Diablo 3 – Season 8

At first I was a bit hesitant to play Diablo 3 again but after a quick 3.5 hours I was rushed through 3 Torment V rifts and few other things and boom – my Barbarian is Level 70, Paragon ~50 and at 8/10 Chapter 4. So I now just need a weapon to roll a socket on and do solo GRift 20 and Chapter 4 is done – with 4h /played. Too quick? Maybe. 4h of fun? Hell yes.

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This Legion thing is fun!

So yeah, just barely made it to not post for 2 full months. Too much work, too much summer, too much WoW I guess.
My main is a Female Night Elf Demon Hunter at iLvl 832 that has yet to tank a Heroic, but is doing some OK damage in Heroics and the one Mythic I tried.
I also levelled my Orc Ele/Resto Shaman to 110 (iLvl 820) but so far I’ve been very unimpressed with the damage, maybe I should try Enhancement.
Finally I got some Artifact weapons (Assassination Rogue, Fury Warrior, and Frost Mage) and brought the former two to 101.
During the Legion pre-events there was a lot of pushing. DK 90 to 100, 2nd Warrior 90 to 100, Druid 90 to 100, Warlock 90 to 100, Hunter 90 to 100, Mage 90 to 98, Paladin 90 to 93, Monk 85 to 90, 2nd Paladin 1 to 61. And maybe I even forgot some – but I was so unimpressed with Draenor levelling after the first time Horde and Alliance (still managed to get 5 toons to 100 the proper way, 4 back when WoD launched and one in my month before Legion) that I decided to take every advantage I could get from the easy XP.
All in all I’m really happy with Legion, especially transmog, Artifact Weapons, the Order Halls, the level scaling.
The only downsides for me are Professions (too different, too many dungeons, too many quests, too much focused on your main) and Reputations – I was hoping I could skip like one zone per character to not repeat *everything* but because of the reputation requirements for World Quests you have to do all of them (or at least the first half) and can only decide on the order. That is a very wasted opportunity for replayability for me.

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There and back again

I bought my first WoW token 3h ago and so basically I’m back. My last visit was a short one – bought WoD and stayed for exactly one month. Now I have one month to become excited for Legion… or not.
In other news, I haven’t really played any games (except a bit of training and moving ops in EVE) and logging in for daily rewards in GW2 and Marvel Heroes.

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40 Heroes, yay

Not only did I grind enough Cake Slices in the anniversary event to buy my 39th character (chose Doctor Doom because he’s 600 Splinters), no, I also had 400 Splinters to buy another one, Juggernaut. Already brought that one to 60 this evening.
I also finished my first Cosmic Trial. Of all Heroes it was Spider-Man. Did some equipping for a few days (not really much play time) and with some less than perfect gear I managed it on the 2nd try where I failed spectacularly with Hawkeye and Gambit. Both of those I thought I can play a lot better, having invested quite some time, gear and money.
I also played around 3 hours of Faeria when it was free on Steam. Was a lot more fun than when I tried Hearthstone, but right now I think I don’t want to collect cards, build decks and least of all play against other people. My penchant for PvP in any form seems to have vanished completely. It’s still 30% off (and early access) so maybe I’ll bite tomorrow. I absolutely enjoyed the solo campaign, but as it’s only ~14 games, I managed to finish that already. It reminds me a lot of Magic: The Gathering, but I really like the board game aspect. If only it weren’t for the frustration of other people’s decks with cards you’ve never seen…

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A Season’s Journey

Oh wow, 3 weeks no post. Not that this is so uncommon, more like… I was busy playing instead of writing.
Diablo 3’s Season 6 has me completely engulfed. I’m only logging into GW2 and Marvel Heroes for my daily login bonuses and checking my skill queue in EVE from time to time – but I’m only actively playing Diablo 3 atm.
I played 71 minutes on a Crusader in Season 4, otherwise this is my first time participating, and it’s surprisingly fun. I rolled a Crusader again and my time /played (and I just looked this up while writing this) is 66 hours and 6 minutes. I am Paragon Level 331 and just finished the Slayer part with a 30 GR that felt very boring. But I had only managed to finish Chapter IV 20 minutes ago with the Seeker of the Light-Set-Dungeon after failing the Akkhan one for a while.
So yeah, GR 46 and Torment IX as a duo is my absolute record in terms of Diablo 3 after having been burnt more than a bit when it launched (my Barbarian with 70h /played has worse gear than a 7h old character I rolled a year or two after launch. My main account is also at just Paragon Level 100 and my second best character (Sorceress) was doing ok in Torment I when I logged in after many months and tried to get back into the game for a few minutes.

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More Heroes, More Prestige

So I gave in and bought the Deluxe Advance Pack 3 in Marvel Heroes. I already had Green Goblin, but at least got a new (prettier) Costume. Also got Elektra already and now waiting for the other Heroes and Team-Ups (Heroes: Nick Fury, Ultron, Angela, Black Bolt, TBD and Team-Ups: Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Spider-Man (Miles Morales), 2 TBD). I also stopped getting random splinter boxes and instead bought She-Hulk for 400 splinters.
Also there was again some visible progress:

  • Cyclops to 60
  • Elektra to 60
  • She-Hulk to 60
  • Nightcrawler prestiged to Purple (3x)
  • Jean Grey prestiged to Green (1x)
  • She-Hulk prestiged to Green (1x)

So that’s now 38 Heroes and currently 19 missing.

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Marvel Heroes achievements

No directly visible progress in Marvel Heroes, but I’ve been doing a lot of achievement hunting and general catch-up in the last weeks.
The ‘Exploration’ category is done, I’ve pushed 33 heroes through Infernal Limbo by now and did most of the ‘Heroes’ achievements that involve running red/green dungeons and story mode. What’s mostly missing is Cosmic runs (many of them in Castle Doom) and a few One-Shot runs. I’ve hardly started on the “kill 1000-2000 enemies somewhere specific, with this or that hero or with some special item equipped”.
I also now own 9 of the 10 Unique Item upgrade recipes.

  • 4479/13334 – 33% for achievement points.
  • 36 Heroes, all of them at Level 60
  • 8 Team-Ups, all of them at Level 60
  • 14 Pets
  • Prestiges: 1 Cosmic, 1 Red, 4 Blue, 2 Green
  • 415 days of Login Rewards
  • 26 Hero STASH tabs
  • 10 general STASH tabs

Right now I’m unsure if I’m should continue to randomize characters – the chance is only (57-36)/57 (which rougly equals 36%) to get a new hero. I will probably save up until I have 400 and then decide. Or get to 575 and try it once…

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Completed: The Nonomancer: Graybeard’s Revenge

It’s only a small game, but a very good one. David Brevik (of Diablo and Marvel Heroes fame) apparently went indie after stepping down as Gazillion CEO and already delivered.
If you remember Mario’s Picross from the original Game Boy days, Nonomancer is basically this, reimagined. Not very creative, but it still works and kept me busy for around 6-8 hours (for 50 levels).
The key difference are that there’s no time limit, and you don’t get penalized for mistakes – which kind of makes it easier, but you can’t take a small hit to get a hint like in Picross. E.g. decide a 50/50 chance by just guessing and get either a correct field or some info plus an error…
The only downsides are that you don’t have a helper to draw straight lines (shift-click like in Photoshop might work) or play it with a controller.
Unlike Picross on most difficulties not all of the puzzles can be solved without guessing, but you get to choose one of a variety of power-ups to get you a headstart – in the picture above a 7×7 field was uncovered on game start.

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A Daredevil weekend

Apparently Gazillion thought it would be a good idea to have a Daredevil event this weekend where you’d get +200% XP and another +50% for playing Daredevil or Punisher.
Apparently I thought that it might be a good idea to take advantage of that… So now I have a Red Prestige Daredevil (white -> green on Saturday, green -> blue -> purple -> orange -> red on Sunday) and then continued to nix my poor judgement of not doing story mode for a few chars and thus lacking power points. So Thing went to green and Captain Marvel to blue. My record time (with Daredevil and a ton of buffs – roughly +563% displayed + probably 150% server buff) for a full 1-60 run is 27 minutes, 32 seconds, but mostly it took around 30 minutes. Thing was slower with 40 minutes and with 200% less XP Captain Marvel needed around 50 minutes each for both runs. To end the day on a less grindy note I finally did Chapter 10 for the first time – on Hawkeye.
And then I also lucked out on Splinters again and thus have Cyclops. So that’s 36 characters, of which 35 are max level and 8 Level 60 Team-Ups, plus 20 non-Cosmic prestige runs and 1 Cosmic prestige run in 395 days since I started playing. Apparently that puts me into the top 10 “number of combined character levels” leaderboard already, although it’s only 3400 – whereas the current #1-#3 have 23520, which maybe means they have cosmic prestiged every single hero? I can’t seem to make up the math.
Maybe time for another most-wanted list:

  • Juggernaut
  • She-Hulk
  • Kitty Pryde
  • Ant-Man
  • Venom

and the rest is not so interesting right now I guess.

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Back to Marvel Heroes

Time to dig out Marvel Heroes again. Lucked out on getting Green Goblin via 175 Splinters and levelled him to 60. Was pretty fun as well. That makes 35 level 60 heroes now.
Second random was a dupe, so Black Panther got an Ultimate Rank, oh well.
Apparently the Team-Up window is bugged at the moment and you get a random level displayed. Not sure if it’s doing any harm or if it’s just a display bug. Glad I’m not doing hard content atm though 😛
I was thinking about getting the Advance Pack but when I wanted to make the final decision, it was pulled from the shop already. Ah well, 60 bucks saved I guess. But I bought 2450 G for 20$.
I really love the Crafting change, as there’s only one level for each of the four elements. Then again I’m not sure it’s pretty hard to get enough of them now if you’re rerolling costume affixes (+crit damage all the way).

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