
A return to SWTOR?

SWTOR’s new expansion Legacy of the Sith has dropped and I actually patched up and logged in!

There has been a huge UI overhaul and the SWTOR subreddit seems to collectively hate it. I’m not super happy with some of the things, but overall I don’t see a problem – but I’ve not done a lot of things yet. Yes, the class icons are an abomination and I really hope they’ll patch them…

I did play through the “Echoes of Oblivion” thing of one of the last patches last night, and while I liked it overall, I am not a fan of this type of setting (to avoid spoilers), I prefer more non-abstract down-to-earth missions.

According to this neat flowchart it seems I have 2 instances lined up, then I will run into the wall that is “must be a subscriber to play the new expansion”, but I’ve not even logged in more than 2 (Republic) characters as of now, and I’ve been away for more than a year (last SWTOR post in September 2020), so I first need to find out where in the story I stand and maybe I have some catch-up to do anyway. Won’t hurt to familiarize myself with some of my toons again, and right now I don’t mind catching up with older content – but of course I won’t repeat this 10 times…

As I wrote this week I’m still 100% unsure whether to resub WoW for 9.2, so I think it’s a bad idea to sub SWTOR now – but if WoW doesn’t happen or if I’m gone again after a month, then this is a possibility. I guess having someone at home who has started playing again (and actually managing to get over 100 renown levels in the last week to get that “every class to 100” achievement) has helped the hype factor – as usual it’s better to play with friends.

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It’s a weird month. Lost Ark launched and I wanted to take a look. Today SWTOR’s new expansion Legacy of the Sith launched and I actually patched, logged in, and tried out the new character creation. We got a date for WoW’s 9.2 patch and I’m unsure if I want to get back and raid.

All this and I’m kinda busy with FFXIV. We seem to have added a 2nd (short) raid day without me really noticing and hardly anyone needs any drops from P1S anymore on their main class. We made some good progress on P2S already and maybe Sunday we’ll succeed… at least my EVE sub lapses in a few days, so I’d technically be free to pay for a 2nd MMO again (with my self-imposed limit of a maximum of 2 concurrent subs).

The question is if I want to. Maybe I’ll manage to find out if I can get by on my Preferred SWTOR account and have a meaningful peek without having to sub right now, then give WoW a chance for a single month, and then see how I feel about either of them…

Bad timing, this month is too busy.

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Other games

Played some non-MMO games this week. Shocking, I know.

First up is Ironcast, which I found in my Epic Games library. (Still gonna link to Steam as well). It’s basically a match-3 but you’re in a Victorian Steampunk Mech and the match-3 is only to grab resources (Ammo, Energy, Coolant, Repair) – you have only 3 tries to match per round, and mostly you need to survive and shoot the enemy. Or collect X crates on the field. Or salvage. And if you die you keep your level, but not your unlocks. Oh, and you can upgrade your mech with abilities and better weapons etc. It’s really fun and I played for a few hours.

Then there’s The World Next Door (Steam) which also seems to be a match-3 but kinda realtime. The story seems a bit thin, but I was excited to try this – unfortunately I can’t play it without a controller. When you enter battle you move with the arrow keys and when over a match, you press C to attack the closest enemy with that match. This would be fine, but if you need to swap tiles you need to stand on it, press X, move to the target, press X again and then C to attack. I gave up in the second fight because I find this impossible to do with the keyboard alone, and I don’t have a controller.

But I did find another gem here, Death Coming (Steam). Here you play the Grim Reaper’s pixelated assistant and you need kill (nearly) all NPCs on the map by causing accidents. This is so fun!

And it reminded me of The Incredible Machine, a 1993 DOS game I loved. I found a site where you can play it in the browser, and then I also spent a while on that.

The Incredible Machine

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More Savage Raiding and stuff

I wrote about our first visit to Asphodelos two weeks ago. Since then we managed to do P1S another time the following Sunday, this time without subs. We finished in 9:33, which was 26 seconds faster than the first kill, despite two new people, which was kinda nice already. Then we continued on to P2S with only reading up on half the tactics, but we managed to get to 80%, not yet Phase 2. But it looked good.

Next Sunday was not going to happen so we planned for Tuesday and Thursday last week, and so we went in for P1S again and finished after 2 wipes. The time was again 9:33, but with 2 deaths and a lot of damage down buffs. We all had the feeling we made so many more errors than the week before but routine seems to settle in, as shown by the time and the overall same DPS – but with deaths and personal setbacks. This is really nice. We then tried P2S again but due to time constraints only a few tries happened, but we got to Phase 2, so while we may not be quick in the grand scheme of things, for our hours invested we’re happy with the progress so far. This week we’ll be going for P1S on Tuesday and P2S on Sunday. I’d be a bigger fan of one raid day (even if these are very short), but organizing times for a static with people who work shifts and on weekends is hard. Certainly a lot harder than with a WoW guild where you just put a day and a date and it usually doesn’t matter if a single person can’t make it.

Regarding job levels I’m nearly done with all casters to 60 and I also hit 90 on Dark Knight and Dancer, but I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong because sometimes it still feels slow overall, but then again I am only doing all the roulettes and Pixie dailies, not much more…
I guess my focus is on Gunbreaker currently, then Astrologian and Machinist to 90, then maybe Scholar again. Oh, and I unlocked Reaper because I want to see the melee role quest in Shadowbringers.

Leveling progress

But on the last two weekends I finally managed to push Miner and Botanist to 90, and getting a few of the Studium Deliveries in Old Sharlayan done.

DoH/DoL jobs as of last night

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What’s up for 2022?

As I wrote in 2020, I’m not big on any of these things:

  • being hyped up for future games
  • buying a lot of games
  • actually playing the games I own

But for some reason right now I’m a little obsessed (compared to my usual mood) with looking for other games to play and also what’s coming up this year. And what I missed in 2021. It’s weird!

So I’ve been scouring YouTube for some of these “lists” videos. Upcoming, best of 2021, overall or per genre and so on. And I actually went through my whole Epic Games library of 99% “got this game for free” list and wrote down some notes and watched the trailer, and I even identified a few I want to play, and most surprusingly, actually have played one for a while.

I am not sure where this comes from, maybe it’s coincidence or maybe I’m not 100% enthusiastic about leveling all the jobs in FFXIV atm. Which in no way means I am drifting away, surprisingly – it means I’m doing my roulettes every day (or some of them), I am raiding Savage – but I don’t feel like spending my whole evening on FFXIV. Maybe it is actually true that this game values your time a lot more than WoW does. There’s always something to do in WoW, but here I can more easily feel “done for the day”.

Anyway, here’s a list (in no particular order) of upcoming games I am at least moderately interested in:

  • Weird West, Adventure/RPG, March 2022, on Steam
  • Two Point Campus, May 2022, Simulation, on Steam
  • Forspoken, May 2022, ARPG, on Steam – 80 EUR, WTF?
  • Anvil Saga, RPG?, 2022, Demo on Steam
  • Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, FPS, 2022?, on Steam
  • Nightingale, Survival?, 2022? Trailer on YouTube

Do these twothree even launch on PC?

  • Redfall, Summer 2022, FPS, Trailer on YouTube, some gameplay (Xbox Series S?)
  • Triangle Strategy, 2022? Trailer on YouTube (Switch?)
  • Horizon: Forbidden West, 2022?, Gameplay Demo on YouTube (PlayStation?)

Now the ones that look interesting but have already launched:

And then there are some “big” upcoming releases and to my non-surprise none of these sound in any way interesting to me, no matter how highly anticipated or awesome they are supposed to be:

  • Elden Ring
  • God of War
  • Rainbox Six
  • Pokémon Legends
  • Sifu
  • Total War
  • that Warhammer 40k FPS
  • Gran Turismo
  • Kirby
  • Mario and Rabbids
  • Sonic

Some notable mentions:

  • Ratchet and Clank – that upcoming title looks a bit meh, but I’ve always wanted to play the older titles
  • Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 – not really interested, but maybe I should look at the first one?

Finally, because this post isn’t long enough already, some games I own and have yet to play:

  • Transistor
  • ARK: Survival Evolved
  • Bad North
  • Cities: Skylines
  • For the King
  • Frostpunk
  • Moving Out
  • Neon Abyss
  • Pathway
  • Salt and Sanctuary
  • Surviving Mars
  • The Messenger
  • Totally Reliable Delivery Service
  • Prison Architect

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Among Us

I know I’m late to the party but this week I played Among Us for the first time. I’d actually gotten it via Epic at some point, so no 3 EUR for the developers, boo.

It’s a fun game, we played with 7-12 people, and I already knew around half of them.

The Among Us Lobby

My main gripe is that it doesn’t seem particular beginner friendly, or maybe I’m just not the right audience. Sure, I knew the premise and I grasped the basic game play.

But two important things – first I hadn’t already developed a sense of how a dead body looks (I was moving fast to do my tasks) and it happened twice that I arrived at a body at the same time as someone else and clicked it (like you click your tasks) and in that exact moment the other person had reported. So I learned “click to report”, which is wrong though. The second thing is the loud alarm. No one told me and I did not notice you had to run to a certain room and do something, the others just did it and the alarm went away. It might have even been in the short ” how to play intro” you can click through, but it’s like 5 screenshots and as exciting as a powerpoint presentation. So I managed to get through like 3h of game play without noticing some key elements, which is a bit bad. I think we would have noticed with a smaller group, but because there are SO few rules I am still a bit puzzled.

I liked that you can just choose a name per game and also that the cosmetic options are good enough for starting out.

Anyway, it’s fun and I’ll join if they play again.

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One hundred million

Another milestone, the last one was in August. This time it’s a bit moot as I’ve not been playing for a while, but the account was subscribed and I was dutifully filling up my skill queue.

Skill category             Points     No. of skills
Spaceship Command         27,613,126  62 *
Gunnery                   15,773,685  40 *
Drones                    8,859,375   18
Missiles                  8,390,514   23
Navigation                7,327,839   13
Engineering               6,842,040   15
Subsystems                4,096,000   16
Fleet Support             3,843,169   12
Shields                   3,496,158   12 *
Electronic Systems        2,863,220   14
Targeting                 2,575,530    8
Armor                     2,547,805   11
Scanning                  1,899,374    7
Resource Processing       901,035      9 -
Neural Enhancement        778,275      5
Rigging                   679,060     10
Science                   502,275     13
Social                    434,510      6
Planet Management         394,040      4
Trade                     359,530      8
Production                276,743      4
Structure Management      24,040       1
Corporation Management    250          1

* = changes since last time
- = CCP took away some skills

Skills at Level 5:   119 (+9)
Skills at Level 4:   121 (-7)
Skills at Level 3:    41 (-4)
Skills at Level 2:     5 (+4)
Skills at Level 1:    26 (-1)
Skills at Level 0:     1 (-3)

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Cross-faction in WoW

“It’s happening. Cross-faction dungeons, raids, and rated PvP will begin testing soon.

So this tweet came out like 2h ago and as someone who has been playing for over 15 years (with breaks) my only reaction is: WHY? WHY NOW?

I played nearly exclusively on Horde from 2005 to 2014. I had a few lowbie alliance alts on random servers, and then one Rogue in a guild on the same server. I joined that guild full-time when I came back for BfA. Then I transferred my main off last summer, to another Alliance guild.

Had this been in the game in 2018 I wouldn’t have had to level all chars again on the other faction. Well of course no one pressured me to do this but I would have absolutely stuck with my old “Horde” chars if I could’ve played with my guild. Not all toons of course, but I would’ve led my old three main chars through all the content.

So yeah, there are no cross-faction guilds, but I maybe would’ve raided on my Troll Warrior in Castle Nathria and Sanctum.

So I guess, personal history with wishing for this feature aside, it’s a good change, but I’m not sure it’s as tremendous as it sounds, if there are no cross-realm guilds. There are some players who are mostly on their main, would they even notice when someone is asking for a group in guild chat where they are not? The people who always seem to be on alts.. those could probably be in the guild. It gets complicated quickly, if you don’t have a dedicated chat channel – or if your guild is not advertising guild dungeon runs on Discord, and honestly why would they? Only if a sizable percentage of people might be on their other-faction chars. I dunno, it seems half-baked.

I’m not mad, just disappointed. (And I am 100% not mad for “grr Horde, grr Alliance” reasons – that ship has sailed. We have worked together cross-faction since WotLK with the Argent Crusade.

Personal PS: If they would manage to get this live for the 9.2 raid, I might actually do this on my Blood Elf Warlock and raid with my Alliance guild. But she’s still cross-server, so maybe it doesn’t work out again anyway, so probably nothing changes at all… And I simply don’t believe that this will be live for the 9.2 raid.

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Wrath Classic

Shintar had an interesting post about a hypothetical (but eagerly? awaited) further installment of the WoW Classic cycle. I’ve not thought a lot about it, whether and for how long “Classic” would continue to evolve. But from most people I talked to and what I read, the consensus seems to be that Cataclysm can’t be part of anything “Classic”, because that’s where everything changed and this third expansion was sort of the beginning of a new era. I can’t really say “the” new era, because between expansions some things have gradually shifted and some have changed the game a lot. Also as I stopped playing in MoP, the fourth expansion, that’s my personal big breaking point, as I basically skipped the next one and only then came back. I simply know I am not objective enough to see the end of MoP as anything but the greatest change for me personally, as it coincided with my first years-long break.

Anyway, about Wrath. I’d rate my involvement in the game only at medium in Vanilla, despite spending a lot of time in PvP battlegrounds at the tail end, but I had missed out on most of the start and was just casually levelling up. Having fun, but not really invested. TBC was very different. I was eagerly awaiting the launch, I instantly started leveling, then raiding Karazhan, then hating it, then there was guild drama, then a new guild, then a little drama, and finally getting together with the people I’d spend half of TBC and then Wrath and Cata and even MoP together. But TBC was a very long time ago, Wrath was a little less long ago. At the start of TBC I pretty much still felt like a noob, having played for ~1.5 years. When Wrath launched I’d been playing for for over 3 years, and I had raided Black Temple, the pinnacle of difficulty. Also I think in Wrath I played even more than I did in TBC. Leveling alts, doing Heroics, raiding. Raiding on alts, everything. As I continued into Cata like this there was no burnout or anything, but still after all these years…

When my interest in Vanilla Classic was kinda big, my interest in TBC Classic was already a lot lower. I had seen SSC and TK, I had raided Black Temple, I tanked and healed some raids in addition to playing on my Rogue Main. And then Wrath. I leveled so many alts, we went to ICC so much, we killed the Lich King on Heroic. I have the feeling I’ve been there and while it’s been over 11 years by the time I’m writing this, even more than in TBC I have so many memories where I can honestly say: I had fun at the time, but I don’t need or even want to repeat that. It was fun because of the time, because of the people, and because it was new. I think to a degree I stopped leveling first in Classic and then in TBC Classic because I did not have those rose-colored glasses. My estimates of how slow everything would feel were 90% correct. I knew it was slow, I just had overestimated my own perseverance, as these two times it felt like a chore so often.

So yeah, and then the fact that my dungeon group mostly stopped playing in the middle of something, twice. Or even three times. Guess next time I’ll just not fall for it.

And interestingly none of this is really Blizzard’s fault (unlike in Retail). People wanted to have the original experience, and that is fine. I don’t need to relive everything. I had fun in Classic and TBC, but looking back even now it feels like a bit of wasted time – because one of my goals is usually reaching max level, and I failed to do that both times.

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Savage raiding in FFXIV

Last night we finally managed to get our static together on the third Sunday where we had planned and went into Asphodelos. Roughly 33 wipes, the last two were due to enrage and a lack of DPS, but at least we made it so far.

One of eight couldn’t make it today, but we planned to continue with 7, then sadly one more was sick, so we had to sub in two people (who had already both killed him) and after five more wipes we had him down. Yes, it was nice to get it done, but it was also a bit of a letdown because it wasn’t “the team”, despite us just having started now in this expansion and most of us not having played together ever, or not recently. And one of the replacement folks was a reaper who did 20.8% of the damage, versus an average 15.x for the other 3 dps.

This is not to lay blame on them in any way, of course. I was parsing 1% (instead of 0%) on Warrior, but at least I was over 10% better than yesterday – with 3.51k DPS (2.08m damage, 8.73%), and I shouldn’t be behind our Paladin MT – so I’m certainly not in a position to criticize them.

Anyway, raiding is moderately fun but I am not and will probably never be a fan of how DPS-focused all the non-DPS jobs in FFXIV are, at least compared to WoW. That’s currently my number one downside in this game. If I am healing I want to heal and not perfect my DPS rotation, if I am tanking I want to do other things than paying attention to my DPS rotation.

It just feels bad if I am learning a new class (and as I played my Warrior just a little before Endwalker, and never did any “hard” content, I am counting it as new) and no matter how good it feels to be doing all the mechanics correctly and mitigating at the right time, if you get a 1% parse it kinda sucks. Then again I looked at some of the numbers, a #1000 kill in ~8:17 instead of our 10:00 (Enrage), the numbers for some random Warriors are:

  • Orange 95% parse, 5,24k DPS, 2.61m damage, 10.96%
  • Purple 78% parse, 5.04k DPS, 2.4m damage, 10.55%
  • Blue 74% parse, 4.86k DPS, 2.42m damage, 10.17%
  • Blue 50% parse, 4.75k DPS, 2.38m damage, 9.99%
  • Green 39% parse, 4.66k DPS, 2.32m damage, 9.74%
  • Grey 18% parse, 4.36k DPS, 2.17m damage, 9.12%

So I guess around 4.5k would be the benchmark to be good enough for Green, so that would probably be a reasonable goal. Or maybe getting to 10-15% first 😛

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