaman has 1h /played at Level 100 and 6 epic followers.
  • The Warrior has 5h /played at Level 100 and 2 epic followers.
  • The Rogue has 43h /played at Level 100 and only 5 epic followers (as of this morning).

Oh, and for WildStar, my Stalker hit 47 and started Southern Grimvault today. So close…

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Nostalgia: The blog that never was

In August 2007, a bit over 2 years before starting this blog, I already had started a wow blog. As I was playing a Rogue, it was aptly named Vanish!

Some time ago I found all 5 posts I had posted there, before taking it down again (no clue why) and now I’m sharing them, lightly edited.

Welcome onboard (Thu, 16 Aug 2007 23:27:27 +0200)

If there’s one thing the world doesn’t need, it’s probably another blog about WoW. But we will see how useless it will be.
As of now this blog is without a real theme, mostly it will be about Rogues, Druids, Warlocks, Raiding, Addons and, to a degree, about PvP, WoWWiki [1], Arena and the other classes.
The only editor (atm) has been playing since May 2005 with just a few breaks not longer than a month. That’s why he owns a 70 Rogue, 70 Druid, 65 Warlock, 35 Warrior and 19 Hunter Twink. He never really rerolled, just made chars to redo quests up to level 10 or visit friends on other servers. These were mostly Warriors that made it to their 20s on Arathor-EU, Vek’lor-DE, Malygos-DE and some others.
From the DE you can also see that he’s from Germany. He’s been living in Munich for more than 20 years, studying Computer Science for some years now and playing video games for less than 20 years. Normally he doesn’t talk about himself in the third person, but he started this post and was too lazy to rewrite it.

Maulgar is king! (Fri, 17 Aug 2007 00:20:00 +0200)

Some hours ago I finished the first run to Gruul’s Lair with my guild. The Unstable Flasks are quite handy, and as I had 1000 Apexis Shards on my Druid I made a stack of 20 and was happy to get some bankspace back.
Sadly it didn’t run too well, the pull really is awfully complicated and we wiped… and wiped… and wiped. Good thing is that I could run out and not die most of the times when the pull failed. Still some repair costs and time feels a bit wasted as I didn’t do much besides clicking ok to readycheck and dpsing Blindeye sometimes. Oh, and sorting out DKP from a handful of screenshots will definitely be more demanding than my role in this fight.

Stupidest Feature ever (Sat, 18 Aug 2007 02:19:25 +0200)

The berserker buff in instances not only gives you +30% damage, it also lets your model grow in size.
Now if you take the berserker buff inside the Stables, try to run out because it’s busy with Alliance and can’t get through the archway you just used and thus die… you wanna strangle someone responsible for that…

Games Convention 2007 (Mon, 27 Aug 2007 01:39:56 +0200)

The GC was quite interesting, but I couldn’t be bothered to queue up for 2h or more just to get to play Wrath of the Lich King for maybe 10 mins. Too much fuzz. The Trading Card Game seemed quite nice, although it’s a bit sad that the Upper Deck employees didn’t really know more than the absolute basics of the game.

Maulgar was king (Mon, 27 Aug 2007 01:44:38 +0200)

Second night of Gruul’s Lair. After some attempts on Maulgar I was feared into the wall with full health and mana and had to watch one after the other die. At 1% the only remaining Paladin couldn’t keep the MT up anymore and we wiped. Quite frustrating, as I tried everything from casting “target not in line of sight” and them positioning Maulgar in front of the wall I was inside to Auto-Unstuck (which doesn’t work in battle of course…). But the next try we killed him with 25man up (maybe 1 or battle rezzes used) and then even got Gruul to 60%, let’s wait for next week.
[1]: This predates wowpedia, but I strongly encourage you to use Wowpedia, not WoWWiki.

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World of Tamagotchicraft

So I’m still playing WoW, but kind of I am not. I’m now at Level 100 (Rogue), 97 (Warrior), 95 (Shaman) and 93 (Priest) and most of my time feels like it’s spent relogging and sending my followers on missions. This can be delightful or frustrating and feels like tracking 30 Tamagotchis.
I was pretty unlucky on my main (Rogue), still haven’t got a single epic follower, although ~18 of them are level 100 – whereas my Shaman got 3 epic ones in Frostfire Ridge already.
All in all I’m trying to get the most of my month of subscription and it’s really fun to do stuff with my old guildies again, but by and large I think I won’t resub. We’ll see.

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Warlords of Draenor

Yep, I gave in. Was sick at home for over a week with the flu, so in the last days (on Thursday the 27th to be exact) I bought WoD, paid for  a month and started levelling. Still couldn’t really leave the house (just the way to the doctor and pharmacy had been hell earlier in the week), so I grabbed a big pot of tea, wrapped myself in a blanket and levelled my Rogue from 90 to 100 until Friday evening.
In the start I hated it. Or to be more precise, I didn’t have a lot of fun. It was just more of the same. I liked the abundance of Rares and Shinies to find and enjoy and the new Pickpocketing is ace. But overall, not too thrilling. It got a bit better as the garrison developed. Now I am sitting at iLvl 621 after the weekend after around 6 Heroics and my Warrior is already 93. Didn’t play WildStar in the last 4 days, so it can’t be that bad. I still don’t plan to raid – but we’ll see what will happen in these remaining 25 days. 🙂

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LFR Tanking

My Alliance Warrior hit 90 a while ago and with Timeless Gear and a little drop luck in ToT I managed to get into SoO LFR quite soon. People were mostly horrible due to the “lol undergeared tank” but by not doing stupid things and sometimes explaining tactics they usually quieted down quickly. I’m approaching my guild’s gear requirement of ca. 520 for flex, hopefully next reset I’m done.
Other than that I took advantage of the Diablo 3 experience buff, my Wizard is nearly Level 50 and quite fun to play.
Trying out the WordPress Android App, seems to be quite nice.

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Herald of the Titans

Yes, we did it! We killed Algalon the Observer with a Level 80 group!

  • Prot Warrior (Human Male)
  • Blood DK (Dwarf Male)
  • Holy Paladin (Draenei Female)
  • Holy Paladin (Draenei Female)
  • Resto Shaman (Draenei Female)
  • Arcane Mage (Gnome Female)
  • Arcane Mage (Gnome Female)
  • Elemental Shaman (Dwarf Female, me)
  • Affliction Warlock (Human Female)
  • Shadow Priest (Worgen Female)

After ~90mins of pulls with a slight change of tactics (all who can survive Big Bang just stay up) we managed to kill him and got our shiny achievement 🙂

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LFR again

The Rogue mentioned in the last post has hit Level 90 after 3d 6h /played, grabbed some Timeless gear and is visiting ToT right now.

Apart from that our first hour of Algalon for the Herald feat was not successful, let’s hope for next week.

Meanwhile I dug out my Night Elf Prot Warrior that’s been levelled nearly exclusively via tanking 5mans till 63 a year or so ago. Current level is 80, yay Cataclysm.

Other than that, on my main’s server we’re now working on Heroic Spoils after a few weeks on Malkorok.

I cancelled my EVE subscription after 4 months, but I plan to come back. Other than that I just installed LoL and will hopefully try it soon with some colleagues. 

Future plans include definitely WildStar and maybe Starbound. 

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For the… Alliance?

Been busy with levelling a Dwarf Shammy on a different server where some friends play and got recruited for a Herald of the Titans run and capped XP at 80 and been collecting some 226 gear right now.
As that char was blocked now I started to level my original “hi, I’m visiting” character, a Gnome Rogue, which hit Outland and then 60 yesterday.

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What’s a Mage again?

I took her on, it was Arena night
I wanted cleave to get the comp just right
We started damage soon and she froze me in place
But then I hit Pummel fast
And that’s about the time she blinked away from me
Nobody likes you when you pvp
And I’m still more amused by interrupts
What the hell, Invisibility?
What’s a Mage again?
What’s a Mage again?
That happens if someone says the wrong things in raid chat.

What’s a Mage again? Read More »


I was thinking about starting a WoW blog – “The most uninteresting blog of all time”, where I would list stuff I did every day.
For today it would look a little like this:

  • Levelled Pandaren Monk from mid-65 to start of 67 in Nagrand and Blade’s Edge – gotta love that 1h EXP buff
  • Ran Headless Horseman for the second time on my Alliance Rogue for the Sword and got it
  • Was publicly looking forward to maybe finally raid with my Alliance Guild in the next expansion due to Flex Raid (I usually log in once per expansion, say hi, level to the cap in a short time, vanish, come back to level up professions, vanish until next expansion) – was told to go to the Timeless Isle to grab some gear
  • I actually went to the Timeless Isle to get some gear, but was missing a few pieces, so got the Horde Druid over there as well to collect more leather gear

That’s when you get to sit out on a Raid day and your guild doesn’t kill Garrosh again…

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